A simple, extensible blogging platform for October CMS.
Editing posts
The plugin uses the markdown markup for the posts. You can use any Markdown syntax and some special tags for embedding images and videos (requires RainLab Blog Video plugin). To embed an image use the image placeholder:

The number in the first part is the placeholder index. If you use multiple images in a post you should use an unique index for each image:
You can also add classes or ids to images by using the markdown extra syntax:
{#id .class}
Excerpt Vs. Read more
Posts are managed by selecting Blog > Posts from the menu. Each post can contain an excerpt by entering some text in this field on the Manage tab. This content is displayed on the page using the summary
attribute of the blog post.
{{ post.summary }}
Alternatively this field can be left blank and the excerpt can be captured from the main content (Edit tab). Use the special tag <!-- more --> to specify a summary from the main content, all content above this tag will be treated as the summary. For example:
This is a great introduction to a great blog post. This text is included as part of the excerpt / summary. <!-- more --> Let's dive in to more detail about why this post is so great. This text will not be included in the summary.
Finally, if no excerpt is specified and the "more" tag is not used, the blog post will capture the first 600 characters of the content and use this for the summary.
Note: The HTML contents will be stripped from the
Markdown guide
October supports standard markdown syntax as well as extended markdown syntax
Classes and IDs
Classes and IDs can be added to images and other elements as shown below:
[link](url){#id .class} {#id .class} # October {#id .class}
Fenced code blogs
Markdown extra makes it possible to use fenced code blocks. With fenced code blocks you do not need indentation on the areas you want to mark as code:
``` Code goes here ```
You can also use the ~
~~~ Code goes here ~~~
A simple table can be defined as follows:
First Header | Second Header ------------- | ------------- Content Cell | Content Cell Content Cell | Content Cell
If you want to you can also add a leading and tailing pipe:
| First Header | Second Header | | ------------- | ------------- | | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell |
To add alignment to the cells you simply need to add a :
either at the start or end of a separator:
| First Header | Second Header | | :------------ | ------------: | | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell |
To center align cell just add :
on both sides:
| First Header | Second Header | | ------------- | :-----------: | | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell |
Definition lists
Below is an example of a simple definition list:
Laravel : A popular PHP framework October : Awesome CMS built on Laravel
A term can also have multiple definitions:
Laravel : A popular PHP framework October : Awesome CMS built on Laravel : Supports markdown extra
You can also associate more than 1 term to a definition:
Laravel October : Built using PHP
With markdown extra it is possible to create reference style footnotes:
This is some text with a footnote.[^1] [^1]: And this is the footnote.
With markdown extra you can add abbreviations to your markup. The use this functionality first create a definition list:
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language *[PHP]: Hypertext Preprocessor
Now markdown extra will convert all occurrences of HTML
and PHP
as follows:
<abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr> <abbr title="Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</abbr>
The following plugins extend or depend on the plugin

Blog RSS Feed
An RSS feed generator for the RainLab Blog plugin
Blog RSS Feed
An RSS feed generator for the RainLab Blog plugin

Restrict RainLab Blog Post viewers by category permission
Restrict RainLab Blog Post viewers by category permission

Allows MathJax preview on blog posts
Allows MathJax preview on blog posts

Blog Search
Adds a search function to the Rainlab.Blog Plugin
Blog Search
Adds a search function to the Rainlab.Blog Plugin

Blog Series
Group related posts into series for better management
Blog Series
Group related posts into series for better management

BlogTags with AJAX
Blog tags for rainlab.blog plugin
BlogTags with AJAX
Blog tags for rainlab.blog plugin

Blog Views
Enables blog posts visits tracking and displaying most visited list. User device details and bots detecting me...
Blog Views
Enables blog posts visits tracking and displaying most visited list. User device details and bots detecting me...

Blog Front Editor
Delegate Blog Posting to Authorized Front-end Users
Blog Front Editor
Delegate Blog Posting to Authorized Front-end Users

Blog Stats & Graphs
This plugin extended to RainLab Blog with beautiful graphs and useful dashboard widgets.
Blog Stats & Graphs
This plugin extended to RainLab Blog with beautiful graphs and useful dashboard widgets.

Small Extensions
Rainlab Blog and Pages extensions
Small Extensions
Rainlab Blog and Pages extensions

Blog Themes
Provides theming options to the RainLab Blog plugin.
Blog Themes
Provides theming options to the RainLab Blog plugin.

Blog Display Date
Blog Display Date extends the [RainLab.Blog](https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-blog) plugin with an additi...
Blog Display Date
Blog Display Date extends the [RainLab.Blog](https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-blog) plugin with an additi...

Blog Subtitle
Blog Subtitle extends the [RainLab.Blog](https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-blog) plugin with an additional...
Blog Subtitle
Blog Subtitle extends the [RainLab.Blog](https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-blog) plugin with an additional...

