

FilterWidgetBase class contains widgets used specifically for filters


Public Properties

public October\Rain\Database\Model|null $model

model is the related model object for the filter.

public bool $isJsonable

isJsonable determines if the filtered column is stored as JSON in the database.

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Inherited Public Properties

Protected Properties

protected FilterScope $filterScope

filterScope object containing general filter scope information.

protected string $scopeName

scopeName contains the raw scope name

protected string $valueFrom

valueFrom contains the attribute value source

protected Backend\Widgets\Filter $parentFilter

parentFilter that contains this scope

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Inherited Protected Properties

Public Methods

public __construct()

public __construct(
    Controller $controller,
    FilterScope $filterScope,
    array $configuration = []
): void

public applyScopeToQuery()

public applyScopeToQuery($query): void

public getActiveValue()

public getActiveValue(): void

public getFilterScope()

public getFilterScope(): void

public getHeaderValue()

public getHeaderValue(): void

getHeaderValue looks up the scope header

public getLoadValue()

public getLoadValue(): void

public getParentFilter()

public getParentFilter(): Backend\Widgets\Filter|null 

getParentFilter retrieves the parent form for this formwidget

public getScopeName()

public getScopeName(): void

public renderForm()

public renderForm(): void

renderForm the form to use for filtering

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

Protected Methods

protected hasPostValue()

protected hasPostValue($name): bool 

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Inherited Protected Methods