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Awesome Icons List widget in the backend form

The latest Font Awesome icons (5.9.0) list as a backend form widget.


You may ask "Why do I need this plugin if October CMS itself has icon list in the Builder Plugin?". Here's why:

  • a backend widget for your forms;
  • 1537 icons vs 590 icons;
  • the latest Font Awesome version.

Backend Form Widget

Awesome Icons List registers a new backend form widget named awesomeiconslist with all available links. Usage example via yaml config:

    label: Icon
    type: awesomeiconslist
    unicodeValue: false
    emptyOption: false
    iconTypes: brands
    placeholder: Select Icon
    span: left

And in the code:

    'awesome_icon' => [
        'label'         => 'Icon',
        'type'          => 'awesomeiconslist',
        'unicodeValue'  => false,
        'emptyOption'   => false,
        'iconTypes'     => 'solid, regular',
        'placeholder'   => "Select Icon",
        'span'          => 'left'

Form Widget Properties

  • unicodeValue - by default, the selected icon will be returned as a valid ready-to-use Font Awesome class, like far fa-thumbs-up. Unicode value option tells the widget to return the value as unicode value like &#xf164 ready-to-use with Font Awesome font family;
  • emptyOption - whether to add or not an empty option to the icons list, so you can basically select nothing;
  • placeholder - placeholder value which will be shown when nothing is selected;
  • iconTypes - allows you to specify font awesome icon types to be used in the list, separated by comma for multiple values; available options are "regular", "solid", "brands"; all icons are returned if nothing set or in case of incorrect values.

Please note that at the moment of this writing October CMS has a bug related to the placeholder initialization and basically the placeholder won't work without an empty option, so when you set placeholder and empty option will be created automatically.

Frontend Component

Awesome Icons List registers a new frontend component named FontAwesomeCssLink and all it does is adds a link to the latest Font Awesome CSS file, so you don't need to worry about it.

Please note that at the moment of this writing the Font Awesome does not have a permanent CDN link to the latest version, so the plugin will contain the latest link for the date of its release. Also you can update the link by yourself via System - Awesome Icons Links if the plugin update delays.


Updated to Font Awesome 5.12.0

Dec 23, 2019


Updated to Font Awesome 5.9.0

Jun 08, 2019



Jun 03, 2019


Updated to Font Awesome 5.8.2

May 26, 2019


Updated to Font Awesome 5.8.1

Mar 28, 2019


Updated to Font Awesome 5.7.2

Feb 25, 2019


Updated to Font Awesome 5.7.0

Jan 29, 2019


Removed "bin" directory

Jan 15, 2019


The initial release of Awesome Icons List

Jan 13, 2019