Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Nov 19, 2018
  • Current version: 1.4.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


SAVE 10% on the price until 31th of December for this theme with coupon code PROMOWINTER2020

30% of the prize goes to octobercms to support the development.

This theme is developed by CreativeTim and we have ported it to OctoberCMS. MateThemes also add custom blocks to it.

We have extended it with a simple PageBuilder-System for easy content and page management.

Following plugins are set to required and will be automatically installed if you purchase the theme:

  • RainLab.Pages (StaticPages)
  • RainLab.Translate (Multilanguage)
  • RainLab.Blog (Blog)
  • Martin.Forms (MagicForms)

If you have any suggestions for new block types or a plugin integration please tell us!

Have fun with our great theme. AND: If you like our theme, please leave us a good review!


You find a documentation for Argon Design System over here Creative Tim.

Theme Documentation

SCSS Compile

We use the build in SCSS-Compiler from October. The first page load takes a bit time. If you want to use your own Compiler or your precompiled CSS you have to change the markup in "Partial -> site -> tmcss.htm". Please note, that we use the SCSS Folder for custom markup in our own blocks made for Argon. Make sure that you don't forget to include this files in your CSS.


We have included several Meta Tags. You will find the Partial in "partial -> site -> tmmeta.htm". For our Blog, there is a block where the Meta Tags are defined. The Tags are related to the url, if you change your blog url, you need to change url in tmmeta too, otherwise they won't work.

Here is the markup:

{% elseif this.page.url == '/blog' %}

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="{{ this.page.meta_description|default(this.theme.site_description) }}">
<meta name="title" content="{{ this.page.meta_title|default(this.page.title) }} - {{ this.theme.theme_site_name }}">
<meta name="author" content="{{ this.theme.site_author }}">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">

<title>{{ this.page.meta_title|default(this.page.title) }} - {{ this.theme.theme_site_name }}</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ '/'|app}}{{ this.page.url }}">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ this.theme.settings_favicon|media }}">
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ this.page.meta_title|default(this.page.title) }} - {{ this.theme.theme_site_name }}">
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ '/'|app}}{{ this.page.url }}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ 'assets/images/img/600x250.png'|theme }}">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ this.theme.theme_site_name }}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ this.page.meta_description|default(this.theme.site_description) }}">


Note: RainLab.Translate must be installed. The theme won't work proper, because we use Translate Strings. So please install RainLab.Translate. We set the plugin to required. Normally it must be installed after you purchase the theme and install it.

  • Found the theme useful on 27 Oct, 2019

    Using it for a client at the moment. It's a polished, well-designed theme and if you have some experience developing for October you can easily extend the reusable "content blocks" and even create your own. Argon is a nice spin on Bootstrap so your site will at least look slightly different than what you'd get going with plain Bootstrap. Also, as the version history shows (click on the "Current version" on the left) the developer is obviously putting a lot of effort into keeping it up-to date. This was one of the main reasons we picked this over the many other alternatives.

    P.s. we installed the theme by logging into October and then attaching it to a project. This did not go smoothly: none of the required plugins were installed automatically and all of the images referenced in the example pages included in the theme have URL's set like this: /storage/app/media/demo/theme/promo-1.png. This is incorrect, the theme's pictures are stored in /themes/matethemes-argon/assets/images/theme/promo-1.png. The developer may want to correct this. But neither of these were an issue for us since we just installed the necessary plugins manually and of course we're not using the demo images in the actual website we are developing.

    So, thanks and keep up the good work! Long live October!

  • author

    Replied on 28 Oct, 2019

    Thank you very much for this detailed review.

    I will take a look at the theme, why the required plugins are not installed automatically. They are set as required in the theme.yaml

    The images are included, you are right. I don't have any idea how to add the images in the media manager on installation. So the fields are blank. Do you have any suggestions to solve this?

    Thank you for buying our theme!


ADDED - Spaceless added -> Minify HTML.

Jun 09, 2019


FIXED - Problems with Pricing Table and better usability

Jun 03, 2019


IMPROVED - Better usability in blocks.yaml

Jun 01, 2019


FIXED - Added Disqus component to BlogPost

May 29, 2019


REMOVED - Disques comments. Added use via Plugin.

May 27, 2019


ADDED - Disqus comments added.

Mar 24, 2019


UPDATED - fields.yaml updated.

Mar 23, 2019


UPDATED - NEW Block added - Pricing Feature One.

Mar 17, 2019


FIXED - og:image fixed markup in MetaHeader

Jan 01, 2019


UPDATED - MetaHeader

Dec 25, 2018


FIXED - Blog Layout

Dec 25, 2018


UPDATED - Argon Design System to Version 1.0.1

Dec 25, 2018


FIXED - Language Switcher Component added to DefaultCMS-Layout.

Dec 06, 2018


ADDED - RainLab.Blog and new ThemeSettings.

Dec 06, 2018


ADDED - CMS Error Layout for 404 and Error Page.

Nov 22, 2018


IMPROVED - Blocks.yaml cleaned up. Now follows a convention => Label => Comment => Field Type.

Nov 19, 2018


IMPROVED - Moved GoogleFonts from Partial tmcss.htm (Header) to tmscripts.htm (Footer) for better pagespeed.

Nov 19, 2018


FIXED - Footer now show Images if you want, like in the Demo if the Theme (use it under Theme Settings -> Tab "Footer").

Nov 19, 2018


IMPROVED - LazyLoad Images with UnveilJS.

Nov 19, 2018


IMPROVED - Page Preloader added.

Nov 19, 2018


IMPROVED and ADDED - Rewrite of ThemeSettings. New Favicon Tab in Theme Settings and Theme Partials.

Nov 19, 2018


FIXED and IMPROVED - Header Brand Logo in Theme Settings and Theme Partials.

Nov 19, 2018


Stable enough for Release. Still in BETA (More Features will be added. Stable enough to build a great website.).

Nov 17, 2018


Theme Settings added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


Better Multilanguage Support. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


GradientBlock and IconsBlock added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


LogoBlock, Team Block and Text Image Block added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


CalltoAction and ImageText Block added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


Unveil Script added for LazyLoad Images. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


Several other Blocks added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


Hero and Features Block added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


PageBuilder added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


StaticPages added. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018


First version of Argon Theme. Still in DEVELOPMENT.

Nov 17, 2018