

HasOverrides in the controller

Public Methods

public formAfterCancel()

public formAfterCancel(Model $model): void

formAfterCancel called after the user has cancelled the form

public formAfterCreate()

public formAfterCreate(Model $model): void

formAfterCreate is called after the creation form is saved

public formAfterDelete()

public formAfterDelete(Model $model): void

formAfterDelete called after the form model is deleted

public formAfterSave()

public formAfterSave(Model $model): void

formAfterSave is called after the creation or updating form is saved

public formAfterUpdate()

public formAfterUpdate(Model $model): void

formAfterUpdate is called after the updating form is saved

public formBeforeCreate()

public formBeforeCreate(Model $model): void

formBeforeCreate is called before the creation form is saved

public formBeforeSave()

public formBeforeSave(Model $model): void

formBeforeSave is called before the creation or updating form is saved

public formBeforeUpdate()

public formBeforeUpdate(Model $model): void

formBeforeUpdate is called before the updating form is saved

public formCreateModelObject()

public formCreateModelObject(): Model 

formCreateModelObject creates a new instance of a form model. This logic can be changed by overriding it in the controller.

public formExtendFields()

public formExtendFields(
    Backend\Widgets\Form $host,
    array $fields
): void 

formExtendFields is called after the form fields are defined

public formExtendFieldsBefore()

public formExtendFieldsBefore(Backend\Widgets\Form $host): void 

formExtendFieldsBefore is called before the form fields are defined

public formExtendModel()

public formExtendModel(Model $model): Model 

formExtendModel extends the supplied model used by create and update actions, the model can be altered by overriding it in the controller.

public formExtendQuery()

public formExtendQuery(October\Rain\Database\Builder $query): void 

formExtendQuery extends the query used for finding the form model. Extra conditions can be applied to the query, for example, $query->withTrashed();

public formExtendRefreshData()

public formExtendRefreshData(
    Backend\Widgets\Form $host,
    array $saveData
): array 

formExtendRefreshData is called before the form is refreshed, should return an array of additional save data.

public formExtendRefreshFields()

public formExtendRefreshFields(
    Backend\Widgets\Form $host,
    array $fields
): array 

formExtendRefreshFields is called when the form is refreshed, giving the opportunity to modify the form fields.

public formExtendRefreshResults()

public formExtendRefreshResults(
    Backend\Widgets\Form $host,
    array $result
): array 

formExtendRefreshResults is called after the form is refreshed, should return an array of additional result parameters.

public formGetRedirectUrl()

public formGetRedirectUrl(
    string $context = null,
    Model $model = null
): string 

formGetRedirectUrl returns a URL based on supplied context, relative URLs are treated as backend URLs