Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on Jun 1, 2022
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x not tested
  • Created by
    Bronze partner


This extension adds possibility to use stndard Rich Editor for RaiLab Blog posts and Media images

RainLab Blog Extension


This plugin replaces standard MD editor with wysiwyg HTML editor

Optionally adds media images to any Blog post

Use this markup to keep backward compatibility with first featured image:

{% if post.metadata.media_image %}
    {% set mainimagepath = post.metadata.media_image|media %}
{% else %}
    {% set mainimagepath = post.featured_images[0].path %}
{% endif %}
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{ mainimagepath }}" alt="{{ post.title }}">

Update composer.json for October v3.

May 18, 2022


Initialize Blog-Xtend plugin.

May 18, 2022