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Blog Series Extension

This plugin is an extension to the RainLab.Blog plugin. With this extension you can group related posts into series. It provides a better way to group related posts than it is possible with categories


  • BlogSeries : The blogSeries component outputs the series and lists all posts which belong to the series
  • BlogSeriesList : The blogSeriesList component displays a list of blog series on the page
  • RelatedSeries: The relatedSeries component displays a list of series that are related to the current series
  • PostNavigation : The postNavigation component displays a navigation for the current posts series. This component should be included on the same page as the blogPost component because it requires the post slug

Blog Series Extension

This plugin is an extension to the RainLab.Blog plugin. With this extension you can group related posts into series. It provides a better way to group related posts than it is possible with categories



The blogSeries component outputs the series and lists all posts which belong to the series


  • Slug - Look up the series using the supplied slug value.
  • No Posts Message - Message to show if no posts where found.
  • Sort Order - the column name and direction used for the sort order of the posts. The default value is published_at desc.
  • Category Page - The page where the blog posts are filtered by a category.
  • Post Page - The page where single blog posts are displayed.

Example Usage

title = "Blog Series"
url = "/blog/series/:slug"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
noPostsMessage = "No posts found"
sortOrder = "created_at asc"
categoryPage = "blog"
postPage = "blog/posts"
<div class="blog-series">
    {% component 'blogSeries' %}


The blogSeriesList component displays a list of blog series on the page


  • Display empty series - Show series that do not have any posts.
  • Sort Order - the column name and direction used for the sort order of the series. The default value is title asc
  • Series Page - The page where the series is displayed (the page with the blogSeries component).

Example Usage

title = "Blog"
url = "/blog/:page?"

seriesPage = "blog/series"
sortOrder = "updated_at asc"
<div class="sidebar">
    {% component 'blogSeriesList' %}


The postNavigation component displays a navigation for the current posts series. This component should be included on the same page as the blogPost component because it requires the post slug


  • Slug - Look up the post using the supplied slug value.
  • Small Navigation - Display a small "Previous/Next Navigation" instead of a full post list.
  • Series Page - The page where the single series are displayed.
  • Post Page - The page where single blog posts are displayed.

Example Usage

title = "Blog posts"
url = "/blog/post/:slug"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
categoryPage = "blog/categories"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
smallNav = "0"
postPage = "blog/posts"
seriesPage = "blog/series"
{% if post %}
    <h2>{{ post.title }}</h2>
    {% component 'blogPost' %}
    {% component 'postNavigation' %}
{% else %}
    <h2>Post not found</h2>
 {% endif %}
  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Nov, 2018

    Hi, Thanks for your work with this plugin. I'm struggling understanding the documentation. Is there any chance i can display a list of post in a series directly on the Homepage ({% component 'blogSeries' %})? (like the category filter works)


  • author

    Replied on 6 Nov, 2018

    Hi, yes this is possible. In the blogSeries component you have to click no the >_ icon in the slug field to enter a property value, otherwise the plugin will look for a parameter in the url. For example let's say that you entered test -> now the component will display the Series with the test slug instead of looking up the :slug parameter in the url.

    The code would look like this, if you are using a text editor

    slug = "test"
    noPostsMessage = "No posts found"
    sortOrder = "published_at asc"
    seriesPage = "blog/series"
    categoryPage = "blog/categories"
    postPage = "blog/post"
    {% component 'blogSeries' %}

    I hope that helps :)

    If you still have problems/questions feel free to send be a message via https://octobercms.com/author/PKleindienst

    Regards, Pascal

  • Found the plugin useful on 19 Apr, 2018

    How do I add more than 1 post to a series? Currently, only 1 post can be added to a series, I need it the other way round, please.

  • author

    Replied on 19 Apr, 2018


    that should already be possible... A Series can contain many posts, but a post can only belong to one series.

    If that is not what you ment or it does not work, feel free to send be a message via https://octobercms.com/author/PKleindienst

    Regards, Pascal

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Aug, 2016

    Love this. TYWM

  • Found the plugin not useful on 12 Jul, 2016

    I keep getting the following error when clicking a link to a blog post in the series on the

    "The partial '_post_toolbar.htm' is not found." on line 65 of ../public_html/modules/system/traits/ViewMaker.php

    pkleindienst/blogseries/series/update/1 page. Please fix

    Lovely plugin by the way!

  • author

    Replied on 1 Aug, 2016

    Hi Kai,

    thanks for the notice. I've uploaded an updated version :)

    Regards, Pascal


Fixed broken related series urls in blogSeries component

Oct 22, 2018


added bug fix considering related series

Oct 20, 2018



Oct 20, 2018


added missing post_toolbar partial

Aug 01, 2016


added sorting options to blogSeries and blogSeriesList components

Mar 15, 2016


First version of BlogSeries

Sep 19, 2015