Blog Taxonomy
Taxonomy extension for RainLab Blog plugin
Blog Taxonomy
Taxonomy extension for RainLab Blog plugin

Blog Time to Read
A simple time to read extension for RainLab Blog plugin
Blog Time to Read
A simple time to read extension for RainLab Blog plugin

Awesome Categories
Add some awesomeness to your blog categories
Awesome Categories
Add some awesomeness to your blog categories

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Convert Rainlab.Blog pages into pages that comply with the AMP standard.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Convert Rainlab.Blog pages into pages that comply with the AMP standard.

Related Articles
Show related articles by current post category for Blog posts
Related Articles
Show related articles by current post category for Blog posts

Blog Comments
Add comment section to blog post! Available for registered users and guests.
Blog Comments
Add comment section to blog post! Available for registered users and guests.

og:image tag for blog posts
Add Open Graph image tag to blog posts post
og:image tag for blog posts
Add Open Graph image tag to blog posts post

Card Slider
Bootstrap 3/4 Card Slider basing on the content provided by RainLab Blog
Card Slider
Bootstrap 3/4 Card Slider basing on the content provided by RainLab Blog

Extends the Blog plugin to display your Medium articles
Extends the Blog plugin to display your Medium articles

Display your posts on Google Map and create beautiful listing pages
Display your posts on Google Map and create beautiful listing pages

Power Blog
This blog plugin is built with Quill for an enhanced writing experience.
Power Blog
This blog plugin is built with Quill for an enhanced writing experience.

Vermillion Themes Plugin
Vermillion themes using this plugin
Vermillion Themes Plugin
Vermillion themes using this plugin

Blog Nested Categories
Nested post categories for rainlab.blog plugin
Blog Nested Categories
Nested post categories for rainlab.blog plugin

Blog Category Seo
Blog Category Seo

Blog Custom Fields
Custom fields for you RainLab.Blog Posts and Categories. Supports RainLab.Translate plugin
Blog Custom Fields
Custom fields for you RainLab.Blog Posts and Categories. Supports RainLab.Translate plugin

Blog Xtend
Media images and RichEditor for Rainlab Blog
Blog Xtend
Media images and RichEditor for Rainlab Blog

Enhances RainLab.Blog with moderatable comments, tags, meta fields, stats, and more powerful features.
Enhances RainLab.Blog with moderatable comments, tags, meta fields, stats, and more powerful features.

Clone Blog Post
Add clone posts functionality to Rainlab Blog plugin
Clone Blog Post
Add clone posts functionality to Rainlab Blog plugin
The following themes use this plugin

Simply Blog
Simply Blog
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is just a simple blog!

A fictional site called House of Chairs that demonstrates how to build a client-friendly website.

A clean corporate design. Based on Bootstrap 3.3.7. A good starting point for your next project.

Nettoyer S
Nettoyer S
A nice theme to start your next project. This theme is based on UIKIT2.

October Canvas Blog
October Canvas Blog
Canvas is a Powerful, Responsive & Raw Multi-Purpose Multi-Page & One-Page HTML5 Template. I have just bought it on Themeforest. This is OctoberCMS theme I have converted from that template. I decided to distribute it free for OctoberCMS co...

Free Modern and Clean OctoberCMS Theme based on Materialize CSS.

a clean, responsive one page and blog theme

Vega Pro
Vega Pro
One page theme with Blog, Pages, Translations, Contact form and more

Clean Blog
Clean Blog
Clean blogger theme.

A Starter Theme for October based on MaterializeCSS.

A plain starter template that provide features of UIKIT2-Framework.

Minimal theme for OctoberCMS

Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success
Multipurpose Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Success
Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with easy Page Builder system

MDB [Loaded]
MDB [Loaded]
Material Design for Bootstrap theme with some basic Layouts loaded using StaticPages to get you up and running quickly.

Shopaholic Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Agora
Shopaholic Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Agora
Octobercms Ecommerce Theme with Powerful Eshop & Blog Capabilities and an easy Page Builder system.

Modular Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Clear
Modular Theme with PAGE BUILDER - Clear
Octobercms Multipurpose Theme with Powerful Settings and an easy CRUD Generator - Page Builder system

Small Business - Portfolio Theme for October
Small Business - Portfolio Theme for October
small business, portfolio theme for October

Wedding & Wedding Planner
Wedding & Wedding Planner
Wedding & Wedding planner for October CMS

Identity - Creative Personal & Agency Theme
Identity - Creative Personal & Agency Theme
Creative Personal - Multipurpose Octobercms Theme

Material Journal
Material Journal
Material Journal is a simple theme in the style of material design. It can be used as personal blog or journal with several authors. It has a custom template to showcase special timeless elements/information

A beautiful theme based on CreativeTim Argon. Comes with a simple page builder and custom blocks that extends Argon Design System.

Uikit 3 Theme Cards
Uikit 3 Theme Cards
Theme Cards

A freelance marketplace website for remote and freelance workers.

Uikit 3 Theme Brixx
Uikit 3 Theme Brixx
Brixx Theme for October CMS

A multipurpose theme based on Bootstrap 4. Ported to OctoberCMS , designed and developed by themefisher

A beautiful theme based on CreativeTim MaterialKit. Comes with a PageBuilder in StaticPages.

