- FormController
- ImportExportController
- ListController
- RelationController
- ReorderController
- UserPreferencesModel
- AuthManager
- BackendController
- Controller
- ControllerBehavior
- DashboardManager
- DashboardWidgetBase
- FilterScope
- FilterWidgetBase
- FormField
- FormTabs
- FormWidgetBase
- ListColumn
- LoginCustomization
- MainMenuItem
- NavigationManager
- ReportDataSourceBase
- ReportDataSourceManager
- ReportWidgetBase
- RoleManager
- RolePermission
- SettingsController
- SideMenuItem
- Skin
- StaticReportWidgetContainer
- VueComponentBase
- WidgetBase
- WidgetManager
- WildcardController
- AccessLog
- BrandSetting
- Dashboard
- EditorSetting
- ExportModel
- ImportModel
- Preference
- ReportDataCache
- User
- UserGroup
- UserPreference
- UserPreferenceModel
- UserRole
- UserThrottle
- Filter
- Form
- Lists
- ListStructure
- ReportContainer
- RoleImpersonator
- Search
- SiteSwitcher
- Table
- Toolbar
- ServiceProvider
- AjaxResponse
- Asset
- CmsCompoundObject
- CmsController
- CmsDemoTrafficDataGenerator
- CmsException
- CmsObject
- CmsObjectCache
- CmsObjectCollection
- CmsReportDataSource
- CmsStatusDataSource
- CodeBase
- CodeParser
- ComponentBase
- ComponentBehavior
- ComponentHelpers
- ComponentManager
- ComponentModuleBase
- ComponentPartial
- Content
- Controller
- EditorExtension
- Layout
- LayoutCode
- Meta
- Page
- PageCode
- PageManager
- Partial
- PartialCode
- PartialStack
- PartialWatcher
- Router
- Snippet
- SnippetManager
- Theme
- ThemeManager
- ThisVariable
- TrafficLogger
- AjaxPartialTokenParser
- ComponentNode
- ComponentTokenParser
- ContentNode
- ContentTokenParser
- DebugExtension
- DefaultNode
- DefaultTokenParser
- Extension
- FlashNode
- FlashTokenParser
- FrameworkNode
- FrameworkTokenParser
- GetAttrAdjuster
- GetAttrNode
- Loader
- MetaNode
- MetaTokenParser
- PageNode
- PageTokenParser
- PartialNode
- PartialTokenParser
- PlaceholderNode
- PlaceholderTokenParser
- PutNode
- PutTokenParser
- ScriptsNode
- ScriptsTokenParser
- StylesNode
- StylesTokenParser
- ServiceProvider
- ServiceProvider
- ServiceProvider
- AppBase
- CombineAssets
- DependencyResolver
- DriverBehavior
- ErrorHandler
- MailManager
- ManifestCache
- MarkupExtensionItem
- MarkupManager
- ModelBehavior
- PagerElement
- PluginBase
- PluginManager
- PresetManager
- ProductDetail
- RateLimiter
- ResizeImageItem
- ResizeImages
- SettingsManager
- SettingsMenuItem
- SiteManager
- SystemController
- SystemReportDataSource
- UiElement
- UiManager
- UpdateManager
- VersionManager
- ComposerScript
- OctoberAbout
- OctoberDown
- OctoberFresh
- OctoberMigrate
- OctoberMirror
- OctoberOptimize
- OctoberPasswd
- OctoberUp
- OctoberUpdate
- OctoberUtil
- OctoberUtilCommands
- OctoberUtilPatches
- OctoberUtilRefitLang
- PluginCheck
- PluginDisable
- PluginEnable
- PluginInstall
- PluginList
- PluginRefresh
- PluginRemove
- PluginSeed
- PluginTest
- ProjectSync
- ServiceProvider
- Blueprint
- BlueprintCollection
- BlueprintErrorData
- BlueprintException
- BlueprintIndexer
- BlueprintModel
- BlueprintVerifier
- ComponentVariable
- ContentFieldBase
- EditorExtension
- FieldManager
- Fieldset
- NavigationItem
- PermissionItem
- RecordIndexer
- SchemaBuilder
- SchemaPruner
- ContentSchema
- EntryRecord
- GlobalRecord
- NestedFormItem
- PreviewToken
- RecordExport
- RecordImport
- RepeaterItem
- ServiceProvider
- extendTwig
- attach
- beforeAttach
- beforeDetach
- detach
- afterRelation
- afterRestore
- afterTrash
- afterValidate
- beforeGetAttribute
- beforeRelation
- beforeReplicate
- beforeRestore
- beforeSetAttribute
- beforeValidate
- extendBlueprint
- getAttribute
- newInstance
- saveInternal
- setAttribute
- beforeAddAsset
- extendConfigFile
- extendTwig
- AsseticServiceProvider
- AssetManager
- AssetWriter
- Combiner
- FilterManager
- Builder
- Collection
- DatabaseServiceProvider
- Dongle
- ExpandoModel
- MigrationServiceProvider
- Model
- ModelBehavior
- ModelException
- MorphPivot
- NestedTreeScope
- Pivot
- QueryBuilder
- Replicator
- SortableScope
- TreeCollection
- Updater
- ElementBase
- ElementHolder
- Kernel
- Application
- Builder
- Collection
- HalcyonServiceProvider
- Model
- Arr
- ClassLoader
- Collection
- Facade
- ModuleServiceProvider
- SafeCollection
- ServiceProvider
- Singleton
- Str
- Documentation
- Library
- Argon
- Argon
Argon is an umbrella class for Carbon that automatically applies localizations
- Carbon\Carbon
- DateTime
- JsonSerializable
- Stringable
- Carbon\CarbonInterface
- DateTimeInterface
Public Properties
There are no public properties in the class.
Show inherited public properties
Inherited Public Properties
- $PHPIntSize - Customizable PHP_INT_SIZE override. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
Protected Properties
There are no protected properties in the class.
Show inherited protected properties
Inherited Protected Properties
- $days - Names of days of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $utf8 - Will UTF8 encoding be used to print localized date/time ? (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $units - List of unit and magic methods associated as doc-comments. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $endOfTime - *. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $startOfTime - *. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $toStringFormat - Format to use for __toString method when type juggling occurs. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $lastErrors - The errors that can occur. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $constructedObjectId - True when parent::__construct has been called. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $globalMacros - The registered macros. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $globalGenericMacros - The registered generic macros. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $macroContextStack - Stack of macro instance contexts. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $midDayAt - Midday/noon hour. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $weekStartsAt - First day of week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $weekEndsAt - Last day of week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $weekendDays - Days of weekend. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $regexFormats - Format regex patterns. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $regexFormatModifiers - Format modifiers (such as available in createFromFormat) regex patterns. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $monthsOverflow - Indicates if months should be calculated with overflow. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $yearsOverflow - Indicates if years should be calculated with overflow. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $strictModeEnabled - Indicates if the strict mode is in use. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $formatFunction - Function to call instead of format. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $createFromFormatFunction - Function to call instead of createFromFormat. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $parseFunction - Function to call instead of parse. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localMonthsOverflow - Indicates if months should be calculated with overflow. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localYearsOverflow - Indicates if years should be calculated with overflow. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localStrictModeEnabled - Indicates if the strict mode is in use. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localHumanDiffOptions - Options for diffForHumans and forHumans methods. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localToStringFormat - Format to use on string cast. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localSerializer - Format to use on JSON serialization. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localMacros - Instance-specific macros. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localGenericMacros - Instance-specific generic macros. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localFormatFunction - Function to call instead of format. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $translator - Default translator. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $localTranslator - Specific translator of the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $humanDiffOptions - Options for diffForHumans(). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $serializer - The custom Carbon JSON serializer. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $dumpProperties - List of key to use for dump/serialization. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $dumpLocale - Locale to dump comes here before serialization. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $dumpDateProperties - Embed date properties to dump in a dedicated variables so it won't overlap native. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $testNow - A test Carbon instance to be returned when now instances are created. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- $testDefaultTimezone - The timezone to resto to when clearing the time mock. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
Public Methods
public static createFromFormat()
public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone = null): void
public format()
public format($format): void
public static parse()
public static parse($time = null, $timezone = null): void
Inherited Public Methods
- __call() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __callStatic() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __clone() - Update constructedObjectId on cloned. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __construct() - Create a new Carbon instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __debugInfo() - Show truthy properties on var_dump(). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __get() - Get a part of the Carbon object. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __isset() - Check if an attribute exists on the object. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __serialize() - Returns the values to dump on serialize() called on. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __set() - Set a part of the Carbon object. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __set_state() - The __set_state handler. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __sleep() - Returns the list of properties to dump on serialize() called on. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __toString() - Format the instance as a string using the set format. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __unserialize() - Set locale if specified on unserialize() called. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- __wakeup() - Set locale if specified on unserialize() called. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- add() - Add given units or interval to the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- addRealUnit() - Add seconds to the instance using timestamp. Positive $value travels. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- addUnit() - Add given units to the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- addUnitNoOverflow() - Add any unit to a new value without overflowing current other unit given. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- ago() - Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- average() - Modify the current instance to the average of a given instance (default now) and the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- avoidMutation() - Clone the current instance if it's mutable. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- between() - Determines if the instance is between two others. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- betweenExcluded() - Determines if the instance is between two others, bounds excluded. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- betweenIncluded() - Determines if the instance is between two others, bounds included. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- calendar() - Returns either day of week + time (e.g. "Last Friday at 3:30 PM") if reference time is within 7 days, (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- canBeCreatedFromFormat() - Checks if the (date)time string is in a given format and valid to create a. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- carbonize() - Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in the same timezone. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- cast() - Cast the current instance into the given class. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- ceil() - Ceil the current instance second with given precision if specified. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- ceilUnit() - Ceil the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- ceilWeek() - Ceil the current instance week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- change() - Similar to native modify() method of DateTime but can handle more grammars. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- cleanupDumpProperties() - Cleanup properties attached to the public scope of DateTime when a dump of the date is requested. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- clone() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- closest() - Get the closest date from the instance (second-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- copy() - Get a copy of the instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- create() - Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromDate() - Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to now. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromImmutable() - (defined in DateTime)
