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A simple extension for RainLab Blog plugin.

Awesome Categories plugin adds a few new fields to the Category model, so you could customize a look and feel for your categories even more when showing them on the frontend.

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Icon is made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com and licensed by CC 3.0 BY

New fields on a category page

Awesome Categories plugin adds a few new fields to the Category model, so you could customize a look and feel for your categories even more when showing them on the frontend. New fields are:

  • awesome_icon (e.g. {{ category.awesome_icon }}, {{ category.awesomeIcon }}) - powered by Awesome Icons List, adds ability to select an icon for a category;
  • awesome_color (e.g. {{ category.awesome_color }}, {{ category.awesomeColor }}) - a color-picker field which simply adds ability to attach a color to a category, the color is stored as hex color;
  • awesome_style (e.g. {{ category.awesome_style }}, {{ category.awesomeStyle }}) - if it is not enough, a dedicated field for custom CSS style is ready for you.

No components or widgets are provided by this plugin


Added Spanish localization Pending

Aug 12, 2020


Fixed variable naming and documentation

Jun 21, 2020


The initial release of Awesome Categories

Jan 21, 2019