Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Jul 1, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.3
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


The contact page requires a mail template to be created. You can create a new mail template by selecting Settings > Mail templates > New template.

  1. Select the layout Default

  2. Enter the code: contact::form

  3. Enter the subject: Contact form submitted

  4. Enter the description: Sent when a user submits the contact form.

  5. Enter the HTML below:

    <p>From: {{name}} {{surname}} <{{email}}></p>
    <p>Phone: {{ phone }}</p>
    <p>Company: {{company}}</p>
    <p>Message Body:</p>
    <p>This mail is sent via contact form found on House of Chairs!</p>
  6. Click Create

Submitting the contact form will send an email to all administrators who belong to the group with code support-contact. You can create this group by selecting Settings > Administrators > Manage Groups > New Group.

  1. Place a tick in Add new administrators to this group by default. to add all the existing admins to this new group.
  2. Enter a name: Support contact
  3. Enter the code: support-contact
  4. Click Create
  • Found the theme useful on 29 Oct, 2020

    The theme seems to require a few plugins/components (is that what they are called?) that aren't included?

    Ex. layout "home.htm" uses a "account" component which I don't find. Generates error: "Class name is not registered for the component "account". Check the component plugin."

    Same for "session" & "blogPosts"

  • Found the theme useful on 12 Aug, 2019

    Hi :)

    I installed/configured it over the weekend and so far i'm pleased with the theme overall. Here are some of my observations:

    • The top navigation tab boxes get jumbled on small display phones (iphone tested)
    • The slider image functionality doesn't work on the home page template for mobile. (chrome).


Fixes support with October CMS 3.0

Apr 05, 2022


Fixes issue registering and signing in when login attribute is set to email.

Sep 27, 2015


First version of Relax theme

Jul 01, 2015