

  • Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand
  • Illuminate\Console\Command
  • Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command

Public Properties

There are no public properties in the class.

Show inherited public properties

Inherited Public Properties

  • $passthroughVariables - The environment variables that should be passed from host machine to the PHP server process. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $name - The console command name. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • $defaultName - The name of the console command. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • $description - The console command description. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • $portOffset - The current port offset. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • $requestsPool - The list of requests being handled and their start time. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • $serverRunningHasBeenDisplayed - Indicates if the "Server running on..." output message has been displayed. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • $laravel - The Laravel application instance. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $signature - The name and signature of the console command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $help - The console command help text. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $hidden - Indicates whether the command should be shown in the Artisan command list. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $defaultDescription - The default command description. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • $components - The console components factory. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $input - The input interface implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $output - The output interface implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $verbosity - The default verbosity of output commands. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $verbosityMap - The mapping between human readable verbosity levels and Symfony's OutputInterface. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $signals - The signal registrar instance. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • $macros - The registered string macros. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)

Public Methods

public handle()

public handle(): int 

handle the console command.

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • __call() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • __callStatic() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • __construct() - Create a new console command instance. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • addArgument() - Adds an argument. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • addOption() - Adds an option. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • addUsage() - Add a command usage example, it'll be prefixed with the command name. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • alert() - Write a string in an alert box. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • anticipate() - Prompt the user for input with auto completion. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • argument() - Get the value of a command argument. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • arguments() - Get all of the arguments passed to the command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • ask() - Prompt the user for input. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • askWithCompletion() - Prompt the user for input with auto completion. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • call() - Call another console command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • callSilent() - Call another console command without output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • callSilently() - Call another console command without output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • choice() - Give the user a single choice from an array of answers. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • comment() - Write a string as comment output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • complete() - Adds suggestions to $suggestions for the current completion input (e.g. option or argument). (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • confirm() - Confirm a question with the user. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • error() - Write a string as error output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • flushMacros() - Flush the existing macros. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • getAliases() - Returns the aliases for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getApplication() - Gets the application instance for this command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getDefaultDescription() - (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getDefaultName() - (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getDefinition() - Gets the InputDefinition attached to this Command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getDescription() - Returns the description for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getHelp() - Returns the help for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getHelper() - Gets a helper instance by name. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getHelperSet() - Gets the helper set. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getLaravel() - Get the Laravel application instance. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • getName() - Returns the command name. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getNativeDefinition() - Gets the InputDefinition to be used to create representations of this Command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getOutput() - Get the output implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • getProcessedHelp() - Returns the processed help for the command replacing the %command.name% and. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getSynopsis() - Returns the synopsis for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • getUsages() - Returns alternative usages of the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • hasArgument() - Determine if the given argument is present. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • hasMacro() - Checks if macro is registered. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • hasOption() - Determine if the given option is present. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • ignoreValidationErrors() - Ignores validation errors. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • info() - Write a string as information output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • isEnabled() - Checks whether the command is enabled or not in the current environment. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • isHidden() - {@inheritdoc}. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • line() - Write a string as standard output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • macro() - Register a custom macro. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • mergeApplicationDefinition() - Merges the application definition with the command definition. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • mixin() - Mix another object into the class. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • newLine() - Write a blank line. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • option() - Get the value of a command option. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • options() - Get all of the options passed to the command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • question() - Write a string as question output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • run() - Run the console command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • secret() - Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • setAliases() - Sets the aliases for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setApplication() - (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setCode() - Sets the code to execute when running this command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setDefinition() - Sets an array of argument and option instances. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setDescription() - Sets the description for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setHelp() - Sets the help for the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setHelperSet() - (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setHidden() - {@inheritdoc}. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • setInput() - Set the input interface implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • setLaravel() - Set the Laravel application instance. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • setName() - Sets the name of the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • setOutput() - Set the output interface implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • setProcessTitle() - Sets the process title of the command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • table() - Format input to textual table. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • trap() - Define a callback to be run when the given signal(s) occurs. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • untrap() - Untrap signal handlers set within the command's handler. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • warn() - Write a string as warning output. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • withProgressBar() - Execute a given callback while advancing a progress bar. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)

Protected Methods

protected serverCommand()

protected serverCommand(): array 

serverCommand gets the full server command.

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • afterPromptingForMissingArguments() - Perform actions after the user was prompted for missing arguments. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • canTryAnotherPort() - Check if the command has reached its maximum number of port tries. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • commandIsolationMutex() - Get a command isolation mutex instance for the command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • configure() - Configures the current command. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • configureIsolation() - Configure the console command for isolation. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • configureUsingFluentDefinition() - Configure the console command using a fluent definition. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • context() - Get all of the context passed to the command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • createInputFromArguments() - Create an input instance from the given arguments. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • didReceiveOptions() - Whether the input contains any options that differ from the default values. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • execute() - Execute the console command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • getArguments() - Get the console command arguments. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • getDateFromLine() - Get the date from the given PHP server output. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • getHostAndPort() - Get the host and port from the host option string. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • getOptions() - Get the console command options. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • getRequestPortFromLine() - Get the request port from the given PHP server output. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • handleProcessOutput() - Returns a "callable" to handle the process output. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • host() - Get the host for the command. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • initialize() - Initializes the command after the input has been bound and before the input. (defined in Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command)
  • interact() - Interact with the user before validating the input. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • parseVerbosity() - Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • port() - Get the port for the command. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)
  • promptForMissingArguments() - Prompt the user for any missing arguments. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • promptForMissingArgumentsUsing() - Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • resolveCommand() - Resolve the console command instance for the given command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • runCommand() - Run the given the console command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • setVerbosity() - Set the verbosity level. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • specifyParameters() - Specify the arguments and options on the command. (defined in Illuminate\Console\Command)
  • startProcess() - Start a new server process. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ServeCommand)