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Securely share files on the frontend.

Files are stored in hierarchical folders and each folder can have a different method of protection.

Available Protection Methods:

  • Public: All visitors can access the folder
  • Password: A password is required to access the folder
  • RainLab.User Groups: If RainLab.User is installed, a front-end user group can be specified that will then require the user to be logged in and part of that group in order to gain access to the folder
  • Inherit: Protection method configuration is inherited from the parent folder

Backend Interface


DownloadManagerBrowser Component

Displays the selected folder's contents (both files and sub-folders) recursively.

See the demo website

For setup informations see documentation tab

DownloadManagerPasswordForm component

Displays a form where visitors can enter folder passwords. When a password is entered, access to the folder will be temporarily granted and the visitor will be redirected to the folder.

For setup informations see documentation tab

Front-end list

DownloadManagerBrowser component

Displays the selected folder's contents (both files and sub-folders) recursively.



The following is an example of a CMS page (/files) that displays all of the files on the system. To change the root directory that gets displayed, set the rootFolder property to the folder ID that you would like to display.

title = "Files"
url = "/files/:path?*"
layout = "default"

rootFolder = 0
path = "{{ :path }}"
displayBreadcrumb = true
<div class="container">
    {% component 'downloadManagerBrowser' %}

NOTE: In order for recursive folders to work correctly, the path property needs to be set to a URL parameter ending with ?* (i.e. /files/:path?*) in the CMS page URL


Name Default Description
rootFolder null The top level folder that will be displayed first on the page
path null Path of the current folder to display <br>(relative to the root folder)
displaySubFolders true Include sub folders in the component output. Set to false to display only the files of the current folder
displayTitle true Show the name of the current category as a "h2" level heading above the description
displayBreadcrumb false Show a breadcrumb on top of the folders list. Set to true to enable this feature

DownloadManagerTokenForm component

Displays a form where visitors can enter folder passwords. When a password is entered, access to the folder will be temporarily granted and the visitor will be redirected to the folder.



title = "Password form"
url = "/files-password"
layout = "default"

page = "files.htm"
<div class="container">
    {% component 'downloadManagerPasswordForm' %}

The page property must be set to a CMS page that contains a DownloadManagerBrowser component which has its rootFolder property set to root (0), or a parent of the folders being accessed via the provided Password. The Browser component will prevent displaying folders that are not children of the selected rootFolder.

For example, in the following folder structure:


If Documents is selected as the rootFolder, and the submitted Password is for the Builds folder, Builds will not be available because it is not a sub folder of Documents. However, if the submitted Password is for the Images or Holidays folders that would work because they are both descendants of Documents.


  • page The CMS Page the plugin will redirect visitors with a valid password to

NOTE: This page must display the root folder or a parent of the folders that you are intending to share

  • Found the plugin useful on 19 Feb, 2021

    Hi . Supporting is very poor and not useful . please be Serious in answering to questions . look at the product support page . some issues is long time not answered .

  • Found the plugin useful on 31 Mar, 2020

    Can you add or show how to add a back (parent) link when inside a folder?

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Feb, 2018

    The plugin is easy to configure. The backend functions are good and work fine. It's the frondend that needs serious improvement. The navigation in the front-end is not pleasing. The user needs to use the browser's back button to navigate to back to main interface of the plugin. This is needs to be improved.

  • author

    Replied on 26 Feb, 2018

    Thanks for your feedback and suggestion.We will add a breadcrumb in the next version and an option to show/hidden it .


Fix compatibility issue with October 3 in file download

Jul 24, 2023


Fix compatibility issues with PHP 7.4

Jul 21, 2020


Fix routing issue with last release of OctoberCMS

Oct 28, 2019


Add an options to show/hidde title

Jul 02, 2018


Fix path generation issue when using custom root

May 04, 2018


Add backend permission

Mar 08, 2018


Fix bug when choosing RootFolder on Browser component

Feb 14, 2018


Initialize plugin.

Dec 18, 2017