
  • Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

Show inherited protected properties

Inherited Protected Properties

  • $encrypter - The encrypter instance. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • $except - The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • $serialize - Indicates if cookies should be serialized. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)

Public Methods

public __construct()

public __construct($encrypter): void

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

  • disableFor() - Disable encryption for the given cookie name(s). (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • handle() - Handle an incoming request. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • isDisabled() - Determine whether encryption has been disabled for the given cookie. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • serialized() - Determine if the cookie contents should be serialized. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)

Protected Methods

Show inherited protected methods

Inherited Protected Methods

  • decrypt() - Decrypt the cookies on the request. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • decryptArray() - Decrypt an array based cookie. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • decryptCookie() - Decrypt the given cookie and return the value. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • duplicate() - Duplicate a cookie with a new value. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • encrypt() - Encrypt the cookies on an outgoing response. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • validateArray() - Validate and remove the cookie value prefix from all values of an array. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)
  • validateValue() - Validate and remove the cookie value prefix from the value. (defined in Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies)