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Inspired by Blog Tags Extension and Blog Series plugins Blog Taxonomy adds both tags and series functionality in a high quality and reliable way. Every post could belong to a single series and at the same time it can have multiple tags assigned.

Changes to Original Blog Plugin


Categories are meant for broad grouping of your posts. Think of these as general topics or the table of contents for your site. Categories are there to help identify what your blog is really about. It is to assist readers finding the right type of content on your site. Categories are hierarchical, so you can define sub-categories.

Original blog categories were enhanced with ability to add posts while being on a single category page.

They were also placed in a new tag-like style along with tags and series in their own Taxonomy tab of a backend CMS blog page.

Also, categories can now (since version 3.0.0) have a cover image, and an array of featured images (cover_image and featured_images attributes respectively). Two new backend settings were added to enable or disable this extension.


Tags are meant to describe specific details of your posts. Think of these as your site’s index words. They are the micro-data that you can use to micro-categorize your content. Tags are not hierarchical.


Series could help you to organize your posts in a single flow of related posts.


Since 3.0.0 posts could have types assigned. Post types support can be enabled via backend settings for the plugin. The type is a set of properties that could be associated with the post. Types are being created and edited as separated models in the backend. Each post type defines several properties which are added as additional form inputs when a specific type is chosen.

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Blog Taxonomy

Taxonomy extension for RainLab Blog plugin.

Table of Contents

Inspired by Blog Tags Extension and Blog Series plugins Blog Taxonomy adds both tags and series functionality in a high quality and reliable way. Every post could belong to a single series and at the same time it can have multiple tags assigned.

Changes to Original Blog Plugin


Categories are meant for broad grouping of your posts. Think of these as general topics or the table of contents for your site. Categories are there to help identify what your blog is really about. It is to assist readers finding the right type of content on your site. Categories are hierarchical, so you can define sub-categories.

Original blog categories were enhanced with ability to add posts while being on a single category page.

They were also placed in a new tag-like style along with tags and series in their own Taxonomy tab of a backend CMS blog page.

Also, categories can now (since version 3.0.0) have a cover image, and an array of featured images (cover_image and featured_images attributes respectively). Two new backend settings were added to enable or disable this extension.


Tags are meant to describe specific details of your posts. Think of these as your site’s index words. They are the micro-data that you can use to micro-categorize your content. Tags are not hierarchical.


Series could help you to organize your posts in a single flow of related posts.


Since 3.0.0 posts could have types assigned. Post types support can be enabled via backend settings for the plugin. The type is a set of properties that could be associated with the post. Types are being created and edited as separated models in the backend. Each post type defines several properties which are added as additional form inputs when a specific type is chosen.

Translate Plugin Support

Starting from 1.5.0 version Blog Taxonomy supports RainLab Translate plugin when it's installed. All tag and series fields could be translated.

Migration from Other Plugins

Starting from 1.12.0 version Blog Taxonomy supports migration from other plugins. Currently supported plugins are: BlogSeries.

The migration is done via console command:

artisan blogtaxonomy:migrate PKleindienst.BlogSeries

Use -h or --help to get usage help.

Migration example output:

*     Migration from PKleindienst.BlogSeries     *

Migrating series
2 series found
Series "Series 1" => Blog Taxonomy Series "Series 1" (#3)
Series "Series 2" => Blog Taxonomy Series "Series 2" (#4)
All series have been migrated

Migrating related series
Relation "#4" => "#3" added
Relation "#3" => "#4" added
Related series have been migrated

 Do you want to assign newly created series to posts (already assigned Blog Taxonomy series will be overwritten) (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

Migrating series assigned to posts
Series "#3" has been assigned to a post
Series "#4" has been assigned to a post
Migrated series has been assigned

Migration from PKleindienst.BlogSeries finished

Implementing Frontend Pages

Post Types

Post types provide additional attributes which could be assigned to blog posts. Each attribute when created got its own code (like a slug for a Post, Tag, Series, etc.). This code can be used to access attribute values for individual posts. For this purpose such methods as were added:

typeAttribute(string code) - to get one attribute
typeAttributes() - to get all attributes

So, for example, if you have a "Rating" attribute with a rating code you can show it in the template like this:

<span>{{ post.typeAttribute('rating') }}</span>


The Blog Taxonomy plugin provides several useful components with a basic markup for frontend usage. The default markup is not intended to fit to any existing frontend theme, it is just an example, so if the default markup is not suitable for your website, feel free to copy it from the default partial and replace the markup with your own.

