

ServiceProvider for Editor module

  • October\Contracts\Support\OctoberPackage

Public Properties

There are no public properties in the class.

Show inherited public properties

Inherited Public Properties

  • $publishes - The paths that should be published. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • $publishGroups - The paths that should be published by group. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $app - instance. (defined in October\Rain\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • $bootingCallbacks - All of the registered booting callbacks. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • $bootedCallbacks - All of the registered booted callbacks. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)

Public Methods

public boot()

public boot(): void

boot the module events.

public register()

public register(): void

register the service provider.

public registerNavigation()

public registerNavigation(): void

public registerPermissions()

public registerPermissions(): void

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

Protected Methods

protected registerSingletons()

protected registerSingletons(): void

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • addPublishGroup() - Add a publish group / tag to the service provider. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • callAfterResolving() - Setup an after resolving listener, or fire immediately if already resolved. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • callBeforeResolving() - sets up a before resolving listener, or fire immediately. (defined in October\Rain\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • ensurePublishArrayInitialized() - Ensure the publish array for the service provider is initialized. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • getModule() - gets the module name from method args. (defined in October\Rain\Support\ModuleServiceProvider)
  • loadConfigFrom() - registers a config file namespace. (defined in October\Rain\Support\ModuleServiceProvider)
  • loadFactoriesFrom() - Register Eloquent model factory paths. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • loadJsonTranslationsFrom() - Register a JSON translation file path. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • loadMigrationsFrom() - Register database migration paths. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • loadRoutesFrom() - Load the given routes file if routes are not already cached. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • loadTranslationsFrom() - Register a translation file namespace. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • loadViewComponentsAs() - Register the given view components with a custom prefix. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • loadViewsFrom() - Register a view file namespace. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • mergeConfigFrom() - Merge the given configuration with the existing configuration. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • pathsForProviderAndGroup() - Get the paths for the provider and group. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • pathsForProviderOrGroup() - Get the paths for the provider or group (or both). (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • publishes() - Register paths to be published by the publish command. (defined in Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider)
  • registerConsoleCommand() - registers a new console (artisan) command. (defined in October\Rain\Support\ModuleServiceProvider)