
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable
  • ArrayAccess
  • Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable
  • JsonSerializable

Public Properties

There are no public properties in the class.

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Inherited Public Properties

Protected Properties

There are no protected properties in the class.

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Inherited Protected Properties

Public Methods

public __construct()

public __construct($label = 'Button', $linkOrConfig = null, $config = []): void

public circleIcon()

public circleIcon($circleIcon): static 

circleIcon shows a circle button with an icon inside

public danger()

public danger(): static 

public info()

public info(): static 

public linkTo()

public linkTo($linkUrl, $isRaw = false): static 

public primary()

public primary(): static 

public render()

public render(): callable 

render the element

public secondary()

public secondary(): static 

public success()

public success(): static 

public textLink()

public textLink(): static 

textLink displays a button just like a text link with no padding

public warning()

public warning(): static 

Show inherited public methods

Inherited Public Methods

Protected Methods

protected buildAttributes()

protected buildAttributes($attr = []): array 

protected buildCssClass()

protected buildCssClass(): string 

protected buildLabel()

protected buildLabel(): void

protected initDefaultValues()

protected initDefaultValues(): void

initDefaultValues override method

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Inherited Protected Methods