

Blueprint proxy class

  • Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint

Public Properties

There are no public properties in the class.

Show inherited public properties

Inherited Public Properties

  • $engine - The storage engine that should be used for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $charset - The default character set that should be used for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $collation - The collation that should be used for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $temporary - Whether to make the table temporary. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $after - The column to add new columns after. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $table - The table the blueprint describes. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $prefix - The prefix of the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $columns - The columns that should be added to the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $commands - The commands that should be run for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • $macros - The registered string macros. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)

Public Methods

public multisite()

public multisite(
    string $column = 'site_id',
    string|null $indexName = null
): void 

multisite adds columns used by the Multisite trait

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • __call() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • __callStatic() - Dynamically handle calls to the class. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • __construct() - Create a new schema blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • addColumn() - Add a new column to the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • addFluentCommands() - Add the fluent commands specified on any columns. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • after() - Add the columns from the callback after the given column. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • autoIncrementingStartingValues() - Get the auto-increment column starting values. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • bigIncrements() - Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • bigInteger() - Create a new big integer (8-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • binary() - Create a new binary column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • boolean() - Create a new boolean column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • build() - Execute the blueprint against the database. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • char() - Create a new char column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • comment() - Add a comment to the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • computed() - Create a new generated, computed column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • create() - Indicate that the table needs to be created. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • creating() - Determine if the blueprint has a create command. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • date() - Create a new date column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dateTime() - Create a new date-time column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dateTimeTz() - Create a new date-time column (with time zone) on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • decimal() - Create a new decimal column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • double() - Create a new double column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • drop() - Indicate that the table should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropColumn() - Indicate that the given columns should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropConstrainedForeignId() - Indicate that the given column and foreign key should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropConstrainedForeignIdFor() - Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropForeign() - Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropForeignIdFor() - Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropFullText() - Indicate that the given fulltext index should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropIfExists() - Indicate that the table should be dropped if it exists. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropIndex() - Indicate that the given index should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropMorphs() - Indicate that the polymorphic columns should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropPrimary() - Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropRememberToken() - Indicate that the remember token column should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropSoftDeletes() - Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropSoftDeletesTz() - Indicate that the soft delete column should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropSpatialIndex() - Indicate that the given spatial index should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropTimestamps() - Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropTimestampsTz() - Indicate that the timestamp columns should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropUnique() - Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • enum() - Create a new enum column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • float() - Create a new float column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • flushMacros() - Flush the existing macros. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • foreign() - Specify a foreign key for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • foreignId() - Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • foreignIdFor() - Create a foreign ID column for the given model. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • foreignUlid() - Create a new ULID column on the table with a foreign key constraint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • foreignUuid() - Create a new UUID column on the table with a foreign key constraint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • fullText() - Specify an fulltext for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • geometry() - Create a new geometry column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • geometryCollection() - Create a new geometrycollection column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • getAddedColumns() - Get the columns on the blueprint that should be added. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • getChangedColumns() - Get the columns on the blueprint that should be changed. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • getColumns() - Get the columns on the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • getCommands() - Get the commands on the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • getTable() - Get the table the blueprint describes. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • hasAutoIncrementColumn() - Determine if the blueprint has auto-increment columns. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • hasMacro() - Checks if macro is registered. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • id() - Create a new auto-incrementing big integer (8-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • increments() - Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • index() - Specify an index for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • integer() - Create a new integer (4-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • integerIncrements() - Create a new auto-incrementing integer (4-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • ipAddress() - Create a new IP address column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • json() - Create a new json column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • jsonb() - Create a new jsonb column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • lineString() - Create a new linestring column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • longText() - Create a new long text column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • macAddress() - Create a new MAC address column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • macro() - Register a custom macro. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • mediumIncrements() - Create a new auto-incrementing medium integer (3-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • mediumInteger() - Create a new medium integer (3-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • mediumText() - Create a new medium text column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • mixin() - Mix another object into the class. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • morphs() - Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • multiLineString() - Create a new multilinestring column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • multiPoint() - Create a new multipoint column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • multiPolygon() - Create a new multipolygon column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • multiPolygonZ() - Create a new multipolygon column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • nullableMorphs() - Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • nullableNumericMorphs() - Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using numeric IDs (incremental). (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • nullableTimestamps() - Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • nullableUlidMorphs() - Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using ULIDs. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • nullableUuidMorphs() - Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using UUIDs. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • numericMorphs() - Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using numeric IDs (incremental). (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • point() - Create a new point column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • polygon() - Create a new polygon column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • primary() - Specify the primary key(s) for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • rawIndex() - Specify a raw index for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • rememberToken() - Adds the remember_token column to the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • removeColumn() - Remove a column from the schema blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • rename() - Rename the table to a given name. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • renameColumn() - Indicate that the given columns should be renamed. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • renameIndex() - Indicate that the given indexes should be renamed. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • set() - Create a new set column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • smallIncrements() - Create a new auto-incrementing small integer (2-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • smallInteger() - Create a new small integer (2-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • softDeletes() - Add a "deleted at" timestamp for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • softDeletesTz() - Add a "deleted at" timestampTz for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • spatialIndex() - Specify a spatial index for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • string() - Create a new string column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • temporary() - Indicate that the table needs to be temporary. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • text() - Create a new text column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • time() - Create a new time column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • timeTz() - Create a new time column (with time zone) on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • timestamp() - Create a new timestamp column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • timestampTz() - Create a new timestamp (with time zone) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • timestamps() - Add nullable creation and update timestamps to the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • timestampsTz() - Add creation and update timestampTz columns to the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • tinyIncrements() - Create a new auto-incrementing tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • tinyInteger() - Create a new tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • tinyText() - Create a new tiny text column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • toSql() - Get the raw SQL statements for the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • ulid() - Create a new ULID column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • ulidMorphs() - Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using ULIDs. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unique() - Specify a unique index for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedBigInteger() - Create a new unsigned big integer (8-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedDecimal() - Create a new unsigned decimal column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedDouble() - Create a new unsigned double column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedFloat() - Create a new unsigned float column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedInteger() - Create a new unsigned integer (4-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedMediumInteger() - Create a new unsigned medium integer (3-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedSmallInteger() - Create a new unsigned small integer (2-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • unsignedTinyInteger() - Create a new unsigned tiny integer (1-byte) column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • uuid() - Create a new UUID column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • uuidMorphs() - Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using UUIDs. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • year() - Create a new year column on the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)

Protected Methods

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • addColumnDefinition() - Add a new column definition to the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • addCommand() - Add a new command to the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • addFluentIndexes() - Add the index commands fluently specified on columns. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • addImpliedCommands() - Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint's state. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • commandsNamed() - Get all of the commands matching the given names. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • createCommand() - Create a new Fluent command. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • createIndexName() - Create a default index name for the table. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • dropIndexCommand() - Create a new drop index command on the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • ensureCommandsAreValid() - Ensure the commands on the blueprint are valid for the connection type. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)
  • indexCommand() - Add a new index command to the blueprint. (defined in Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint)