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Compare for Shopaholic
Allows customers to compare products features
Compare for Shopaholic
Allows customers to compare products features
Simple admin UI for managing and sorting galleries
Simple admin UI for managing and sorting galleries
Labels for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to mark products with custom labels
Labels for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to mark products with custom labels
Frontend/Backend form builder for OctoberCMS that utilizes Sixgweb.Attributize and Sixgweb.Conditions plugins
Frontend/Backend form builder for OctoberCMS that utilizes Sixgweb.Attributize and Sixgweb.Conditions plugins
Cookie consent
October CMS plugin for cookie consent by Jagu
Cookie consent
October CMS plugin for cookie consent by Jagu
CSP Manager
Manage Content Security Policy for your site from OctoberCMS backend.
CSP Manager
Manage Content Security Policy for your site from OctoberCMS backend.
Richeditor Snippets
Adds button to Richeditor toolbar to quickly add Snippets.
Richeditor Snippets
Adds button to Richeditor toolbar to quickly add Snippets.
Translate backend form fields with a click of a button
Translate backend form fields with a click of a button
Posting Job for your organization made simple.
Posting Job for your organization made simple.
October CMS Cross Origin Resource Sharing
October CMS Cross Origin Resource Sharing
Moon Slider
An OctoberCMS plugin for create, manage and deploy responsive sliders
Moon Slider
An OctoberCMS plugin for create, manage and deploy responsive sliders
Enhanced Slug field for OctoberCMS
Enhanced Slug field for OctoberCMS
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