
Protected Properties

protected string $fieldsetsCacheKey

Public Methods

public findContentFieldset()

public findContentFieldset($contentUuid): Tailor\Classes\Fieldset|null 

findContentFieldset creates a compilation of fields based on shared content groups that is compiled on a first seen basis.

public findFieldset()

public findFieldset($uuid, $group = null): Tailor\Classes\Fieldset|null 

public indexFieldsets()

public indexFieldsets(): array 

public listFieldsets()

public listFieldsets(): array 

Protected Methods

protected findAllFieldsetBlueprints()

protected findAllFieldsetBlueprints(): array 

findAllFieldsetBlueprints will spin over all fieldset sources

protected listFieldsetsRaw()

protected listFieldsetsRaw(): array 

listFieldsetsRaw without populating the Blueprint object