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Awesome Social Links adds ability to have a list of social or any other branded links associated with your website. The links could be listed on the front end using included front-end component.

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Banner created by natanaelginting - www.freepik.com

Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

Back-end settings


The Awesome Social Links plugin requires Awesome Icons List, which should be installed automatically by October CMS. Make sure to install it manually if October CMS fails to do it for some reason.

Back-end Settings

The Awesome Social Links provides a back-end settings page where you can configure your links list which can be used by a front-end component.

The list allows you to set the icon (powered by Awesome Icons List), the name of the link item and the link URL itself. Make sure to use meaningful names for you link items because they will be used as configuration keys for the front-end component. Also you can rearrange the order of items.

Front-end Component

The plugin provides a linkList component which can be used to display the list of links on your website.

The default markup provided with the plugin is just an example, so make sure to fit it into your website's theme.

The component settings allow you to choose which links from the list you want to display via this component instance. Also as a supplemental option you can set linkTarget and use it for you links as target (_blank, _self etc.) attribute value.


The initial release of Awesome Social Links

Mar 04, 2019