Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Mar 16, 2016
  • Current version: 1.0.6
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


This theme is no more updated so it is now for free.

This beautiful theme is simple and clean. The theme "Nettoyer S" supports Blog and StaticPages/Menu out of the box. It comes with demo data, so you can see how it works to manage the theme.

"Nettoyer S" is based on the most experienced Framework "UIKIT2". Checkout for more infos www.getuikit.com

Some nice features like a masonry grid with lightbox is included. The sample content contains also image overlays and other features. All pictures are from https://pixabay.com and a free to use (both commercial and private).

It comes with following predefined pages:

  • Home Page
  • Elements Page
  • FAQ (with Accordion elements)
  • Blog
  • Static Pages
  • Static Menu
  • Portfolio Page (with Masonry Grid)
  • Error Page (404)
  • Contact Form (needs some coding)
  • Support Page (with nice sticky left sidebar and smooth scroll)
  • Disclaimer Page (is just a sample generic page)

For more informations, please see documentation and at the DEMO.

Version 1.0.5 - support for static pages and menus - Please see the sample pages and menus to see how the menus and pages work. For nested menus please see the work around in the sample menu (Header Menu). 2 Menus are support (One Header and one Footer)

With this theme you can start as it is. No special requirements.

Blog and StaticPages plugin will installed automatic, if the plugins are not already installed!

If you need help with the syntax of the framework, look at www.getuikit.com (this theme is based on this great framework). We provide 8 sample pages to show you the syntax. Use it as it is or customize it!!! All used LESS-Files are included. UIKIT development files are also included.

Contact form setup

We predefined a contact form, but it needs a bit coding. If you are happy with the fields just follow the instructions:

  • Select the layout Default
  • Enter the code: contact::form
  • Enter the subject: Contact form submitted
  • Enter the description: Sent when a user submits the contact form.
  • Enter the HTML below:
<p>From: {{name}} {{surnamel}} <{{ email }}></p>

<p>Phone: {{ phone }}</p>

<p>Company: {{company}}</p>

<p>Subject: {{subject}}</p>

<p>Message Body:</p>



<p>This mail is sent via contact form found on Nettoyer S!</p>
  • Click create

Submitting the contact form will send an email to all administrators who belong to the group with code support-contact. You can create this group by selecting Settings > Administrators > Manage Groups > New Group.

  • Place a tick in Add new administrators to this group by default. to add all the existing admins to this new group.
  • Enter a name: Support contact
  • Enter the code: support-contact
  • Click Create

For help please use the support link!


Static Pages is set to require in the theme.yaml.

May 18, 2016


Static Pages and Static Menu added.

May 18, 2016


Change SocialMedia Informations and your Address without coding in theme settings in the backend.

May 12, 2016


Blog added.

May 11, 2016


Change Sitename and language code of site in Theme settings without coding.

Apr 07, 2016


Fixed Sticky Subnav on Support page.

Mar 21, 2016


First version of Vanilla theme.

Mar 16, 2016