

The server-event data source for the Table widget.


Protected Properties

protected array $emitterSingleEventCollection

emitterSingleEventCollection of events to be fired once only

protected array $emitterEventCollection

emitterEventCollection of all registered events

protected array $emitterEventSorted

emitterEventSorted collection

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

Public Methods

public bindEvent()

public bindEvent($event, $callback, $priority = 0): void 

bindEvent creates a new event binding

public bindEventOnce()

public bindEventOnce($event, $callback, $priority = 0): void 

bindEventOnce creates a new event binding that fires once only

public createRecord()

public createRecord($data, $placement, $relativeToKey): void 

Updates a record in the data source.

public deleteRecord()

public deleteRecord($key): array 

Removes a record from the data source.

public fireEvent()

public fireEvent(
    string $event,
    array $params = [],
    boolean $halt = false
): array 

fireEvent and call the listeners

public getAllRecords()

public getAllRecords(): void

Returns all records in the data source. This method is specific only for the client memory data sources.

public getCount()

public getCount(): integer 

Returns a total number of records in the data source.

public getRecords()

public getRecords(integer $offset, integer $count): array 

Return records from the data source.

public initRecords()

public initRecords(array $records): void

Initializes records in the data source. The method doesn't replace existing records and could be called multiple times in order to fill the data source.

public purge()

public purge(): void

Removes all records from the data source.

public searchRecords()

public searchRecords($query, $offset, $count): void

Identical to getRecords except provided with a search query.

public unbindEvent()

public unbindEvent($event = null): void 

unbindEvent destroys an event binding

public updateRecord()

public updateRecord($key, $data): void 

Updates a record in the data source.

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

Protected Methods

protected emitterEventSortEvents()

protected emitterEventSortEvents($eventName, $combined = []): array 

emitterEventSortEvents sorts the listeners for a given event by priority