

Validator is a modifier to the base class, it extends validation rules with extra methods for specifying messages and replacements inside the class definition.

  • Illuminate\Validation\Validator
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\MessageProvider
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator

Public Properties

There are no public properties in the class.

Show inherited public properties

Inherited Public Properties

  • $customMessages - The array of custom error messages. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $fallbackMessages - The array of fallback error messages. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $customAttributes - The array of custom attribute names. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $customValues - The array of custom displayable values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys - Indicates that unvalidated array keys should be excluded, even if the parent array was validated. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $extensions - All of the custom validator extensions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $replacers - All of the custom replacer extensions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)

Protected Properties

protected string $exception

exception to throw upon failure.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $translator - The Translator implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $container - The container instance. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $presenceVerifier - The Presence Verifier implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $failedRules - The failed validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $excludeAttributes - Attributes that should be excluded from the validated data. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $messages - The message bag instance. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $data - The data under validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $initialRules - The initial rules provided. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $rules - The rules to be applied to the data. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $currentRule - The current rule that is validating. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $implicitAttributes - The array of wildcard attributes with their asterisks expanded. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $implicitAttributesFormatter - The callback that should be used to format the attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $distinctValues - The cached data for the "distinct" rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $after - All of the registered "after" callbacks. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $stopOnFirstFailure - Indicates if the validator should stop on the first rule failure. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $fileRules - The validation rules that may be applied to files. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $implicitRules - The validation rules that imply the field is required. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $dependentRules - The validation rules which depend on other fields as parameters. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $excludeRules - The validation rules that can exclude an attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $sizeRules - The size related validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $numericRules - The numeric related validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • $dotPlaceholder - The current placeholder for dots in rule keys. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)

Public Methods

public makeReplacements()

public makeReplacements(
    string $message,
    string $attribute,
    string $rule,
    array $parameters
): string 

makeReplacements replace all error message place-holders with actual values.

