

MailManager class for sending mail.

  • Illuminate\Mail\MailManager
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Mail\Factory

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $app - The application instance. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • $mailers - The array of resolved mailers. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • $customCreators - The registered custom driver creators. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)

Public Methods

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • __call() - Dynamically call the default driver instance. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • __construct() - Create a new Mail manager instance. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createSymfonyTransport() - Create a new transport instance. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • driver() - Get a mailer driver instance. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • extend() - Register a custom transport creator Closure. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • forgetMailers() - Forget all of the resolved mailer instances. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • getApplication() - Get the application instance used by the manager. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • getDefaultDriver() - Get the default mail driver name. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • mailer() - Get a mailer instance by name. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • purge() - Disconnect the given mailer and remove from local cache. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • setApplication() - Set the application instance used by the manager. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • setDefaultDriver() - Set the default mail driver name. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)

Protected Methods

protected resolve()

protected resolve(string $name): Illuminate\Mail\Mailer 

resolve the given mailer. Copy of parent method, replacing Mailer class.

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • addSesCredentials() - Add the SES credentials to the configuration array. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • configureSmtpTransport() - Configure the additional SMTP driver options. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createArrayTransport() - Create an instance of the Array Transport Driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createFailoverTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Failover Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createLogTransport() - Create an instance of the Log Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createMailTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Mail Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createMailgunTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Mailgun Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createPostmarkTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Postmark Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createSendmailTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Sendmail Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createSesTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Amazon SES Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createSesV2Transport() - Create an instance of the Symfony Amazon SES V2 Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • createSmtpTransport() - Create an instance of the Symfony SMTP Transport driver. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • get() - Attempt to get the mailer from the local cache. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • getConfig() - Get the mail connection configuration. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • getHttpClient() - Get a configured Symfony HTTP client instance. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)
  • setGlobalAddress() - Set a global address on the mailer by type. (defined in Illuminate\Mail\MailManager)