Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Apr 18, 2017
  • Current version: 1.2.6
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


Latest Update: Maintenance Page added and a bug fix on the homepage.

This theme is meant as a starter theme for your next project. It is build with beautiful MaterializeCSS. It contains several pages, like "More about us", "FAQ", "Portfolio", "Portfolio Detail", "Blog" and a "Contact"- Page.

The Theme contains a working contact form since Version 1.1.0. The Form validation is provided through beautiful Hyperform JS. If you need to use a lot of Forms on your Website, we still recommend a FormBuilder like "Form Builder" created from Renatio.

We will update the theme as soon as there will be a new version from Materialize. We also want to build more pages and components, so there will be updates of the theme with new components and pages too.

See Demo for more informations

We have added the beautiful Frontend Content Editor from NetSTI! It is a paid plugin! Link to the Plugin

If you like the Theme, please, get us a good review!

Not much to document.

Only use the documentation of MaterializeCSS and of October. As soon as we add features, that need a documentation, we will add detailed informations here.

Working contact form since version 1.1.0: The contact page requires a mail template to be created. You can create a new mail template by selecting Settings > Mail templates > New template.

  • Select the layout Default
  • Enter the code: contact::form
  • Enter the subject: Contact form submitted
  • Enter the description: Sent when a user submits the contact form.
  • Enter the HTML below:

    <p>From: {{name}} {{first_name}} <{{email}}></p>

    <p>Phone: {{ phone }}</p>

    <p>Company: {{company}}</p>

    <p>Message Body:</p>



    <p>This mail is sent via contact form found on Starter Theme!</p>

  • Click Create .

Submitting the contact form will send an email to all administrators who belong to the group with code support-contact. You can create this group by selecting Settings > Administrators > Manage Groups > New Group.

  • Place a tick in Add new administrators to this group by default. to add all the existing admins to this new group.
  • Enter a name: Support contact
  • Enter the code: support-contact
  • Click Create .

Have fun with the new feature of Starter Theme.

  • Found the theme useful on 12 Jun, 2017

    Good theme. It'd be even better with out of the box Rainlab.Translate :)

  • author

    Replied on 14 Jun, 2017

    Thank you for your review!

    I will add the Rainlab.Translate-Plugin soon!

    Have a nice day.


Updated to Materialize Version 1.0.0-alpha.4

Feb 22, 2018


Bug Fix on HomePage.

Jan 24, 2018


Maintenance Page added.

Jan 24, 2018


RainLab.Sitemap added to required plugins.

Jan 24, 2018


Updated to Materialize Version 1.0.0-alpha.3

Jan 05, 2018


FrontEnd Editor added to More About Us, 404 and Error CMS Pages.

Dec 15, 2017


Now you can set the Header Menu fixed or not in Backend Settings (more options coming soon)

Dec 04, 2017


Updated to Materialize Version 1.0.0-alpha.2

Dec 03, 2017


VSpacing.css added.

Nov 25, 2017


Footer Menu now translateable like the Header Navbar.

Nov 25, 2017


Fixed OffCanvas Menu with translation.

Oct 31, 2017


Now you can translate the static menu. German (DE) is allready translated.

Oct 31, 2017


Fixed Language Picker is not showing on all layouts other than home layout.

Oct 29, 2017


Fixed Translation Support. Language Switcher added. Partials and Content Files are now fully translatable with strings.

Oct 29, 2017


Updated to Materialize Version 0.100.2.

Oct 12, 2017


Now RainLab.Translate is supported.

Oct 12, 2017


Working contact form added.

Jul 26, 2017


Updated to Materialize Version 0.100.1, README.md added.

Jul 26, 2017


Updated to Materialize Version 0.100.0, Theme Preview image updated.

Jul 20, 2017


Post title is now the title on browser. Meta description is the post excerpt. New layout out default blogpost added.

Jul 14, 2017


Updated to Materialize Version 0.99.0

Jul 02, 2017


Support for Static Pages and StaticMenu added. Navbar changed from icon to text links.

Apr 29, 2017


Fixed Logo Home link

Apr 20, 2017


Fixed broken link on Demo Homepage

Apr 20, 2017


Updated 400-Page and Error-Page

Apr 19, 2017


First release of Starter Theme

Apr 18, 2017