Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Aug 31, 2020
  • Current version: 1.0.5
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


With its dark layout, Beckham portfolio website template stands out from the crowd, grabbing their attention full-tilt. If you would like to avoid the traditional light look, now you know which tool you should at least further investigate if not download immediately. However, once you do start examining Beckham in great detail, you will be hooked forever. Not only is it very appealing to the eye, Beckham also comes with many features, as well as optimized for top-notch performance.

Beckham has a full-screen banner with text rotator, overlay menu, on scroll content animations, animated statistics and an active contact form. Moreover, you will also discover social media icons, Google Maps, one-of-a-kind approach to portfolio and a smooth and minimal blog. If you genuinely want to push yourself beyond belief, do it with the power of Beckham.

demo: http://beckham.pkurg.ru/

demo backend: http://beckham.pkurg.ru/backend
login: demo pass: demo

Theme settings: http://beckham.pkurg.ru/backend/cms/themeoptions/update

RainLab.Blog plugin is used to store portfolios and blog posts. On the portfolio page in the blog component, you can put a filter on the category so that only posts with a portfolio are displayed there. Similarly, on the blog page, you can add a filter to exclude portfolio posts from the list.


  1. Install the necessary plugins if they are not installed automatically:

  2. Activate the theme

  3. Generate test data for blog and portfolio

    • Check the box "Generate Featured Images (will take more time)"
    • Click the "Save" button
    • Click the "Generate" button


Small fix

Jan 30, 2022


Small update

Nov 17, 2020


Added customization of template colors

Nov 17, 2020


Files path fix

Aug 31, 2020


First version of theme

Aug 31, 2020