Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Apr 4, 2014
  • Current version: 1.0.7
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


This plugin allows you to add the following Components to your pages and layouts:

  • A Twitter Favourites list
  • A Twitter Follow Button
  • A Twitter Tweet Button
  • A Twitter Embedded Tweet area
  • A Twitter Embedded Timeline area

Some features of Twitter use the OAuth security. In order to use the plugin you need create a Twitter API application.

  1. Go to the Twitter Developers website to create a new application. You must be signed into Twitter in order to access the page.
  2. Click the Create New App button.
  3. Enter any application name, for example October Twitter Integration.
  4. Provide a description for the application.
  5. Enter the website URL where the Twitter integration is going to be used.
  6. Read and agree to the "Rules of the Road"
  7. After the application is created, navigate to the API Keys tab and click the "Create my access token" button. Generating the access token could take some time. Keep refreshing the page until you see the "Your access token" section with the token and token secret strings.
  8. Return to the October back-end and navigate to the Settings page.
  9. Click Twitter icon. Enter the API access information from the Twitter application page to the Twitter settings page in October.
  10. Save the settings.

Displaying favorite Twitter messages

The plugin includes a component Favorites that lets you to output your favorite twitter messages on a page. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'twitterFavorites' %}

You can manage the number of favorite messages with the component settings. If you don't like the default favorite messages markup, don't use the component tag and just write your own code:

{% for favorite in twitterFavorites.all %}
    <blockquote>“{{ favorite.text_processed|raw }}”</blockquote>

    <p class="author">
        <img src="{{ favorite.user.profile_image_url_https }}"/>
        <span>{{ favorite.user.name }}</span>
        <a href="{{ 'http://twitter.com/'~favorite.user.screen_name }}">@{{ favorite.user.screen_name }}</a>
{% endfor %}

See Twitter favorites API documentation for the information about available fields.

  • Found the plugin useful on 3 Jul, 2019

    Hello folks!

    Great job with the plugin, I have a question, maybe you have a quick solution, I'm implementing an embedded timeline area of tweets, and they are displayed in columns, example: [Tweet 1] [Tweet 2] [Tweet 3] [Tweet 4] There is any simple solution to just display in a row? Like this: [Tweet 1] [Tweet 2] [Tweet 3]

    I have already tried adding some styles but I didn't get anything :(



Improves support with October v3

Apr 27, 2022


Added cache duration schedule for latest tweets (default 2 mins).

Apr 27, 2022


Fixes bug when setting component parameters.

Dec 09, 2016


Adds a new latest tweet component.

Jul 07, 2016


Minor improvements to the code.

Apr 01, 2015


Adds Tweet Button, Follow Button, Embed Tweet and Embed Timeline components

Jul 14, 2014


Initialize plugin

May 12, 2014