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The almighty helper in bulk actions for Shopaholic
The almighty helper in bulk actions for Shopaholic
In-context content editor plugin
In-context content editor plugin
No Front-end
Simply removes the applcation's front-end and redirects it to the admin area.
No Front-end
Simply removes the applcation's front-end and redirects it to the admin area.
Dev Notify
Provides the ability to notify developers of error logs via email or SMS.
Dev Notify
Provides the ability to notify developers of error logs via email or SMS.
VK Goods for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to export products to VK
VK Goods for Shopaholic
Allows sellers to export products to VK
Auto Migrate
Runs any migrations on backend user login.
Auto Migrate
Runs any migrations on backend user login.
Attributize Users
RainLab User integration for Sixgweb Attributize Plugin
Attributize Users
RainLab User integration for Sixgweb Attributize Plugin
Snow Day
Provides the ability to quickly add a "snow day" banner to a website.
Snow Day
Provides the ability to quickly add a "snow day" banner to a website.
Provides MailRelay integration services.
Provides MailRelay integration services.
Site Manager
Manage sites for your theme in backend and use with help of components or code use.
Site Manager
Manage sites for your theme in backend and use with help of components or code use.
Field Masking
Adds the ability to mask form fields simply by adding a CSS class to the field config.
Field Masking
Adds the ability to mask form fields simply by adding a CSS class to the field config.
Conditions Attributize
Conditions integration for Sixgweb Attributize plugin
Conditions Attributize
Conditions integration for Sixgweb Attributize plugin
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