Available components:

  • Post Series Navigation (seriesNavigation) - provides navigation within the series for a single post.
  • Posts in the Series (postsInSeries) - lists all posts in the supplied series.
  • Posts With the Tag (postsWithTag) - lists all posts with the supplied tag.
  • Related Posts (relatedPosts) - provides a list of posts related by tags.
  • Series List (seriesList) - displays a list of series.
  • Tag List (tagList) - displays a list of tags.
  • Related Series (relatedSeries) - provides a list of related series.

Post Series Navigation

Component seriesNavigation provides navigation within the series for a single post. You can display, for example, next and previous posts in the same series, show series details and link to its page, etc.

Component properties:

  • Post slug - get series navigation for the post specified by slug value from URL parameter; e.g. if post slug is :post the page URL must contain :post parameter which value will be used as post slug to retrieve the series;
  • Series page - CMS page which contains postsInSeries component and is used to display a single series content and posts;
  • Post page - name of the blog post page to display a single blog post content.

Posts in the Series

Component postsInSeries lists all posts in the supplied series. The component supports pagination and posts ordering.

Available properties:

  • Series slug - look up the series using the supplied slug value from this URL parameter; e.g. if series slug is :series the page URL must contain :series parameter which value will be used as series slug to retrieve the series;
  • Post order - attribute and direction on which posts should be ordered;
  • Page parameter - calculate pagination based on this URL parameter;
  • Items per page - how many items (if any) should be displayed per page, "0" displays all items;
  • Post page - name of the blog post page to display a single blog post content;
  • Category page - name of the category page to display a single blog category content;
  • Include tagged posts - additionally include posts tagged with the tags from the current series;
  • Include categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts only with these categories will be included into the list;
  • Exclude posts - list of post ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; these posts will be excluded from the list;
  • Exclude categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts with these categories will be excluded from the list.

Posts With the Tag

Component postsWithTag lists all posts with the supplied tag. The component supports pagination and posts ordering.

Available properties:

  • Tag slug - look up the tag using the supplied slug value from this URL parameter; e.g. if tag slug is :tag the page URL must contain :tag parameter which value will be used as tag slug to retrieve the tag;
  • Include series posts - additionally include posts which belongs to the series tagged with the current tag;
  • Post order - attribute and direction on which posts should be ordered;
  • Page parameter - calculate pagination based on this URL parameter;
  • Items per page - how many items (if any) should be displayed per page, "0" displays all items;
  • Post page - name of the blog post page to display a single blog post content;
  • Category page - name of the category page to display a single blog category content;
  • Include categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts only with these categories will be included into the list;
  • Exclude posts - list of post ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; these posts will be excluded from the list;
  • Exclude categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts with these categories will be excluded from the list.

Related Posts

Component relatedPosts provides a list of posts related by tags, e.g. posts which have some tags in common.

Available properties:

  • Post slug - get related posts for the post specified by slug value from URL parameter; e.g. if post slug is :post the page URL must contain :post parameter which value will be used as post slug to retrieve the related posts;
  • Limit - number of posts to display, 0 retrieves all related posts;
  • Post order - attribute and direction on which posts should be ordered;
  • Post page - name of the blog post page to display a single blog post content.

Series List

Component seriesList displays a list of series.

Available properties:

  • Display empty series - whether to show series which don't have any posts assigned or not;
  • Limit - number of series to display, 0 retrieves all series;
  • Series order - how series list should be ordered;
  • Series page - CMS page which contains postsInSeries component and is used to display a single series content and posts;
  • Fetch related posts - if enabled, the component will fetch related posts, so they are properly (as published) available via posts property of the series item; it does an additional request, so decreases performance a little;
  • Include categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts only with these categories will be included into the post count and post list associated with the series;
  • Exclude posts - list of post ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; these posts will be excluded from the post count and post list associated with the series;
  • Exclude categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts with these categories will be excluded from from the post count and post list associated with the series.

Tag List

Component tagList displays a list of tags. Can be used to build a tag cloud (because post count with each tag is available). It also can be used to retrieve a list of tags for specific post.

