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  • Added on Jan 14, 2016
  • Current version: 1.0.11
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


This plugin allows end users to add tags in Rainlab Blog plugin with ease.


  • Add tags with AJAX
  • Display the most related posts by tags
  • Display lists of tag
  • Display posts with the associated tag (Pagination support)
  • and many more...

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If you like this plugin, please give this plugin good review in reviews section and tell your friends :) But if you don't like it, please tell me and I will improve it for you. Or you can appreciate me by make a donation with PayPal.


I want to say thank you for Scott Bedard for my inspiring plugin.

Add tag with AJAX

This plugin have three components.

Related posts component

Use `````` component to display the most related posts by tags. The component has the the following properties:

  • slug - the value used for looking up the post by its slug. The default value is {{ :slug }} to obtain the value from the route parameter :slug.

Here's the basic component usage on the ppst page:

title = "post"
url = "/post/:slug"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
results = 5
<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tags"></i>
    {% for tag in post.tags %}
    {{ tag.name }} {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
<p>{{ post.content_html|raw }}</p>

<h3>Related articles:</h3>

{% component 'relatedPosts' %}

You can see at the above there is `````` component. It's the component from Rainlab Blog plugin to display single post in page.

Search posts component

Use `````` component to display posts with associated tag. The component has the the following properties:

  • slug - the value used for looking up the tag by its slug. The default value is {{ :slug }} to obtain the value from the route parameter :slug.

Here's the basic component usage on the tag page:

title = "tag"
url = "/tag/:slug/:page?"

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
pageNumber = "{{ :page }}"
postsPerPage = 2
postPage = "post"
sortOrder = "published_at desc"
{% component 'searchPosts' %}

Tags list component

Use `````` component to display lists of tags. The component has the the following properties:

  • order - the column name and direction used for the sort order of the tags. The default value is created_at desc.
  • empty tag - Display tag although doesn't have any posts.

Here's the basic component usage on the tags page:

title = "Tags"
url = "/tags"

results = 0
sortOrder = "created_at desc"
{% component 'tags' %}

The examples above are coded in the default component partial /rahman/blogtags/components/*/default.htm. If the default markup is not suitable for your website, feel free to copy it from the default partial and replace the {% component %} call in the examples above with the partial contents. You can give me a question for best practice in the support section.

  • Found the plugin useful on 3 Dec, 2020

    Very useful plugin but post categories loop is missing on search post by tag page.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 May, 2019

    Very useful, thanks a lot!

    Just one thing: I'd add the possibility to translate the tags.

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 May, 2018

    Working great! Many thanx!

  • Found the plugin useful on 23 Sep, 2017

    Thanks for this. Works great!

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Sep, 2016

    Useful plugin.


Add tags controller

Feb 25, 2019


Add url attribute to each related post

Feb 07, 2018


Update tag field using taglist (Please update your CMS core)

Jan 14, 2017


Improve to load tags in component init (Thanks to Vojta Svoboda)

Oct 22, 2016


Fix error if there is no associated tag to blog post

Jul 21, 2016


Fix don't load tagbox when export/import

Apr 13, 2016


Fix can't load tag list if installed OctoberCMS in subdirectory

Apr 12, 2016


Fix can't uninstall the plugin

Apr 03, 2016


Improve styling

Mar 30, 2016


create tags table

Jan 01, 2016


First version of BlogTags

Jan 01, 2016