Product support

Read the plugin support instructions.


Automatic Translation: Enables automatic translation of content into various languages using external translation services. Supports multiple languages that are configured in RainLab Translate.

Integration with RainLab Translate: Seamless integration with the RainLab Translate plugin, which ensures the management and storage of translations. Extends translation capabilities with automation, eliminating the need for manual content translation.

Support Translation Service: Supports integration with popular translation API such as Google Translate.

API token is not needed.

Translate icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

After installing the plugin, a new button (Start Automatics translate if empty) will appear in the administration section with translations. After clicking, the system starts translating empty cells from the translation table for the selected language. Screenshots of the plugin will tell you more.


Remove unnecessary CSS file linking

Jun 19, 2024


First version of TranslateAutomator plugin.

Jun 15, 2024