Please don't forget to use different aliases for components if you use the same component several times on the same page (presumably for different purpose)

Available properties:

  • Display empty tags - whether to show tags which were no assigned to any posts or not;
  • Tag order - how tags should be ordered;
  • Limit - number of tags to display, 0 retrieves all tags;
  • Expose total count - the component has totalCount property which would contain either overall amount of tags or amount of tags under "limit" only. For example you have 10 tags overall but you use a limit of 5. This will make component to display 5 tags only. With Expose total count enabled you could still get "10" in totalCount. And you'll get 5 otherwise;
  • Fetch tagged posts - if enabled, the component will fetch tagged posts, so they are properly (as published) available via posts property of the tag item; it does an additional request, so decreases performance a little;
  • Include series tags - if enabled, the component will additionally include tags applied to the post's series if the post has series and the series has tags;
  • Debug output - allows to enable debug output to the browser's console. Need to be implemented by the theme;
  • Fetch series post count - if enabled, the component will additionally fetch count of posts which belong to series tagged with this tag, so it will be possible to create more accurately weighed tag cloud;
  • Include categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts only with these categories will be included into the post count and post list associated with the tag;
  • Exclude posts - list of post ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; these posts will be excluded from the post count and post list associated with the tag;
  • Exclude categories - list of categories ids/slugs (can be mixed together) separated by comma; posts with these categories will be excluded from the post count and post list associated with the tag.

Leave this as false if you do not require a whole total count, because it will give you more optimised result

  • Include tag filter - whether to include a tag filter input or not. Tag filter is a text input with some JavaScript powered by mark.js that allows you to filter a tag list nicely. Use it if you have a lot of tags to display, because it would allow to search for a specific tag quickly. Possible values are "Never", "Always" and "When tag total count > limit". All of them are self-descriptive, but keep in mind that the last option should be used when both Limit and Expose total count enabled, because you'd get probably an undesired result otherwise. The component exposes tagFilterEnabled property which would be set to true when the filter assets are included and the filter could be used;

The default markup injects JavaScript into {% scripts %} placeholder so please make sure your theme has it. Also, the default code requires jQuery. If you do not have it, please make sure to adjust the code to fulfill your needs

  • Post slug - get tags for the post specified by a slug value from URL parameter; e.g. if the post slug is :post the page URL must contain :post parameter which value will be used as post slug to retrieve tags;

It is not required to set it to a real value unless you want to display tags specific for the post

  • Tag page - CMS page which contains postsWithTag component and is used to display a single tag content (its posts);
  • Tags page - CMS page which probably contains tagList component and is used to display all tags you have;

Related Series

Component relatedSeries provides a list of related series. The same list could be fetched for individual series by accessing its property related_series. The only difference is that the component fills urls for related series.

Available properties:

  • Series slug - look up the related series using the supplied slug value from this URL parameter; e.g. if series slug is :series the page URL must contain :series parameter which value will be used as series slug to retrieve the related series;
  • Series page - CMS page which contains postsInSeries component and is used to display a single series content and posts.
  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Apr, 2021

    Hi When installed on the latest version of the system, it gives the following error https://prnt.sc/1194jd6 Thanks

  • author

    Replied on 11 Apr, 2021

    Hi! Please use a support link for reporting issues :) And yes, this issue has been reported already, you can check on github. The problem is that you probably use too old DB version which does not support JSON data type. It is not the plugin issue, but the Laravel's one which does not check for available DB features when running.

  • Found the plugin useful on 27 May, 2020

    Amazing plugin that allows so many options on our blogs. Developer is very attentive, offer great support, and is open to suggestions which is rare these days. In my opinion the best plugin for tags out there.

  • author

    Replied on 28 May, 2020

    Thanks for you support!

  • Found the plugin useful on 27 May, 2019

    Very good plugin, saved me from a lot of headaches when developing a series based website.

  • Found the plugin useful on 22 Mar, 2019

    Good extension for Blog, but I'm trying to set up page for posts in the series like the post list page in blog plugin, and cannot set the page meta title to the series name, or get any other series properties in template

  • author

    Replied on 22 Mar, 2019

    Hi! Thank's for review! Could you please use the public repository link on the left and open a new github issue describing what you want to achieve so I could help you to resolve the issue?

  • Found the plugin useful on 17 Jan, 2019

    This plugin addds to the blog app so well. It will most likely become a staple to my sites. One main thing missing is a feature image option for a series, but I am sure that will be coming.

  • author

    Replied on 17 Jan, 2019

    Thanks for your review! To be honest, yes, there's some work-in-progress with this plugin at the moment and featured images would be probably added too.

    Update: featured images are available in 1.4.0, feel free to update!