Simple Blog Theme
Simple Blog Theme
Simple theme for blog website

DeepITer Blog Theme
DeepITer Blog Theme
Personal blogger theme base on OctoberCMS.

Ultimate Website Builder - CREATOR Theme Bundle
Ultimate Website Builder - CREATOR Theme Bundle
The Ultimate Octobercms Theme Bundle with Advanced Page Builder & Powerful Component Blocks

A multipurpose and contemporary flat design OctoberCMS theme with rich animations With Native Page Builder

Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Responsive Hotel Booking Website Template

Bootstrap 4 HTML5 website template

Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Professional Business Website Template

Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Business Agency Website Template

Jigsaw Blog Starter Theme
Jigsaw Blog Starter Theme
This is a starter template for creating a beautiful, customizable blog.

Ultimate Responsive Company Profile Theme

Photographer Colorlib
Photographer Colorlib
Multipurpose Bootstrap Theme for Portfolio, Corporate, Gallery, Agency, Blogging, Resume, etc. Basically, this is designed for Photografer, Business, Creative Professional, Painting/Image Gallery & Product Showcase.

Free Bootstrap Hotel website template - it's a Modern, Responsive, Luxurious and Easy to use.

eMarket - Advanced E-Commerce Octobercms theme
eMarket - Advanced E-Commerce Octobercms theme
Premium Ecommerce Octobercms theme based on OFFLINE Mall Plugin

Yell-Ow! - Ultimate Company Profile

Visarzo is a powerful CSS Framework coupled with the best of Bootstrap. Block design, free arrangement and combination, easy to use and customize.

Portfolio, blog website template

Theme specially designed for tutoring/teaching bussines

Rezume is an impactful dark one page CV website template that helps create a striking online presence

Polished single-page business-oriented theme with a blog.

Bootstrap 5 SASS
Bootstrap 5 SASS
Skeleton theme based on Bootstrap 5 with SASS and Bootstrap Icons.

Single-page drone & UAV business services theme with a blog.

Presence - Multipurpose Theme with Powerful Pagebuilder
Presence - Multipurpose Theme with Powerful Pagebuilder
An Excellent Octobercms Theme with Advanced Page Builder & Powerful Theme settings

NewsHub - now with PageBuilder
NewsHub - now with PageBuilder
A simple, responsive light and dark blog / magazine template, designed with Bootstrap 5.2 and extended with an own PageBuilder system.

