

GenericField is used for generic form field types, like text, password, etc

  • JsonSerializable
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable
  • ArrayAccess
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable

Public Properties

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Protected Properties

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Public Methods

public defineFilterScope()

public defineFilterScope($filter, $context = null): void

defineFilterScope will define how a field is displayed in a filter.

public defineFormField()

public defineFormField($form, $context = null): void

defineFormField will define how a field is displayed in a form.

public defineListColumn()

public defineListColumn($list, $context = null): void

defineListColumn will define how a field is displayed in a list.

public extendDatabaseTable()

public extendDatabaseTable($table): void

public extendModelObject()

public extendModelObject($model): void

extendModelObject will extend the record model.

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Inherited Public Methods

Protected Methods

protected getDefaultColumnDisplayType()

protected getDefaultColumnDisplayType(): void

protected getDefaultScopeDisplayType()

protected getDefaultScopeDisplayType(): void


protected isColumnDefaultInvisible()

protected isColumnDefaultInvisible(): void

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Inherited Protected Methods