Fix validation rule for an old October CMS version

May 19, 2021


Extend allowed characters for model names and titles

May 16, 2021


Make group-by query conditional for the abstract model

May 04, 2021


Changed name in composer because October suddenly started to complain about it

Apr 27, 2021


Fixed a group by clause when sorting by a particular field on ModelAbstract

Apr 27, 2021


Try to fix an issue with unsupported json data type on old DB servers

Apr 11, 2021


Fixed a bug with undefined constant left after removal of deprecated code

Mar 29, 2021


Added post types functionality

Mar 25, 2021


Removed usage of 'void' return type to support old PHP versions

Nov 11, 2020


Added 'include tagged posts' option for the posts-in-series component

Nov 09, 2020


Related posts can now be additionally filtered by post and/or category

Sep 14, 2020


Added ability to pass series slug into post URLs via the posts-in-series component

Sep 03, 2020


Fixed post URLs broken by Rainlab Blog 1.4.3

Aug 21, 2020


Added status support for series

Jun 11, 2020


Added missing `include categories` filter for Tags list and Series list

May 24, 2020


Added support of special characters for tag name

May 21, 2020


Fix trait name

May 19, 2020


Add filter by categories (included) for post lists (with tags/series)

May 19, 2020


Non-ajax version of pagination is now a default

Feb 05, 2020


Fix incorrect query being used for series model

Jan 15, 2020


Set index name explicitly to prevent the generation of too long name

Jan 14, 2020


!!! Migrated to polymorphic tag relation. Make sure to backup and proceed with caution

Jan 12, 2020


Added missing count of posts in the related series component

Dec 23, 2019


Fixed auto generated index being too long

Sep 02, 2019


Expose page parameter name for simple pagination

Jul 29, 2019


Added missing exclusions handling for series and tags

Jun 30, 2019


Fixed related posts component

Jun 25, 2019


Implemented exclusions by post/category for tag and series lists

Jun 20, 2019


Added functionality of migration from other plugins

Jun 18, 2019


Fixed migration to prevent a ghost bug on update

Jun 12, 2019


Implemented related series

Jun 11, 2019


Fixed default templates for posts with tags and series to show correct empty message on wrong pagination

May 17, 2019


!!! Internal directory structure was slightly changed

May 11, 2019


!!! Some properties of TagList component were either renamed or set to private, please check the changelog

Apr 17, 2019


Fixed a method to get real URL parameter names

Apr 03, 2019


Stop using default slug value for TagList (to allow valid empty slug)

Apr 02, 2019


Improved missing partials references so the backend expander could work correctly

Apr 02, 2019


Improved partials references so the backend expander could work correctly

Mar 10, 2019


Make translatable implementation truly optional

Feb 27, 2019


Fixed relation count condition for non-SQLite installations

Feb 08, 2019


Added Translate plugin support

Jan 29, 2019


Added featured images for series; series edit page enhanced; several minor tweaks for tags and series lists

Jan 25, 2019


Added missing slug generation for tags

Jan 23, 2019


Use another style to list required plugins

Jan 09, 2019


Update tag name validation rules

Jan 07, 2019


Skip extending Post form fields for a nested form case

Dec 27, 2018


Degraded from PHP7.1 to PHP7.0 to support the minimal required version for October CMS

Nov 27, 2018


The initial release of Blog Taxonomy

Aug 12, 2018

Upgrade to 1.8.0

In 1.8.0 version Tag Page option for Tag List component was internally renamed, so the component settings need to be revisited and saved again.

Also some Tag List component properties were turned into private properties (they were not supposed to be used in user templates anyway). Please refer to release notes and check if it may affect you.

Upgrade to 1.12.0

Starting from 1.12.0 version Blog Taxonomy supports migration from other plugins. The first supported plugin is BlogSeries.

The migration is done via console command:

artisan blogtaxonomy:migrate PKleindienst.BlogSeries

Upgrade to 2.0.0

Internal logic has been changed significantly. Instead of many-to-many relations for one entity, polymorphic relations for multiple entities are now used.

That's why former cross-reference table ginopane_blogtaxonomy_post_tag becomes deprecated in this version and will be removed in future versions. The data from it will be migrated into a new pivot table ginopane_blogtaxonomy_taggables. For the case when something could probably go wrong, make sure to have a back up of your taxonomy tables.

Upgrade to 3.0.0

Previously deprecated table ginopane_blogtaxonomy_post_tag was removed.