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • __call() - Handle dynamic calls to class methods. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • __construct() - Create a new Validator instance. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addCustomAttributes() - Add custom attributes to the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addCustomValues() - Add the custom values for the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addDependentExtension() - Register a custom dependent validator extension. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addDependentExtensions() - Register an array of custom dependent validator extensions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addExtension() - Register a custom validator extension. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addExtensions() - Register an array of custom validator extensions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addFailure() - Add a failed rule and error message to the collection. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addImplicitExtension() - Register a custom implicit validator extension. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addImplicitExtensions() - Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addReplacer() - Register a custom validator message replacer. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addReplacers() - Register an array of custom validator message replacers. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • addRules() - Parse the given rules and merge them into current rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • after() - Add an after validation callback. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • attributes() - Get the data under validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • errors() - An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • failed() - Get the failed validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • fails() - Determine if the data fails the validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getData() - Get the data under validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDisplayableAttribute() - Get the displayable name of the attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDisplayableValue() - Get the displayable name of the value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getMessageBag() - Get the messages for the instance. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getPresenceVerifier() - Get the Presence Verifier implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getQueryColumn() - Get the column name for an exists / unique query. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getRules() - Get the validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getRulesWithoutPlaceholders() - Get the validation rules with key placeholders removed. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getTranslator() - Get the Translator implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • guessColumnForQuery() - Guess the database column from the given attribute name. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • hasRule() - Determine if the given attribute has a rule in the given set. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • invalid() - Returns the data which was invalid. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • isValidFileInstance() - Check that the given value is a valid file instance. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • messages() - Get the message container for the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • parseData() - Parse the data array, converting dots and asterisks. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • parseDependentRuleParameters() - Prepare the values and the other value for validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • parseNamedParameters() - Parse named parameters to $key => $value items. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • parseTable() - Parse the connection / table for the unique / exists rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • passes() - Determine if the data passes the validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • requireParameterCount() - Require a certain number of parameters to be present. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • safe() - Get a validated input container for the validated input. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setAttributeNames() - Set the custom attributes on the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setContainer() - Set the IoC container instance. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setCustomMessages() - Set the custom messages for the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setData() - Set the data under validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setException() - Set the exception to throw upon failed validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setFallbackMessages() - Set the fallback messages for the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setImplicitAttributesFormatter() - Set the callback that used to format an implicit attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setPresenceVerifier() - Set the Presence Verifier implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setRules() - Set the validation rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setTranslator() - Set the Translator implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • setValueNames() - Set the custom values on the validator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • sometimes() - Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • stopOnFirstFailure() - Instruct the validator to stop validating after the first rule failure. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • valid() - Returns the data which was valid. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validate() - Run the validator's rules against its data. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAccepted() - Validate that an attribute was "accepted". (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAcceptedIf() - Validate that an attribute was "accepted" when another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateActiveUrl() - Validate that an attribute is an active URL. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAfter() - Validate the date is after a given date. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAfterOrEqual() - Validate the date is equal or after a given date. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAlpha() - Validate that an attribute contains only alphabetic characters. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAlphaDash() - Validate that an attribute contains only alpha-numeric characters, dashes, and underscores. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAlphaNum() - Validate that an attribute contains only alpha-numeric characters. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateArray() - Validate that an attribute is an array. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAscii() - Validate that an attribute is 7 bit ASCII. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateBail() - "Break" on first validation fail. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateBefore() - Validate the date is before a given date. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateBeforeOrEqual() - Validate the date is before or equal a given date. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateBetween() - Validate the size of an attribute is between a set of values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateBoolean() - Validate that an attribute is a boolean. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateConfirmed() - Validate that an attribute has a matching confirmation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDate() - Validate that an attribute is a valid date. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDateEquals() - Validate that an attribute is equal to another date. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDateFormat() - Validate that an attribute matches a date format. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDecimal() - Validate that an attribute has a given number of decimal places. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDeclined() - Validate that an attribute was "declined". (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDeclinedIf() - Validate that an attribute was "declined" when another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDifferent() - Validate that an attribute is different from another attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDigits() - Validate that an attribute has a given number of digits. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDigitsBetween() - Validate that an attribute is between a given number of digits. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDimensions() - Validate the dimensions of an image matches the given values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDistinct() - Validate an attribute is unique among other values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDoesntEndWith() - Validate the attribute does not end with a given substring. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateDoesntStartWith() - Validate the attribute does not start with a given substring. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateEmail() - Validate that an attribute is a valid e-mail address. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateEndsWith() - Validate the attribute ends with a given substring. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateExclude() - Indicate that an attribute is excluded. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateExcludeIf() - Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateExcludeUnless() - Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute does not have a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateExcludeWith() - Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute presents. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateExcludeWithout() - Indicate that an attribute should be excluded when another attribute is missing. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateExists() - Validate the existence of an attribute value in a database table. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateFile() - Validate the given value is a valid file. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateFilled() - Validate the given attribute is filled if it is present. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateGt() - Validate that an attribute is greater than another attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateGte() - Validate that an attribute is greater than or equal another attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateImage() - Validate the MIME type of a file is an image MIME type. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateIn() - Validate an attribute is contained within a list of values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateInArray() - Validate that the values of an attribute are in another attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateInteger() - Validate that an attribute is an integer. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateIp() - Validate that an attribute is a valid IP. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateIpv4() - Validate that an attribute is a valid IPv4. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateIpv6() - Validate that an attribute is a valid IPv6. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateJson() - Validate the attribute is a valid JSON string. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateLowercase() - Validate that an attribute is lowercase. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateLt() - Validate that an attribute is less than another attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateLte() - Validate that an attribute is less than or equal another attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMacAddress() - Validate that an attribute is a valid MAC address. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMax() - Validate the size of an attribute is less than a maximum value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMaxDigits() - Validate that an attribute has a maximum number of digits. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMimes() - Validate the guessed extension of a file upload is in a set of file extensions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMimetypes() - Validate the MIME type of a file upload attribute is in a set of MIME types. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMin() - Validate the size of an attribute is greater than a minimum value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMinDigits() - Validate that an attribute has a minimum number of digits. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMissing() - Validate that an attribute is missing. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMissingIf() - Validate that an attribute is missing when another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMissingUnless() - Validate that an attribute is missing unless another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMissingWith() - Validate that an attribute is missing when any given attribute is present. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMissingWithAll() - Validate that an attribute is missing when all given attributes are present. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateMultipleOf() - Validate the value of an attribute is a multiple of a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateNotIn() - Validate an attribute is not contained within a list of values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateNotRegex() - Validate that an attribute does not pass a regular expression check. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateNullable() - "Indicate" validation should pass if value is null. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateNumeric() - Validate that an attribute is numeric. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validatePresent() - Validate that an attribute exists even if not filled. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateProhibited() - Validate that an attribute does not exist or is an empty string. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateProhibitedIf() - Validate that an attribute does not exist when another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateProhibitedUnless() - Validate that an attribute does not exist unless another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateProhibits() - Validate that other attributes do not exist when this attribute exists. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRegex() - Validate that an attribute passes a regular expression check. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequired() - Validate that a required attribute exists. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredArrayKeys() - Validate that an array has all of the given keys. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredIf() - Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute has a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredIfAccepted() - Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute was "accepted". (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredUnless() - Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute does not have a given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredWith() - Validate that an attribute exists when any other attribute exists. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredWithAll() - Validate that an attribute exists when all other attributes exist. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredWithout() - Validate that an attribute exists when another attribute does not. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateRequiredWithoutAll() - Validate that an attribute exists when all other attributes do not. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateSame() - Validate that two attributes match. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateSize() - Validate the size of an attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateSometimes() - "Validate" optional attributes. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateStartsWith() - Validate the attribute starts with a given substring. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateString() - Validate that an attribute is a string. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateTimezone() - Validate that an attribute is a valid timezone. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateUlid() - Validate that an attribute is a valid ULID. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateUnique() - Validate the uniqueness of an attribute value on a given database table. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateUppercase() - Validate that an attribute is uppercase. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateUrl() - Validate that an attribute is a valid URL. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateUuid() - Validate that an attribute is a valid UUID. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateWithBag() - Run the validator's rules against its data. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validated() - Get the attributes and values that were validated. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)