Architect - Octobercms Theme with Advanced Pagebuilder
Architect - Octobercms Theme with Advanced Pagebuilder
An Powerful Octobercms Theme with Page Builder & Extensive Theme settings
Implementing front-end pages
The plugin provides several components for building the post list page (archive), category page, post details page and category list for the sidebar.
Post list page
Use the blogPosts
component to display a list of latest blog posts on a page. The component has the following properties:
- pageNumber - this value is used to determine what page the user is on, it should be a routing parameter for the default markup. The default value is {{ :page }} to obtain the value from the route parameter
. - categoryFilter - a category slug to filter the posts by. If left blank, all posts are displayed.
- postsPerPage - how many posts to display on a single page (the pagination is supported automatically). The default value is 10.
- noPostsMessage - message to display in the empty post list.
- sortOrder - the column name and direction used for the sort order of the posts. The default value is published_at desc.
- categoryPage - path to the category page. The default value is blog/category - it matches the pages/blog/category.htm file in the theme directory. This property is used in the default component partial for creating links to the blog categories.
- postPage - path to the post details page. The default value is blog/post - it matches the pages/blog/post.htm file in the theme directory. This property is used in the default component partial for creating links to the blog posts.
The blogPosts component injects the following variables to the page where it's used:
- posts - a list of blog posts loaded from the database.
- postPage - contains the value of the
component's property. - category - the blog category object loaded from the database. If the category is not found, the variable value is null.
- categoryPage - contains the value of the
component's property. - noPostsMessage - contains the value of the
component's property.
The component supports pagination and reads the current page index from the :page
URL parameter. The next example shows the basic component usage on the blog home page:
title = "Blog" url = "/blog/:page?" [blogPosts] postsPerPage = "5" == {% component 'blogPosts' %}
The next example shows the basic component usage with the category filter:
title = "Blog Category" url = "/blog/category/:slug/:page?" [blogPosts] categoryFilter = "{{ :slug }}" == function onEnd() { // Optional - set the page title to the category name if ($this->category) $this->page->title = $this->category->name; } == {% if not category %} <h2>Category not found</h2> {% else %} <h2>{{ category.name }}</h2> {% component 'blogPosts' %} {% endif %}
The post list and the pagination are coded in the default component partial plugins/rainlab/blog/components/posts/default.htm
. If the default markup is not suitable for your website, feel free to copy it from the default partial and replace the {% component %}
call in the example above with the partial contents.
Post page
Use the blogPost
component to display a blog post on a page. The component has the following properties:
- slug - the value used for looking up the post by its slug. The default value is {{ :slug }} to obtain the value from the route parameter
. - categoryPage - path to the category page. The default value is blog/category - it matches the pages/blog/category.htm file in the theme directory. This property is used in the default component partial for creating links to the blog categories.
The component injects the following variables to the page where it's used:
- post - the blog post object loaded from the database. If the post is not found, the variable value is null.
The next example shows the basic component usage on the blog page:
title = "Blog Post" url = "/blog/post/:slug" [blogPost] == <?php function onEnd() { // Optional - set the page title to the post title if (isset($this->post)) $this->page->title = $this->post->title; } ?> == {% if post %} <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2> {% component 'blogPost' %} {% else %} <h2>Post not found</h2> {% endif %}
The post details is coded in the default component partial plugins/rainlab/blog/components/post/default.htm
Category list
Use the blogCategories
component to display a list of blog post categories with links. The component has the following properties:
- slug - the value used for looking up the current category by its slug. The default value is {{ :slug }} to obtain the value from the route parameter
. - displayEmpty - determines if empty categories should be displayed. The default value is false.
- categoryPage - path to the category page. The default value is blog/category - it matches the pages/blog/category.htm file in the theme directory. This property is used in the default component partial for creating links to the blog categories.
The component injects the following variables to the page where it's used:
- categoryPage - contains the value of the
component's property. - categories - a list of blog categories loaded from the database.
- currentCategorySlug - slug of the current category. This property is used for marking the current category in the category list.
The component can be used on any page. The next example shows the basic component usage on the blog home page:
title = "Blog" url = "/blog/:page?" [blogCategories] == ... <div class="sidebar"> {% component 'blogCategories' %} </div> ...
The category list is coded in the default component partial plugins/rainlab/blog/components/categories/default.htm
Found the plugin useful on 22 Feb, 2021
Probably needed some more funcionality like related posts, comments, authors, etc. To avoid multiple vendors and plugins to create "news" or "media" website.
Tiara Digital Advertising
