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Just a simple OctoberCMS plugin for integration AirTable into OctoberCMS.

  • [x] AirTable SDK for OctoberCMS with authentication
  • [x] CMS Components for interacting with AirTable databases
  • [x] Caching options for AirTable requests

What can it do?

You can use it to directly embed your AirTable records into OctoberCMS. For developers there are useful classes, as well as ready-to-use cms components.

To prevent calling the AirTable api by every page hit, I included caching. To warmup all caches my Spider plugin may is useful.

Feel free to ask, raise ideas, mind bugs or contribute on the Github repository. Please create a new issue or pull request.

You can set up the behavior of this plug-in heavily with environment variables. Here are the options:


Please mind, that AirTable enables API usage through personal access tokens since February 2024. You need to create a personal access token within your account, and add all needed permissions to the token.


Added bugfix for retrieving all records by iterating through offsets

Mar 16, 2024


Simple AirTable integration with basic features

Mar 13, 2024