

CSS Utils.

Public Methods

public static extractImports()

public static extractImports(string $content): array 

Extracts all references from the supplied CSS content.

public static filterCommentless()

public static filterCommentless(
    string $content,
    callable $callback
): string 

Filters each non-comment part through a callable.

public static filterIEFilters()

public static filterIEFilters(
    string $content,
    callable $callback
): string 

Filters all IE filters (AlphaImageLoader filter) through a callable.

public static filterImports()

public static filterImports(
    string $content,
    callable $callback,
    Boolean $includeUrl = true
): string 

Filters all CSS imports through a callable.

public static filterReferences()

public static filterReferences(
    string $content,
    callable $callback
): string 

Filters all references — url() and "@import" — through a callable.

public static filterUrls()

public static filterUrls(string $content, callable $callback): string 

Filters all CSS url()'s through a callable.