- createFromInterface() - (defined in DateTime)
- createFromIsoFormat() - Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format (same replacements as ->isoFormat()). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromLocaleFormat() - Create a Carbon instance from a specific format and a string in a given language. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromLocaleIsoFormat() - Create a Carbon instance from a specific ISO format and a string in a given language. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromTime() - Create a Carbon instance from just a time. The date portion is set to today. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromTimeString() - Create a Carbon instance from a time string. The date portion is set to today. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromTimestamp() - Create a Carbon instance from a timestamp and set the timezone (use default one if not specified). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromTimestampMs() - Create a Carbon instance from a timestamp in milliseconds. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromTimestampMsUTC() - Create a Carbon instance from a timestamp in milliseconds. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createFromTimestampUTC() - Create a Carbon instance from an timestamp keeping the timezone to UTC. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createMidnightDate() - Create a Carbon instance from just a date. The time portion is set to midnight. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createSafe() - Create a new safe Carbon instance from a specific date and time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- createStrict() - Create a new Carbon instance from a specific date and time using strict validation. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- dayOfYear() - Get/set the day of year. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diff() - Get the difference as a DateInterval instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffAsCarbonInterval() - Get the difference as a CarbonInterval instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffFiltered() - Get the difference by the given interval using a filter closure. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffForHumans() - Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInDays() - Get the difference in days rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInDaysFiltered() - Get the difference in days using a filter closure rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInHours() - Get the difference in hours rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInHoursFiltered() - Get the difference in hours using a filter closure rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInMicroseconds() - Get the difference in microseconds. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInMilliseconds() - Get the difference in milliseconds rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInMinutes() - Get the difference in minutes rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInMonths() - Get the difference in months rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInQuarters() - Get the difference in quarters rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInRealHours() - Get the difference in hours rounded down using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInRealMicroseconds() - Get the difference in microseconds using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInRealMilliseconds() - Get the difference in milliseconds rounded down using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInRealMinutes() - Get the difference in minutes rounded down using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInRealSeconds() - Get the difference in seconds using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInSeconds() - Get the difference in seconds rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInWeekdays() - Get the difference in weekdays rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInWeekendDays() - Get the difference in weekend days using a filter rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInWeeks() - Get the difference in weeks rounded down. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- diffInYears() - Get the difference in years. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- disableHumanDiffOption() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- enableHumanDiffOption() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOf() - Modify to end of current given unit. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfCentury() - Resets the date to end of the century and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfDay() - Resets the time to 23:59:59.999999 end of day. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfDecade() - Resets the date to end of the decade and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfHour() - Modify to end of current hour, minutes and seconds become 59. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfMillennium() - Resets the date to end of the millennium and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfMinute() - Modify to end of current minute, seconds become 59. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfMonth() - Resets the date to end of the month and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfQuarter() - Resets the date to end of the quarter and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfSecond() - Modify to end of current second, microseconds become 999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfWeek() - Resets the date to end of week (defined in $weekEndsAt) and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- endOfYear() - Resets the date to end of the year and time to 23:59:59.999999. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- eq() - Determines if the instance is equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- equalTo() - Determines if the instance is equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- executeWithLocale() - Set the current locale to the given, execute the passed function, reset the locale to previous one, (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- farthest() - Get the farthest date from the instance (second-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- firstOfMonth() - Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- firstOfQuarter() - Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- firstOfYear() - Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInDays() - Get the difference in days as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInHours() - Get the difference in hours as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInMinutes() - Get the difference in minutes as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInMonths() - Get the difference in months as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealDays() - Get the difference in days as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealHours() - Get the difference in hours as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealMinutes() - Get the difference in minutes as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealMonths() - Get the difference in months as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealSeconds() - Get the difference in seconds as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealWeeks() - Get the difference in weeks as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInRealYears() - Get the difference in year as float (microsecond-precision) using timestamps. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInSeconds() - Get the difference in seconds as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInWeeks() - Get the difference in weeks as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floatDiffInYears() - Get the difference in year as float (microsecond-precision). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floor() - Round the current instance second with given precision if specified. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floorUnit() - Truncate the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- floorWeek() - Truncate the current instance week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- formatLocalized() - Format the instance with the current locale. You can set the current. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- from() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- fromNow() - Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- fromSerialized() - Create an instance from a serialized string. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- genericMacro() - Register a custom macro. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- get() - Get a part of the Carbon object. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getAltNumber() - Returns the alternative number for a given date property if available in the current locale. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getAvailableLocales() - Returns the list of internally available locales and already loaded custom locales. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getAvailableLocalesInfo() - Returns list of Language object for each available locale. This object allow you to get the ISO name, native. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getCalendarFormats() - Returns list of calendar formats for ISO formatting. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getDays() - Get the days of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getDaysFromStartOfWeek() - Return the number of days since the start of the week (using the current locale or the first parameter. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getFallbackLocale() - Get the fallback locale. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getFormatsToIsoReplacements() - List of replacements from date() format to isoFormat(). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getHumanDiffOptions() - Return default humanDiff() options (merged flags as integer). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getIsoFormats() - Returns list of locale formats for ISO formatting. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getIsoUnits() - Returns list of locale units for ISO formatting. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getLastErrors() - {@inheritdoc}. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getLocalMacro() - Get the raw callable macro registered globally or locally for a given name. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getLocalTranslator() - Get the translator of the current instance or the default if none set. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getLocale() - Get the current translator locale. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getMacro() - Get the raw callable macro registered globally for a given name. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getMidDayAt() - get midday/noon hour. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getOffset() - (defined in DateTime)
- getOffsetString() - Returns the offset hour and minute formatted with +/- and a given separator (":" by default). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getPaddedUnit() - Returns a unit of the instance padded with 0 by default or any other string if specified. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getPreciseTimestamp() - Returns a timestamp rounded with the given precision (6 by default). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getSettings() - Returns current local settings. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTestNow() - Get the Carbon instance (real or mock) to be returned when a "now". (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTimeFormatByPrecision() - Return a format from H:i to H:i:s.u according to given unit precision. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTimestamp() - (defined in DateTime)
- getTimestampMs() - Returns the timestamp with millisecond precision. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTimezone() - Get the TimeZone associated with the Carbon instance (as CarbonTimeZone). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatedDayName() - Get the translation of the current week day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatedMinDayName() - Get the translation of the current abbreviated week day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatedMonthName() - Get the translation of the current month day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatedShortDayName() - Get the translation of the current short week day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatedShortMonthName() - Get the translation of the current short month day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslationMessage() - Returns raw translation message for a given key. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslationMessageWith() - Returns raw translation message for a given key. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslator() - Get the default translator instance in use. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getWeekEndsAt() - Get the last day of week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getWeekStartsAt() - Get the first day of week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getWeekendDays() - Get weekend days. