
  • Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel

Protected Properties

protected array $bootstrappers

The bootstrap classes for the application.

protected array $middleware

The application's global HTTP middleware stack.

protected array $routeMiddleware

The application's route middleware.

protected array $middlewareGroups

The application's route middleware groups.

protected array $middlewarePriority

The priority-sorted list of middleware.

Forces the listed middleware to always be in the given order.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $app - The application implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • $router - The router instance. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • $requestLifecycleDurationHandlers - All of the registered request duration handlers. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • $requestStartedAt - When the kernel starting handling the current request. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)

Public Methods

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • __construct() - Create a new HTTP kernel instance. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • appendMiddlewareToGroup() - Append the given middleware to the given middleware group. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • appendToMiddlewarePriority() - Append the given middleware to the middleware priority list. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • bootstrap() - Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • getApplication() - Get the Laravel application instance. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • getMiddlewareGroups() - Get the application's route middleware groups. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • getMiddlewarePriority() - Get the priority-sorted list of middleware. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • getRouteMiddleware() - Get the application's route middleware. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • handle() - Handle an incoming HTTP request. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • hasMiddleware() - Determine if the kernel has a given middleware. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • prependMiddleware() - Add a new middleware to the beginning of the stack if it does not already exist. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • prependMiddlewareToGroup() - Prepend the given middleware to the given middleware group. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • prependToMiddlewarePriority() - Prepend the given middleware to the middleware priority list. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • pushMiddleware() - Add a new middleware to end of the stack if it does not already exist. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • requestStartedAt() - When the request being handled started. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • setApplication() - Set the Laravel application instance. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • terminate() - Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • whenRequestLifecycleIsLongerThan() - Register a callback to be invoked when the requests lifecycle duration exceeds a given amount of time. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)

Protected Methods

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • availableAt() - Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • bootstrappers() - Get the bootstrap classes for the application. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • currentTime() - Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • dispatchToRouter() - Get the route dispatcher callback. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • gatherRouteMiddleware() - Gather the route middleware for the given request. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • parseDateInterval() - If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • parseMiddleware() - Parse a middleware string to get the name and parameters. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • renderException() - Render the exception to a response. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • reportException() - Report the exception to the exception handler. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • secondsUntil() - Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • sendRequestThroughRouter() - Send the given request through the middleware / router. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • syncMiddlewareToRouter() - Sync the current state of the middleware to the router. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)
  • terminateMiddleware() - Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware. (defined in Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel)