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This plugin provides theming options for the RainLab Blog plugin.

As of v1.0.0 this plugin features:

  • Category Color
  • Category CSS
  • Category Images

See documentation for further explanation of this plugin's features.



Make sure the migrations that comes with this plugin have been installed. This should happen automatically upon installing this plugin, but might this not be the case then logging out and back in should do the trick.

Blog Theming adds fields to models found in the RainLab.Blog plugin. You can access the fields like you would in any other model/component.

Below you'll find an overview of the fields.

Fieldname Model Type Description Added in
theme_color Category colorpicker Gives a color to a category. 1.0.0
theme_css Category codeeditor Adds custom styling to a category. 1.0.0
theme_images Category fileupload Adds featured images to a category. 1.0.0



{{ category.theme_color }}


{{ category.theme_css }}


 {% for image in category.theme_images %}
     {{ image.path }}
 {% endfor %}

Issues or other problems

Yikes. Found a problem with this plugin? Submit an issue and I'll look at it ASAP. If you fix it yourself and submit a PR I'll send you a cookie.

Want a feature?

Submit a pull request or submit an issue. I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss if we can work something out.


Developed for Rebel59 by @CptMeatball. Plugin may be altered in anyway, provided you link back to this repo.


Fixed typo in plugin dependencies and added german translations (Thanks @justb81)

Apr 24, 2017


Make existing columns nullable.

Mar 14, 2017


First version of Blog Theming

Mar 09, 2017