

Fieldset definition is a group of fields and can come from various sources

  • Traversable
  • IteratorAggregate
  • JsonSerializable
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable
  • ArrayAccess
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable

Public Properties

There are no public properties in the class.

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Protected Properties

protected array $fieldsWithContext

fieldsWithContext captures fields that use context

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Public Methods

public addField()

public addField($name, $field): void

addField to the fieldset collection, with context support

public applyModelExtensions()

public applyModelExtensions($model): void

public defineAllFilterScopes()

public defineAllFilterScopes($filter, $options = []): void

public defineAllFormFields()

public defineAllFormFields($form, $options = []): void

public defineAllListColumns()

public defineAllListColumns($list, $options = []): void

public getContentColumnNames()

public getContentColumnNames(): void

getContentColumnNames spins over every field to determine the actual column names that it uses in the database, as opposed to its field name

public getFieldInContext()

public getFieldInContext($name, $context): void

getFieldInContext checks if a field exists within a given context

public validate()

public validate(): void

validate all the fields

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Protected Methods

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