

HasEvents concern for a model

Protected Properties

protected static array $eventsBooted

eventsBooted is the array of models booted events.

protected static Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $dispatcher

dispatcher instance

protected array $observables

observables are user exposed observable events.

Public Methods

public addObservableEvents()

public addObservableEvents(array|mixed $observables): void 

addObservableEvents name.

public static created()

public static created(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register a created model event with the dispatcher.

public static creating()

public static creating(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register a creating model event with the dispatcher.

public static deleted()

public static deleted(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register a deleted model event with the dispatcher.

public static deleting()

public static deleting(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register a deleting model event with the dispatcher.

public static fetched()

public static fetched(Closure|string $callback): void 

Create a new native event for handling afterFetch().

public static fetching()

public static fetching(Closure|string $callback): void 

Create a new native event for handling beforeFetch().

public static flushEventListeners()

public static flushEventListeners(): void

flushEventListeners removes all of the event listeners for the model.

public static getEventDispatcher()

public static getEventDispatcher(): Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher 

getEventDispatcher instance.

public getObservableEvents()

public getObservableEvents(): array 

getObservableEvents names.

public removeObservableEvents()

public removeObservableEvents(array|mixed $observables): void 

removeObservableEvents name.

public static saved()

public static saved(Closure|string $callback, int $priority = 0): void 

Register a saved model event with the dispatcher.

public static saving()

public static saving(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register a saving model event with the dispatcher.

public static setEventDispatcher()

public static setEventDispatcher(
    Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $dispatcher
): void 

setEventDispatcher instance.

public setObservableEvents()

public setObservableEvents(array $observables): $this 

setObservableEvents names.

public static unsetEventDispatcher()

public static unsetEventDispatcher(): void 

unsetEventDispatcher for models.

public static updated()

public static updated(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register an updated model event with the dispatcher.

public static updating()

public static updating(
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

Register an updating model event with the dispatcher.

Protected Methods

protected afterBoot()

protected afterBoot(): void

afterBoot is called after the model is constructed for the first time.

protected afterCreate()

protected afterCreate(): void

afterCreate handles the "created" model event

protected afterDelete()

protected afterDelete(): void

afterDelete handles the "deleted" model event

protected afterFetch()

protected afterFetch(): void

afterFetch handles the "fetched" model event

protected afterInit()

protected afterInit(): void

afterInit is called after the model is constructed, a nicer version of overriding the __construct method.

protected afterSave()

protected afterSave(): void

afterSave handles the "saved" model event

protected afterUpdate()

protected afterUpdate(): void

afterUpdate handles the "updated" model event

protected beforeCreate()

protected beforeCreate(): void

beforeCreate handles the "creating" model event

protected beforeDelete()

protected beforeDelete(): void

beforeDelete handles the "deleting" model event

protected beforeFetch()

protected beforeFetch(): void

beforeFetch handles the "fetching" model event

protected beforeSave()

protected beforeSave(): void

beforeSave handles the "saving" model event

protected beforeUpdate()

protected beforeUpdate(): void

beforeUpdate handles the "updating" model event

protected bootNicerEvents()

protected bootNicerEvents(): void

bootNicerEvents binds some nicer events to this model, in the format of method overrides.

protected fireModelEvent()

protected fireModelEvent(string $event, bool $halt = true): mixed 

fireModelEvent for the model.

protected initializeModelEvent()

protected initializeModelEvent(): void

initializeModelEvent is called every time the model is constructed.

protected static registerModelEvent()

protected static registerModelEvent(
    string $event,
    Closure|string $callback,
    int $priority = 0
): void 

registerModelEvent with the dispatcher.