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October CMS Logout Plugin

Demo URL: https://october-demo.renatio.com/backend/backend/auth/signin

Login: logout

Password: logout

Manage backend users session.


  • Manage backend user idleness time
  • Sign out backend user after specified time
  • Expire session on browser close
  • Force single browser session

Why is this a paid plugin?

Something that is free has little or no perceived value. Users do not commit to free products and only use them until something else looks nice and is free comes along. When I invest my time in the development of a new plugin I commit to supporting and maintaining it. I ask my customers to do the same. I do not make money from this plugin by advertisements, upgrades or additional services like hosting or setup.

Did you know that 30% of your purchase or donation goes to help fund the October Project?

My plugins take many hours to develop (40-120+) and even more hours to document and maintain. My paid plugins have to pay for both this time, and the time I am spending on free plugins and less successful paid plugins. This means that it will take even a successful plugin years to become profitable. Please consider buying an extended license if you want me to continue to maintain these plugins for the very small fee I ask in return or hire me for adding functionality that you feel is missing but valuable.

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Please use GitHub Issues Page to report any issues with plugin.

Reviews should not be used for getting support, if you need support please use the Plugin support link.

Icon made by Darius Dan from www.flaticon.com.

Manage users session settings.


After installation plugin will register backend User Session settings position under Team tab.

Session lifetime in minutes

There you can specify session lifetime in minutes. Default is 120 minutes.

Expire session on browser close

Immediately expire session when the browser closes.

Force single session

When enabled, backend users cannot sign in to multiple devices at the same time.

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Apr, 2016

    Thanks! Good plugin :) Rainlab User plugin don't logout after end of session and i used your plugin! Very userful!

  • Found the plugin useful on 25 Nov, 2015

    Thanks. Very useful!!!

    Only one thing, if you are logged in backend, and browsing the frontend, after timeout, frontend redirect to bakend login.

  • author

    Replied on 7 Dec, 2015


    thanks for the review. Redirect issue should be fixed in version 1.0.2.


Settings size.

Oct 14, 2022


Composer config.

Jun 17, 2022



Jun 09, 2022


Require October CMS 3.0.

Jun 09, 2022


Use new version syntax.

Jan 04, 2022



Dec 03, 2021


Update README.

Dec 03, 2021


Add support for October v2.x. Drop support for October v1.x.

Dec 03, 2021


Fix installation issue.

Dec 04, 2017


!!! Add support for Laravel 5.5

Sep 06, 2017


Fix UI issue for collapsed navs with countdown timer. Thanks to @LukeTowers.

Mar 12, 2017


Fix minor issues.

Nov 03, 2016


Reset settings to default.

Aug 08, 2016


Reset counter after ajax request.

Aug 07, 2016


Add javascript counter.

Aug 07, 2016


!!! This is an important update that contains breaking changes.

Aug 07, 2016


Fix redirect to backend when viewing the frontend

Dec 07, 2015


First version of Logout

Nov 21, 2015

Upgrading To 2.0.0

Plugin requires Stable version of October and PHP >=5.5.9.

Upgrading To 2.0.1

Session lifetime setting was changed from seconds to minutes.

Upgrading To 3.0.0

Plugin requires October build 420+ with Laravel 5.5 and PHP >=7.0.

Session lifetime setting was changed from minutes to seconds. Plugin settings will be reset to defaults after update.

Upgrading To 4.0.0

Plugin requires October CMS version 2.x with Laravel 6.x and PHP >=7.3.

Drop support for October CMS version 1.x.

Upgrading To 5.0.0

Plugin requires October CMS version 3.0 or higher, Laravel 9.0 or higher and PHP >=8.0.

Drop support for October CMS version 2.x.