Found the plugin useful on 12 Jan, 2021
Pretty useful plugin. Easy to customize!
Found the plugin useful on 5 Nov, 2020
great plugin !!!
Trigital Hub
Found the plugin useful on 24 Jun, 2020
Thank you for the great plugin.
How can i change slug name from "title" to "/year/month/date/title" like blogspot? Want to use the same slug name with multiple blog articles.
Found the plugin useful on 16 Sep, 2019
This breadcrumb plugin is better. Useful with rainlab.blog. Show categories correctly and simply useful.
Found the plugin useful on 13 Aug, 2019
Dear Lutpy. Good plugin. But I'd prefer to check request one of the following way: if ( 4 === xhr.readyState && 200 === xhr.status ) { // the request is complete, parse data and call callback // goes on... } else if ( 4 === xhr.readyState ) { // something went wrong but complete // some handler }
Indy Gill
Found the plugin useful on 15 Jul, 2019
Easy to install. Easy to use. Great plugin.
Pavel Andrei
Found the plugin useful on 14 Jun, 2019
Hi, After upgrading to 1.3.3 we get this error:
"SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'rainlab_blog_posts.page' in 'where clause' (SQL: select
.* fromrainlab_blog_posts
left joinrainlab_translate_indexes
on rainlab_blog_posts.id =rainlab_translate_indexes
= RainLab\Blog\Models\Post andrainlab_translate_indexes
= en where (rainlab_blog_posts
= 0 or (rainlab_translate_indexes
= page andrainlab_translate_indexes
= 0)) limit 1)" on line 664 of /home/cnpcd/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.phpFor the specific change of language with the Translate plugin functional before upgrade.
The website for tst is this: http://www.cnpcd.ro/noutati and change languages from the bottom romana|english
All worked as a charm but after the update that errors ocur and can't find a fix for that. The error in the backecd is:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'rainlab_blog_posts.page' in 'where clause' in /home/cnpcd/public_html/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php:77
Thank you in advance.
Afzalur Syaref
Found the plugin not useful on 11 Jun, 2019
error after update to version 1.3.3 The component 'RainLab\Blog\Components\Post' does not contain a method 'getRouter'. how to fix this?
David Watson
Found the plugin useful on 3 Jun, 2019
Works for me!
Juan Timana
Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2019
Good, but you REALLY need to update your documentation. I've wasted already 4h just trying to implement this blog system in my website. The docs itself are fine, but they need to be updated in certain bits because then things won't work as expected and I had to figure out myself how to fix things.
Found the plugin useful on 16 Mar, 2019
How to make the conclusion of posts on the main page in 2 columns? On the blog page as usual leave
Mehmet Hanoğlu
Found the plugin useful on 31 Jan, 2019
Very useful
Nick Wong
Found the plugin useful on 3 Jan, 2019
@Mego overwrite default.htm https://octobercms.com/docs/cms/components#overriding-partials
Jahnosch Lehmbruch
Found the plugin useful on 10 Nov, 2018
Nice plug-in. But the provided information on the october cms page, is much less detailed then the one posted on Git-Hub.
If you have problems look on: https://github.com/arrizalamin/october-portfolio
Paolo M
Found the plugin useful on 28 Sep, 2018
Thank you, very useful and easy to use plugin
Found the plugin useful on 21 Sep, 2018
The plugin works though it is a little bit complex to install and make it all work properly.
Johan van de Merwe
Found the plugin useful on 19 Sep, 2018
happy about it?
Yes, when you want to use October CMS for blogging you can't do without this plugin.
Yes, for developers it could have some improvement, certainly when it concerns documentation.
Overall conclusion
In general it is just fine to work with. I would like to have known a few things in advance though, f.e. about extending models and morph maps. That cost me a lot of time to figure out why it didn't return any posts.
Found the plugin useful on 17 Aug, 2018
M getting error when submit the comment form from front-end. "Class 'Auth' not found" on line 99. Please help me on the same.
Thank You.
Sven Suchan
Found the plugin useful on 23 Jul, 2018
Useful plugin, but should have seo title and description on board. Yes it can be extended luckily, anyway it is a standard nowadays.
imam ahmad
Found the plugin useful on 15 Mar, 2018
halo, how can i get count of the category so i can put it at my sidebar list category badge.
Chris Bowen
Found the plugin useful on 24 Nov, 2017
Brilliant. since ive started using october cms, every site i build had blog installed straight away.
Katherine Chu
Found the plugin useful on 16 Nov, 2017
Easy to use and does exactly what it says on the tin, and thanks for the great support!
Petr Vytlačil
Found the plugin useful on 24 Jul, 2017
Hi, how I can get posts only for concrete language (I use Rainlab Translate)? Some posts are only for concrete language, dont have title and text in other language but are show .-/. THX
Found the plugin useful on 31 May, 2017
This is very useful plugin! Great job! But i have one question: How to show image (thumb) on post list?
Tran Dang Khoa
Found the plugin useful on 26 May, 2017
This is a plugin for LDAP authentication with the backend of OctoberCMS. I tried to search this feature on the market place but I haven't seen it. So, I have developed my own version and want to contribute it to the community.
This is the first time I submit plugin to OctoberCMS market place. If any thing missing, please let me know.
Thanks for supporting.
Muhammet KÜÇÜK
Found the plugin useful on 21 May, 2017
For people who has issues with code section which not works: go to: /plugins/rainlab/blog/components/post/default.htm change:
<div class="content">{{ post.content_html|raw }}</div>