Protected Methods

protected callExtensionMethod()

protected callExtensionMethod($rule, $methodName, $args = []): string 

callExtensionMethod calls a method for an extended rule and returns the result as a string.

protected getMessage()

protected getMessage(string $attribute, string $rule): string 

getMessage message for a validation attribute and rule.

protected hasExtensionMethod()

protected hasExtensionMethod($rule, $methodName): bool 

hasExtensionMethod determines if an extended rule has a given method.

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • allFailingRequired() - Determine if all of the given attributes fail the required test. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • anyFailingRequired() - Determine if any of the given attributes fail the required test. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • attributesThatHaveMessages() - Generate an array of all attributes that have messages. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • callClassBasedExtension() - Call a class based validator extension. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • callClassBasedReplacer() - Call a class based validator message replacer. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • callExtension() - Call a custom validator extension. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • callReplacer() - Call a custom validator message replacer. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • checkDateTimeOrder() - Given two date/time strings, check that one is after the other. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • compare() - Determine if a comparison passes between the given values. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • compareDates() - Compare a given date against another using an operator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • convertValuesToBoolean() - Convert the given values to boolean if they are string "true" / "false". (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • convertValuesToNull() - Convert the given values to null if they are string "null". (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • dependsOnOtherFields() - Determine if the given rule depends on other fields. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • excludeAttribute() - Add the given attribute to the list of excluded attributes. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • extractDistinctValues() - Extract the distinct values from the data. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • failsBasicDimensionChecks() - Test if the given width and height fail any conditions. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • failsRatioCheck() - Determine if the given parameters fail a dimension ratio check. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getAttributeFromTranslations() - Get the given attribute from the attribute translations. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getAttributeList() - Transform an array of attributes to their displayable form. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getAttributeType() - Get the data type of the given attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getCustomMessageFromTranslator() - Get the custom error message from the translator. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDateFormat() - Get the date format for an attribute if it has one. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDateTime() - Get a DateTime instance from a string with no format. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDateTimeWithOptionalFormat() - Get a DateTime instance from a string. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDateTimestamp() - Get the date timestamp. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDistinctValues() - Get the values to distinct between. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getDnsRecords() - Get the DNS records for the given hostname. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getExistCount() - Get the number of records that exist in storage. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getExplicitKeys() - Get the explicit keys from an attribute flattened with dot notation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getExtraConditions() - Get the extra conditions for a unique / exists rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getFromLocalArray() - Get the inline message for a rule if it exists. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getInlineMessage() - Get the proper inline error message for standard and size rules. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getPrimaryAttribute() - Get the primary attribute name. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getRule() - Get a rule and its parameters for a given attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getSize() - Get the size of an attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getSizeMessage() - Get the proper error message for an attribute and size rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getUniqueExtra() - Get the extra conditions for a unique rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getUniqueIds() - Get the excluded ID column and value for the unique rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getValue() - Get the value of a given attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • getWildcardCustomMessages() - Check the given messages for a wildcard key. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • hasNotFailedPreviousRuleIfPresenceRule() - Determine if it's a necessary presence validation. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • isImplicit() - Determine if a given rule implies the attribute is required. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • isNotNullIfMarkedAsNullable() - Determine if the attribute fails the nullable check. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • isSameType() - Check if the parameters are of the same type. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • isValidatable() - Determine if the attribute is validatable. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • numberToIndexOrPositionWord() - Get the word for a index or position segment. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • passesOptionalCheck() - Determine if the attribute passes any optional check. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • prepareUniqueId() - Prepare the given ID for querying. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • presentOrRuleIsImplicit() - Determine if the field is present, or the rule implies required. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • removeAttribute() - Remove the given attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceAcceptedIf() - Replace all place-holders for the accepted_if rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceAfter() - Replace all place-holders for the after rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceAfterOrEqual() - Replace all place-holders for the after_or_equal rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceAsterisksInParameters() - Replace each field parameter which has asterisks with the given keys. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceAttributePlaceholder() - Replace the :attribute placeholder in the given message. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceBefore() - Replace all place-holders for the before rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceBeforeOrEqual() - Replace all place-holders for the before_or_equal rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceBetween() - Replace all place-holders for the between rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDateEquals() - Replace all place-holders for the date_equals rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDateFormat() - Replace all place-holders for the date_format rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDecimal() - Replace all place-holders for the decimal rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDeclinedIf() - Replace all place-holders for the declined_if rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDifferent() - Replace all place-holders for the different rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDigits() - Replace all place-holders for the digits rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDigitsBetween() - Replace all place-holders for the digits (between) rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDimensions() - Replace all place-holders for the dimensions rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDoesntEndWith() - Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_end_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDoesntStartWith() - Replace all place-holders for the doesnt_start_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceDotInParameters() - Replace each field parameter which has an escaped dot with the dot placeholder. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceEndsWith() - Replace all place-holders for the ends_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceGt() - Replace all place-holders for the gt rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceGte() - Replace all place-holders for the gte rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceIn() - Replace all place-holders for the in rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceInArray() - Replace all place-holders for the in_array rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceIndexOrPositionPlaceholder() - Replace the :index or :position placeholder in the given message. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceIndexPlaceholder() - Replace the :index placeholder in the given message. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceInputPlaceholder() - Replace the :input placeholder in the given message. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceLt() - Replace all place-holders for the lt rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceLte() - Replace all place-holders for the lte rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMax() - Replace all place-holders for the max rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMaxDigits() - Replace all place-holders for the max digits rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMimes() - Replace all place-holders for the mimes rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMimetypes() - Replace all place-holders for the mimetypes rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMin() - Replace all place-holders for the min rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMinDigits() - Replace all place-holders for the min digits rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMissingIf() - Replace all place-holders for the missing_if rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMissingUnless() - Replace all place-holders for the missing_unless rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMissingWith() - Replace all place-holders for the missing_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMissingWithAll() - Replace all place-holders for the missing_with_all rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceMultipleOf() - Replace all place-holders for the multiple_of rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceNotIn() - Replace all place-holders for the not_in rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replacePlaceholderInString() - Replace the placeholders in the given string. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replacePlaceholders() - Replace the placeholders used in data keys. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replacePositionPlaceholder() - Replace the :position placeholder in the given message. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceProhibitedIf() - Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_if rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceProhibitedUnless() - Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_unless rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceProhibits() - Replace all place-holders for the prohibited_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredArrayKeys() - Replace all place-holders for the required_array_keys rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredIf() - Replace all place-holders for the required_if rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredIfAccepted() - Replace all place-holders for the required_if_accepted rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredUnless() - Replace all place-holders for the required_unless rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredWith() - Replace all place-holders for the required_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredWithAll() - Replace all place-holders for the required_with_all rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredWithout() - Replace all place-holders for the required_without rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceRequiredWithoutAll() - Replace all place-holders for the required_without_all rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceSame() - Replace all place-holders for the same rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceSize() - Replace all place-holders for the size rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • replaceStartsWith() - Replace all place-holders for the starts_with rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • shouldBeExcluded() - Determine if the attribute should be excluded. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • shouldBeNumeric() - Adds the existing rule to the numericRules array if the attribute's value is numeric. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • shouldBlockPhpUpload() - Check if PHP uploads are explicitly allowed. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • shouldConvertToBoolean() - Check if parameter should be converted to boolean. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • shouldStopValidating() - Check if we should stop further validations on a given attribute. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • trim() - Trim the value if it is a string. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateAttribute() - Validate a given attribute against a rule. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateCurrentPassword() - Validate that the password of the currently authenticated user matches the given value. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)
  • validateUsingCustomRule() - Validate an attribute using a custom rule object. (defined in Illuminate\Validation\Validator)