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- greaterThan() - Determines if the instance is greater (after) than another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- greaterThanOrEqualTo() - Determines if the instance is greater (after) than or equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- gt() - Determines if the instance is greater (after) than another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- gte() - Determines if the instance is greater (after) than or equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasFormat() - Checks if the (date)time string is in a given format. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasFormatWithModifiers() - Checks if the (date)time string is in a given format. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasLocalMacro() - Checks if macro is registered globally or locally. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasLocalTranslator() - Return true if the current instance has its own translator. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasMacro() - Checks if macro is registered globally. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasRelativeKeywords() - Determine if a time string will produce a relative date. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- hasTestNow() - Determine if there is a valid test instance set. A valid test instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- instance() - Create a Carbon instance from a DateTime one. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- is() - Returns true if the current date matches the given string. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isAfter() - Determines if the instance is greater (after) than another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isBefore() - Determines if the instance is less (before) than another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isBetween() - Determines if the instance is between two others. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isBirthday() - Check if its the birthday. Compares the date/month values of the two dates. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isCurrentUnit() - Determines if the instance is in the current unit given. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isDayOfWeek() - Checks if this day is a specific day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isEndOfDay() - Check if the instance is end of day. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isEndOfTime() - Returns true if the date was created using CarbonImmutable::endOfTime(). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isFuture() - Determines if the instance is in the future, ie. greater (after) than now. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isImmutable() - Returns true if the current class/instance is immutable. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isLastOfMonth() - Check if today is the last day of the Month. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isLeapYear() - Determines if the instance is a leap year. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isLongIsoYear() - Determines if the instance is a long year (using ISO 8601 year). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isLongYear() - Determines if the instance is a long year (using calendar year). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isMidday() - Check if the instance is midday. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isMidnight() - Check if the instance is start of day / midnight. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isModifiableUnit() - Returns true if a property can be changed via setter. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isMutable() - Returns true if the current class/instance is mutable. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isPast() - Determines if the instance is in the past, ie. less (before) than now. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isSameAs() - Compares the formatted values of the two dates. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isSameMonth() - Checks if the passed in date is in the same month as the instanceĀ“s month. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isSameQuarter() - Checks if the passed in date is in the same quarter as the instance quarter (and year if needed). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isSameUnit() - Determines if the instance is in the current unit given. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isStartOfDay() - Check if the instance is start of day / midnight. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isStartOfTime() - Returns true if the date was created using CarbonImmutable::startOfTime(). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isStrictModeEnabled() - Returns true if the strict mode is globally in use, false else. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isToday() - Determines if the instance is today. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isTomorrow() - Determines if the instance is tomorrow. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isWeekday() - Determines if the instance is a weekday. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isWeekend() - Determines if the instance is a weekend day. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isYesterday() - Determines if the instance is yesterday. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isoFormat() - Format in the current language using ISO replacement patterns. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isoWeek() - Get/set the week number using given first day of week and first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isoWeekYear() - Set/get the week number of year using given first day of week and first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isoWeekday() - Get/set the ISO weekday from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- isoWeeksInYear() - Get the number of weeks of the current week-year using given first day of week and first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- jsonSerialize() - Prepare the object for JSON serialization. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lastOfMonth() - Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lastOfQuarter() - Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lastOfYear() - Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lessThan() - Determines if the instance is less (before) than another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lessThanOrEqualTo() - Determines if the instance is less (before) or equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- locale() - Get/set the locale for the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- localeHasDiffOneDayWords() - Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has words for 1-day diff (just now, yesterday, tomorrow). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- localeHasDiffSyntax() - Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has diff syntax support (ago, from now, before, after). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- localeHasDiffTwoDayWords() - Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has words for 2-days diff (before yesterday, after tomorrow). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- localeHasPeriodSyntax() - Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has period syntax support (X times, every X, from X, to X). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- localeHasShortUnits() - Returns true if the given locale is internally supported and has short-units support. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lt() - Determines if the instance is less (before) than another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- lte() - Determines if the instance is less (before) or equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- macro() - Register a custom macro. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- make() - Make a Carbon instance from given variable if possible. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- max() - Get the maximum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- maxValue() - Create a Carbon instance for the greatest supported date. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- maximum() - Get the maximum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- meridiem() - Return the meridiem of the current time in the current locale. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- midDay() - Modify to midday, default to self::$midDayAt. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- min() - Get the minimum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- minValue() - Create a Carbon instance for the lowest supported date. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- minimum() - Get the minimum instance between a given instance (default now) and the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- mixin() - Mix another object into the class. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- modify() - Calls \DateTime::modify if mutable or \DateTimeImmutable::modify else. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- ne() - Determines if the instance is not equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- next() - Modify to the next occurrence of a given modifier such as a day of. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- nextWeekday() - Go forward to the next weekday. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- nextWeekendDay() - Go forward to the next weekend day. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- notEqualTo() - Determines if the instance is not equal to another. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- now() - Get a Carbon instance for the current date and time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- nowWithSameTz() - Returns a present instance in the same timezone. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- nthOfMonth() - Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- nthOfQuarter() - Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- nthOfYear() - Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- ordinal() - Return a property with its ordinal. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- parseFromLocale() - Create a carbon instance from a localized string (in French, Japanese, Arabic, etc.). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- pluralUnit() - Returns standardized plural of a given singular/plural unit name (in English). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- previous() - Modify to the previous occurrence of a given modifier such as a day of. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- previousWeekday() - Go backward to the previous weekday. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- previousWeekendDay() - Go backward to the previous weekend day. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- range() - Create a iterable CarbonPeriod object from current date to a given end date (and optional interval). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- rawAdd() - Call native PHP DateTime/DateTimeImmutable add() method. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- rawCreateFromFormat() - Create a Carbon instance from a specific format. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- rawFormat() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- rawParse() - Create a carbon instance from a string. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- rawSub() - Call native PHP DateTime/DateTimeImmutable sub() method. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- resetMacros() - Remove all macros and generic macros. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- resetMonthsOverflow() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- resetToStringFormat() - Reset the format used to the default when type juggling a Carbon instance to a string. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- resetYearsOverflow() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- round() - Round the current instance second with given precision if specified. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- roundUnit() - Round the current instance at the given unit with given precision if specified and the given function. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- roundWeek() - Round the current instance week. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- secondsSinceMidnight() - The number of seconds since midnight. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- secondsUntilEndOfDay() - The number of seconds until 23:59:59. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- serialize() - Return a serialized string of the instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- serializeUsing() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- set() - Set a part of the Carbon object. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setDate() - Set the date with gregorian year, month and day numbers. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setDateFrom() - Set the year, month, and date for this instance to that of the passed instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setDateTime() - Set the date and time all together. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setDateTimeFrom() - Set the date and time for this instance to that of the passed instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setDaysFromStartOfWeek() - Set the day (keeping the current time) to the start of the week + the number of days passed as the first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setFallbackLocale() - Set the fallback locale. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setHumanDiffOptions() - Sets (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setISODate() - Set a date according to the ISO 8601 standard - using weeks and day offsets rather than specific dates. