

Dispatcher proxy class

  • Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $container - The IoC container instance. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • $listeners - The registered event listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • $wildcards - The wildcard listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • $wildcardsCache - The cached wildcard listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • $queueResolver - The queue resolver instance. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • $macros - The registered string macros. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)

Public Methods

public fire()

public fire($args = null): void

fire proxies to dispatch

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • __call() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • __callStatic() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • __construct() - Create a new event dispatcher instance. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • createClassListener() - Create a class based listener using the IoC container. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • dispatch() - Fire an event and call the listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • flush() - Flush a set of pushed events. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • flushMacros() - Flush the existing macros. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • forget() - Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • forgetPushed() - Forget all of the pushed listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • getListeners() - Get all of the listeners for a given event name. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • getRawListeners() - Gets the raw, unprepared listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • hasListeners() - Determine if a given event has listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • hasMacro() - Checks if macro is registered. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • hasWildcardListeners() - Determine if the given event has any wildcard listeners. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • listen() - Register an event listener with the dispatcher. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • macro() - Register a custom macro. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • makeListener() - Register an event listener with the dispatcher. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • mixin() - Mix another object into the class. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • push() - Register an event and payload to be fired later. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • setQueueResolver() - Set the queue resolver implementation. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • subscribe() - Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • until() - Fire an event until the first non-null response is returned. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)

Protected Methods

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • addInterfaceListeners() - Add the listeners for the event's interfaces to the given array. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • broadcastEvent() - Broadcast the given event class. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • broadcastWhen() - Check if the event should be broadcasted by the condition. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • closureParameterTypes() - Get the class names / types of the parameters of the given Closure. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • createCallbackForListenerRunningAfterCommits() - Create a callable for dispatching a listener after database transactions. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • createClassCallable() - Create the class based event callable. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • createListenerAndJob() - Create the listener and job for a queued listener. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • createQueuedHandlerCallable() - Create a callable for putting an event handler on the queue. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • firstClosureParameterType() - Get the class name of the first parameter of the given Closure. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • firstClosureParameterTypes() - Get the class names of the first parameter of the given Closure, including union types. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • getWildcardListeners() - Get the wildcard listeners for the event. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • handlerShouldBeDispatchedAfterDatabaseTransactions() - Determine if the given event handler should be dispatched after all database transactions have committed. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • handlerShouldBeQueued() - Determine if the event handler class should be queued. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • handlerWantsToBeQueued() - Determine if the event handler wants to be queued. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • parseClassCallable() - Parse the class listener into class and method. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • parseEventAndPayload() - Parse the given event and payload and prepare them for dispatching. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • prepareListeners() - Prepare the listeners for a given event. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • propagateListenerOptions() - Propagate listener options to the job. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • queueHandler() - Queue the handler class. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • resolveQueue() - Get the queue implementation from the resolver. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • resolveSubscriber() - Resolve the subscriber instance. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • setupWildcardListen() - Setup a wildcard listener callback. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)
  • shouldBroadcast() - Determine if the payload has a broadcastable event. (defined in Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher)