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MathJax is a de facto standard for allowing high-quality typeset matematical formulas on the web, using LaTeX markup.

This plugin allows you to have live rendering of MathJax in the blog preview area when you are writing blog posts with mathematical content.

Thus plugin requires the Rainlab.Blog plugin.


You still need to configurate MathJax in the frontend layout for your theme to get rendering of mathematical formulas in the frontend. Typically, you want to add something like

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"></script>

in your layout file, possibly together with some extra configuration. See the MathJax web site for more details.

For an even better experience, it is strongly encouraged that you also install the Mossadal.ExtendMarkdown plugin. (Otherwise the builtin Markdown interpreter will often interfere with MathJax markup.)

Technical description

The plugin works by injecting MathJax Javascript into the Rainlab\Blog\Controllers\Posts controller, making sure MathJax is loaded on the relevant backend pages.

To provide live rendering in the blog preview pane, a jQuery function provides a textarea.keyup event handler. To prevent unneccesary flickering, the event handler fires once the user hasn't entered any input for 2 seconds.

When the event handler fires, MathJax is asked to typeset the text in the preview pane.


Updated CDN provider

Sep 25, 2017


First version of MathJax

Jan 18, 2015