<div class="content"> {{ post.content_html|replace({'<pre>': '<pre class = "prettyprint">'}) |raw}}</div>
then those add in <head> section of your theme layout:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/modules/system/assets/vendor/prettify/prettify.css">
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/google/code-prettify/master/loader/run_prettify.js"></script>
All Set
Found the plugin useful on 25 Apr, 2017
great plugin. Thank!
Found the plugin useful on 14 Apr, 2017
The category list is coded in the default component partial
but i need use a different template:themes/mytheme/partials/listCategoria1.htm.
how i can use it? -
Golam Mostofa
Found the plugin useful on 8 Apr, 2017
This Plugin Helps me solve my problem. Really Nice and Helpful.
Paddy Sherry
Found the plugin useful on 26 Mar, 2017
Excellent plugin. With minimal configuration I was able to get the Leader Internet Blog up and running in less than 1 hour.
David Roe
Found the plugin useful on 20 Mar, 2017
Great theme. I recommend it.
Waka Jeng
Found the plugin useful on 27 Jan, 2017
It's awesome :)
Wojciech Krakowiak
Found the plugin useful on 19 Jan, 2017
Plugin is awesome, however I really would love to be able to translate attachment's title and description, when adding images.
Found the plugin useful on 7 Jan, 2017
Hallo i new with this plugin, i have one question.
-how to add comment on the blog article ?
Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh
Found the plugin useful on 17 Nov, 2016
Love the plugin! Thank you so much. Question: is there an app that would allow me to post from an iPhone? Or would it support markdown apps with images? Like Simplenote app for example.
Nevena Arandjelovic
Found the plugin useful on 30 Aug, 2016
Hey, its great but i have question. How i can choose some category with its subcategories, because i want that list to be on right side like some menu. i supose i have to change {% component 'blogCategories' %}....
Found the plugin useful on 18 Aug, 2016
Simple for users to manage, there are many add-on plugins which compliment the Blog plugin, some should actually come built in with the standard Blog plugin, but overall it works as expected.
Found the plugin useful on 16 Aug, 2016
A very useful tool. Already to go and all you have to do is follow the documentation. If you're not into reading then just follow Samuel G on his vimeo video. https://vimeo.com/97088926
Hao Chang
Found the plugin useful on 7 Aug, 2016
Very useful plugin. Good job!
Just wondering if it is a bug that in the recent versions we can't specify a different
slug param name
?For example, if we have a
blog post page
with URL/post/:post
and in the "Post" component we have
slug = "{{ :post }}"
Then the blog post page would work well. That said, the
post page links
generated in other pages would be incorrect.For example, say we have a
blog category page
, which uses thePost List
component to display a list of posts and we specify theblog post page
we just created to be thePost page
, then the links generated for posts would be something likedomain.com/post/default
where the
should instead be the real slug of the post.This problem can be avoided by using
as thepost slug param name
in thePost
component.I think this can be a bug in recent versions of the
plugin, because in the demo video of this plugin, there used to be 2 configurations forPost page links
Post page
Post page param name
But now there is only
Post page
and we are no longer able to tell theblog category page
that theslug param name
for a generatedpost page link
should be:post
rather than the default:slug
category page link
has exactly the same problem.So any reason that we removed the
Post page param name
andCategory page param name
settings fromPost List
Ovidiu Fulea
Found the plugin useful on 21 Jul, 2016
Yes it's very useful, there are a couple of things missing, like butting the author in post, and putting a limit on the title so that it will show less, but otherwise after all the struggle I would have to say that it is easy to use after you lost your mind. It's easy to creat custom layouts for the posts as well. :D Great job guys
Billy Z Duke
Found the plugin useful on 21 May, 2016
Like much of the Rainlab stuff, their Blog plugin does the job and does it right. It was the first plugin I really investigated code-wise after my first OctoberCMS install, and it's still serving me faithfully a month into the project. Subsequent plugin selections have rarely been as trouble-free.
Michael Skweres
Found the plugin not useful on 1 Apr, 2016
Hi. I have purchased form builder plugin and well.. I'm disapointed since the author based on support forum told me that I should check the update in my october instance though I was sure that I will be able to add it after buying it to the instance this or other like any other plugins available for free since well.. I bought it right? ;) That;s one issue. The other is that the instance I have bought the plugin to (connected with) is not the production one on which I would like to use it but just my playground and in this case I also feel a bit cheated since I thought that after buying this or any plugin in this case I would be able to use it in any of my projects, yet that seems not to be the case and I can't :/ Maybe you could add some comprehensive information in visible place that after buying plugin it will be availableONLY on the project which with it's connected and that there will be no option to add it to the project other than the chosen one :/ Though I would prefere that you would change the policy and made plugins which were bought available to use in any projects and set / correct the installation / plugin adding area so that it would be intuitive.
Thank you
Denis Ricard
Found the plugin useful on 16 Mar, 2016
I didn't add it to my website, but I used it to learn some best practices on how to develop a plugin the right way.
