All plugins

Cumulus subscriptions

Cumulus subscriptions

Manage subscribers and plans in your Cumulus based app

24 projects
# 75 in Paid of all time.

Cumulus subscriptions

Manage subscribers and plans in your Cumulus based app

List Switch

List Switch

Add a toggleable switch as a column type to the backend

10,018 installations
# 76 in Free of all time.

List Switch

Add a toggleable switch as a column type to the backend

Error Logger

Error Logger

Sends errors directly to email, Slack, NewRelic, Sentry and more.

5,037 installations
# 77 in Free of all time.

Error Logger

Sends errors directly to email, Slack, NewRelic, Sentry and more.

Tailwind CSS Blocks Pack for Page Builder plugins

Tailwind CSS Blocks Pack for Page Builder plugins

Building Tailwind CSS pages without coding

266 installations
# 79 in Free of all time.

Tailwind CSS Blocks Pack for Page Builder plugins

Building Tailwind CSS pages without coding

Small Backup

Small Backup

Simple plugin for database and themes backup

370 installations
# 80 in Free of all time.

Small Backup

Simple plugin for database and themes backup



Most powerfull, next generation block styled editor with multilingual support.

1,961 installations
# 81 in Free of all time.


Most powerfull, next generation block styled editor with multilingual support.

Cumulus Plus

Cumulus Plus

Fine Tune your Cumulus application to perfectly meet your needs

21 projects
# 83 in Paid of all time.

Cumulus Plus

Fine Tune your Cumulus application to perfectly meet your needs

Cumulus Announcements

Cumulus Announcements

A client messaging system for Cumulus based apps

14 projects
# 85 in Paid of all time.

Cumulus Announcements

A client messaging system for Cumulus based apps



Ajax-powered Masonry portfolio with category filters and a modal dialog.

204 installations
# 85 in Free of all time.


Ajax-powered Masonry portfolio with category filters and a modal dialog.

Cookie consent

Cookie consent

October CMS plugin for cookie consent by Jagu

369 installations
# 87 in Free of all time.

Cookie consent

October CMS plugin for cookie consent by Jagu

QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator

This plugin allows you to generate QR Codes from the backend of your application

1 project
# 87 in Paid of all time.

QR Code Generator

This plugin allows you to generate QR Codes from the backend of your application

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication

Enables multi-factor authentication through Google Authenticator for backend users.

35 projects
# 88 in Paid of all time.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Enables multi-factor authentication through Google Authenticator for backend users.