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setLocalTranslator() - Set the translator for the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setLocale() - Set the current translator locale and indicate if the source locale file exists. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setMidDayAt() - Sets Midday hour (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTestNow() - Set a Carbon instance (real or mock) to be returned when a "now". (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTestNowAndTimezone() - Set a Carbon instance (real or mock) to be returned when a "now". (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTime() - Resets the current time of the DateTime object to a different time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTimeFrom() - Set the hour, minute, second and microseconds for this instance to that of the passed instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTimeFromTimeString() - Set the time by time string. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTimestamp() - Set the instance's timestamp. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTimezone() - Set the instance's timezone from a string or object. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setToStringFormat() - Sets (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setTranslator() - Set the default translator instance to use. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setUnit() - Set specified unit to new given value. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setUnitNoOverflow() - Set any unit to a new value without overflowing current other unit given. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setUtf8() - Sets (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setWeekEndsAt() - Sets Week end day (or 'auto' to get the day before the first day of week from Carbon::getLocale() culture). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setWeekStartsAt() - Sets Week start day (or 'auto' to get the first day of week from Carbon::getLocale() culture). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- setWeekendDays() - Sets (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- settings() - Set specific options. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- shiftTimezone() - Set the instance's timezone from a string or object and add/subtract the offset difference. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- shouldOverflowMonths() - Get the month overflow global behavior (can be overridden in specific instances). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- shouldOverflowYears() - Get the month overflow global behavior (can be overridden in specific instances). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- since() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- singularUnit() - Returns standardized singular of a given singular/plural unit name (in English). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOf() - Modify to start of current given unit. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfCentury() - Resets the date to the first day of the century and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfDay() - Resets the time to 00:00:00 start of day. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfDecade() - Resets the date to the first day of the decade and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfHour() - Modify to start of current hour, minutes and seconds become 0. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfMillennium() - Resets the date to the first day of the millennium and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfMinute() - Modify to start of current minute, seconds become 0. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfMonth() - Resets the date to the first day of the month and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfQuarter() - Resets the date to the first day of the quarter and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfSecond() - Modify to start of current second, microseconds become 0. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfWeek() - Resets the date to the first day of week (defined in $weekStartsAt) and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- startOfYear() - Resets the date to the first day of the year and the time to 00:00:00. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- sub() - Subtract given units or interval to the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- subRealUnit() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- subUnit() - Subtract given units to the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- subUnitNoOverflow() - Subtract any unit to a new value without overflowing current other unit given. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- subtract() - Subtract given units or interval to the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- timespan() - Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- timestamp() - Set the instance's timestamp. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- timezone() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- to() - Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toArray() - Get default array representation. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toAtomString() - Format the instance as ATOM. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toCookieString() - Format the instance as COOKIE. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDate() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDateString() - Format the instance as date. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDateTime() - Return native DateTime PHP object matching the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDateTimeImmutable() - Return native toDateTimeImmutable PHP object matching the current instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDateTimeLocalString() - Format the instance as date and time T-separated with no timezone. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDateTimeString() - Format the instance as date and time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toDayDateTimeString() - Format the instance with day, date and time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toFormattedDateString() - Format the instance as a readable date. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toFormattedDayDateString() - Format the instance with the day, and a readable date. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toISOString() - Return the ISO-8601 string (ex: 1977-04-22T06:00:00Z, if $keepOffset truthy, offset will be kept:. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toImmutable() - Return a immutable copy of the instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toIso8601String() - Format the instance as ISO8601. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toIso8601ZuluString() - Convert the instance to UTC and return as Zulu ISO8601. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toJSON() - Return the ISO-8601 string (ex: 1977-04-22T06:00:00Z) with UTC timezone. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toMutable() - Return a mutable copy of the instance. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toNow() - Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toObject() - Get default object representation. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toPeriod() - Create a iterable CarbonPeriod object from current date to a given end date (and optional interval). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc1036String() - Format the instance as RFC1036. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc1123String() - Format the instance as RFC1123. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc2822String() - Format the instance as RFC2822. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc3339String() - Format the instance as RFC3339. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc7231String() - Format the instance as RFC7231. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc822String() - Format the instance as RFC822. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRfc850String() - Format the instance as RFC850. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toRssString() - Format the instance as RSS. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toString() - Returns english human readable complete date string. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toTimeString() - Format the instance as time. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- toW3cString() - Format the instance as W3C. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- today() - Create a Carbon instance for today. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- tomorrow() - Create a Carbon instance for tomorrow. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- translate() - Translate using translation string or callback available. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- translateNumber() - Returns the alternative number for a given integer if available in the current locale. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- translateTimeString() - Translate a time string from a locale to an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- translateTimeStringTo() - Translate a time string from the current locale (
) to an other. (defined in Carbon\Carbon) - translateWith() - Translate using translation string or callback available. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- translatedFormat() - Format as ->format() do (using date replacements patterns from https://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- tz() - Set the timezone or returns the timezone name if no arguments passed. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- unix() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- until() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- useMonthsOverflow() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- useStrictMode() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- useYearsOverflow() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- utc() - Set the instance's timezone to UTC. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- utcOffset() - Returns the minutes offset to UTC if no arguments passed, else set the timezone with given minutes shift passed. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- valueOf() - Returns the milliseconds timestamps used amongst other by Date javascript objects. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- week() - Get/set the week number using given first day of week and first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- weekYear() - Set/get the week number of year using given first day of week and first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- weekday() - Get/set the weekday from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- weeksInYear() - Get the number of weeks of the current week-year using given first day of week and first. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- withTestNow() - Temporarily sets a static date to be used within the callback. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- yesterday() - Create a Carbon instance for yesterday. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
Protected Methods
Show inherited protected methods
Inherited Protected Methods
- addExtraDebugInfos() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- bindMacroContext() - Stack a Carbon context from inside calls of self::this() and execute a given action. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- callRoundMethod() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- context() - Return the current context from inside a macro callee or a null if static. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- executeCallable() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- executeCallableWithContext() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- executeStaticCallable() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- expectDateTime() - Throws an exception if the given object is not a DateTime and does not implement DateTimeInterface. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- fixDiffInterval() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- fixNegativeMicroseconds() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getGenericMacros() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getLocaleAwareTranslator() - Throw an error if passed object is not LocaleAwareInterface. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getMockedTestNow() - Get the mocked date passed in setTestNow() and if it's a Closure, execute it. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getRangesByUnit() - List of minimum and maximums for each unit. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatedFormByRegExp() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- getTranslatorLocale() - Get the locale of a given translator. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- mockConstructorParameters() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- resolveCarbon() - Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in the same timezone. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- resolveUTC() - Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in UTC. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- roundWith() - (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- safeCreateDateTimeZone() - Creates a DateTimeZone from a string, DateTimeZone or integer offset. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- this() - Return the current context from inside a macro callee or a new one if static. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)
- translator() - Initialize the default translator instance if necessary. (defined in Carbon\Carbon)