Found the plugin useful on 13 Mar, 2016
I like it. It is simple to setup. How can I include image with list od recent posts?
Found the plugin useful on 8 Mar, 2016
not filter my categories as in the tutorial https://vimeo.com/97088926
Jean Marc BRUNO
Found the plugin useful on 1 Feb, 2016
very good plugin and documentation.
reka prihatanto
Found the plugin useful on 20 Jan, 2016
very useful
Anton Leonov
Found the plugin useful on 10 Jan, 2016
Must have plugin. Thanks to devs!
Found the plugin useful on 29 Dec, 2015
How can I add css class like
to table?
Found the plugin useful on 22 Dec, 2015
Very useful also to learn the concepts behind OCMS
Dinar Garipov
Found the plugin useful on 11 Nov, 2015
Good plugin. But I don't understand necessity of using Wiki-markdown. Isn't it more convenient to use WYSIWYG?
Tom Macdonald
Found the plugin useful on 30 Oct, 2015
Really simple to set up, following the video. As a developer, this hits the right balance between power and ease of use. All thumbs up!
Found the plugin useful on 22 Oct, 2015
Great Plugin. Is there a way to install several copies of this plugin to add Blog posts on Spanish and Portuguese?
Fadli Saad
Found the plugin useful on 13 Oct, 2015
Good. It make our writer feel better, normally we use Wordpress but it's getting much harder to maintain day by day. So we switch to OctoberCMS as it provide cleaner interface and give me better space to develop custom plugins
Michael Burke
Found the plugin useful on 28 Aug, 2015
Found this a brilliant little plugin for my site, doubt there's a better plugin available for OctoberCMS for blogging.
Found the plugin useful on 27 Jun, 2015
Simple and effective. Very good plugin imho :)
Lamin Sanneh
Found the plugin useful on 26 Jun, 2015
Yes plugin was useful and simple. Also extendable as shown by seo extension plugin.
Jorge andrade
Found the plugin useful on 3 Jun, 2015
This plugin is wonderful!
Long Nguyen
Found the plugin useful on 3 Jun, 2015
Great plugin, I love it, and love who make it :)
Arrizal Amin
Found the plugin useful on 30 May, 2015
This plugin is awesome, but I need support for Rainlab.Translate, thanks.
Thiago Varela
Found the plugin useful on 28 Apr, 2015
Karlis, I would suggest that you do one of the following:
- Create you own component and receive the post as a parameter on the default markup
- Create partials that also receive the post as a parameter
- Create two cms pages with uniques urls that uses the blogPost component, but without the component markup ;)
Found the plugin useful on 16 Apr, 2015
How can i make custom blogPost layout? Right now i'm changing default.htm in Posts folder. Now i need two different layouts.
Found the plugin not useful on 21 Mar, 2015
I dont understand how can I add a title to the article? I wan to title set automatically by the title in Database... But how can I use php code in .htm file? Or how it works? Should I make another post template? But where can I told the program, it should use my template, not default? I miss a normal documentation!!!
Benjamin Lai
Found the plugin useful on 8 Mar, 2015
How do i add except of the blog and featured image in a page just like that one at the bottom of the this site?
generic user
Found the plugin useful on 11 Feb, 2015
I find this plugin to be excellent! Keep up the good work.
Found the plugin useful on 3 Jan, 2015
CKEditor plugin works very well with blog, none of my customers had problem with it, try it out!
The blog itself only lacks multi-level categories and slug format control to be perfect, I appreciate it very much.
Alex Bass
Found the plugin useful on 16 Dec, 2014
Great plugin! Can't wait to start posting more articles but so far I'm liking it a lot. Loving the markdown support & live view as you type. Just a little bit worried about giving clients control over their blog though. Possibly add a mini cheat sheet somewhere where they can get a glimpse of some markdown syntax? Or possibly add a basic WYSIWYG editor that just outputs the basic markdown syntax? (As much as I think it doesn't need it, I have to think about clients who write their own blog posts and might not totally understand markdown language.
Anyway, keep up the phenomenal work, really happy so far :)
Tim Savory
Found the plugin useful on 15 Dec, 2014
Ok, i did by adding the following to the blog post page
{{ post.content_html|replace({'<pre>': '<pre class = "prettyprint linenums">','<code>':'','</code>':''}) |raw}}
and then adding the prettify.js and theme css to the default layout...
Tim Savory
Found the plugin useful on 14 Dec, 2014
How can I ring fence code with the prettifier class? Thanks, Tim
Maciej Kozłowski
Found the plugin useful on 1 Dec, 2014
I love this plugin, but cen you add option for "clients" (WYSWIG Editor for content) ?!
Found the plugin useful on 20 Nov, 2014
How can i change slug name from "title" to "/year/month/date/title" like blogspot? Want to use same slug name with multiple blog article.
andrew elkins
Found the plugin useful on 7 Oct, 2014
By "payout" I meant "layout"
andrew elkins
Found the plugin useful on 6 Oct, 2014
What's the best way to edit the payout that is use for generating the blog list and blog category list?
Also in the admin, as @autumn said, there's a sql error on the filter for categories. I'll look in to that shortly.
Found the plugin not useful on 6 Oct, 2014
Bugs in admin area doesn't work sort by category doesn't work filter by category
Jesse Struyvelt
Found the plugin useful on 8 Sep, 2014
Is there a way to detach the layout of the blog and get it into your own theme? I just like to receive data so I can do whatever I want with it in the layout stage.
I don't want to edit separate files just for the blog.
Hans Jonker
Found the plugin useful on 4 Jul, 2014
You can add a class to an image as follow:

