
Public Methods

public withDeferred()

public withDeferred(
    string|null $sessionKey = null
): Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder 

withDeferred returns a new model query with deferred bindings added, this will reset any constraints that come before it

public withDeferredQuery()

public withDeferredQuery(
    Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|null $newQuery = null,
    string|null $sessionKey = null
): Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder 

withDeferredQuery returns the supplied model query, or current model query, with deferred bindings added, this will preserve any constraints that came before it

Protected Methods

protected getWithDeferredQualifiedKeyName()

protected getWithDeferredQualifiedKeyName(

): Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression 

getWithDeferredQualifiedKeyName returns the related "slave id" key in a database friendly format.