Kevin Delfour
Found the plugin not useful on 27 Jun, 2014
After an update/refresh, I have lost all my posts !!! I have to repost all my articles... THX a lot -_-
chad little
Found the plugin useful on 4 Jun, 2014
Hi great plugin, I just noticed that the "Author" field is being left empty on all the new blog posts on my installation. I'm currently running the latest builds
Found the plugin useful on 30 May, 2014
not work
if (isset($this['blogPost'])) $this->page->title = $this['blogPost']->title;
but work ```if (isset($this['post']))
$this->page->title = $this['post']->title;
Martin Tale
Found the plugin useful on 26 May, 2014
Found this plugin very useful and easy to use.
@Denis - Take a look at code below. I have this in code section of blog post page.
function onEnd() { if (isset($this['blogPost'])) $this->page->title = $this['blogPost']->title; $this->page->meta_title = $this['blogPost']->title; $this->page->description = $this['blogPost']->excerpt; $this->page->meta_description = $this['blogPost']->excerpt; }
Denis Malinochkin
Found the plugin useful on 18 May, 2014
Hi RainLab, Prompt how to display the contents of the "Excerpt" in "meta=Description" on page post?
Michał Łukaszewski
Found the plugin useful on 16 May, 2014
How can I add css class like
to images?
1.7.1 |
Fixes bug using Rich Editor in content field Sep 19, 2024 |
1.7.0 |
Adds setting for editing posts with rich editor Feb 21, 2023 |
1.6.3 |
Adds page finder support for October v3.2 Jan 16, 2023 |
1.6.2 |
Fixes content_html attribute compatibility with Translate Oct 23, 2022 |
1.6.1 |
Fixes JS error when uploading images in newer versions Oct 01, 2022 |
1.6.0 |
Adds preview CMS page to settings and preview button to posts page Aug 22, 2022 |
1.5.6 |
Compatibility with October CMS v3.0 Jun 16, 2022 |
1.5.5 |
Compatibility with October CMS v3.0 Jun 16, 2022 |
1.5.4 |
Compatibility with October CMS v2.2 Mar 24, 2022 |
1.5.3 |
Adds setting to use legacy markdown editor Mar 24, 2022 |
1.5.2 |
Minor styling improvements Aug 04, 2021 |
1.5.1 |
Fixes interaction with Translate plugin May 21, 2021 |
1.5.0 |
Implement support for October CMS v2.0 Apr 20, 2021 |
1.4.4 |
Rollback translated bylines, please move or override the default component markup instead. Apr 09, 2021 |
1.4.3 |
Fixes incompatibility with locale switching when plugin is used in conjunction with the Translate plugin. Fixes undefined category error. Aug 06, 2020 |
1.4.2 |
Fix 404 redirects for missing blog posts. Assign current category to the listed posts when using the Posts component on a page with the category parameter available. Jul 21, 2020 |
1.4.1 |
Fixes potential security issue with unsafe Markdown. Allow blog bylines to be translated. May 26, 2020 |
1.4.0 |
Stability improvements. Rollback custom slug names for components Dec 04, 2019 |
1.3.6 |
Improved French translations. Nov 05, 2019 |
1.3.5 |
Fixed missing user info from breaking initial seeder in migrations. Fixed a PostgreSQL issue with blog exports. Oct 22, 2019 |
1.3.4 |
Allow post author to be specified. Improved translations. Oct 08, 2019 |
1.3.3 |
Fixed 'excluded categories' filter from being run when value is empty. Jun 06, 2019 |
1.3.2 |
Allow custom slug name for components, add 404 handling for missing blog posts, allow exporting of blog images. May 28, 2019 |
1.3.1 |
Fixed metadata column not being jsonable Aug 09, 2018 |
1.3.0 |
Added metadata column for plugins to store data in Aug 09, 2018 |
1.2.19 |
Improved support for Build 420+ Oct 06, 2017 |
1.2.18 |
Minor change to internals. Apr 07, 2017 |
1.2.17 |
Improved the next and previous logic to sort by the published date. Apr 06, 2017 |
1.2.16 |
Added `nextPost` and `previousPost` to the blog post component. Mar 19, 2017 |
1.2.15 |
Back-end navigation sort order updated. Mar 02, 2017 |
1.2.14 |
Added post exception property to the post list component, useful for showing related posts. Oct 30, 2016 |
1.2.13 |
Improved support for Static Pages menus, added a blog post and all blog posts. Oct 20, 2016 |
1.2.12 |
Description field added to category form. Oct 18, 2016 |
1.2.11 |
Fixes bug where excerpt is not translated. Sep 02, 2016 |
1.2.10 |
Added translation support for post slugs. Aug 19, 2016 |
1.2.9 |
Added translation support for blog categories. Jul 12, 2016 |
1.2.8 |
Fixes issue with translated `content_html` attribute on blog posts. Jul 04, 2016 |
1.2.7 |
Introduced a new RSS feed component. Jun 10, 2016 |
1.2.6 |
The published field can now supply a time with the date. Jun 01, 2016 |
1.2.5 |
Added translation support for blog posts. May 25, 2016 |
1.2.4 |
Database maintenance. Updated all timestamp columns to be nullable. Apr 29, 2016 |
1.2.3 |
Minor user interface update. Apr 01, 2016 |
1.2.2 |
Fixes issue on new installs. Jan 10, 2016 |
1.2.1 |
Post slugs now must be unique. Jan 09, 2016 |
1.2.0 |
Categories now support nesting. Jan 09, 2016 |
1.1.3 |
Added a New Post shortcut button to the blog menu. Nov 04, 2015 |
1.1.2 |
Posts are no longer visible if the published date has not passed. Aug 22, 2015 |
1.1.1 |
Posts can now be imported and exported. Aug 07, 2015 |
1.1.0 |
Replaced the Post editor with the new core Markdown editor. Aug 07, 2015 |
1.0.14 |
Add support for CSRF protection feature added to core. Jul 03, 2015 |
1.0.13 |
Fixes problem with providing pages to Sitemap and Pages plugins. Mar 13, 2015 |
1.0.12 |
Fixes issue where images cannot be uploaded caused by latest Markdown library. Feb 13, 2015 |
1.0.11 |
Deprecate "idParam" component property in favour of "slug" property. Dec 16, 2014 |
1.0.10 |
Added permission to prevent users from seeing posts they did not create. Dec 12, 2014 |
1.0.9 |
Added support for the Sitemap plugin. Nov 19, 2014 |
1.0.8 |
Added total posts to category list Oct 10, 2014 |
1.0.7 |
Added support for the Static Pages menus Oct 02, 2014 |
1.0.6 |
Featured images now appear in the Post component Jul 12, 2014 |
1.0.5 |
Removes the Author column from blog post list Jun 23, 2014 |
1.0.4 |
Improvements to the Posts list management UI May 30, 2014 |
1.0.3 |
Category component has been merged with Posts component May 30, 2014 |
1.0.2 |
Added the processed HTML content column to the posts table Apr 27, 2014 |
1.0.1 |
Initialize plugin Apr 04, 2014 |