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  • Added on May 15, 2017
  • Current version: 1.0.7
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Integrates DynamicPDF into Newsletter and News to attach/generate PDF's to a post.

Main feature

  • Generate PDF's to a news



  1. Go to the Settings > Updates & Plugins page in the Backend.
  2. Click on the Install plugins button.
  3. Type the PDF support for News & Newsletter text in the search field.


In News

  • Button for previewing PDF when editing a news. (Note: Save before generating the PDF)
  • After every change a new PDF is generated, located in media/newsletter/:slug.pdf


Indikator\News\Models\Posts has two new relations:

  • pdf: Is the attached pdf file (see System\Models\File)
  • newsPdf: TimFoerster\NewsPdf\Models\NewsPdf the extended model with a template_code field, where the current selected template is stored.

PDF Template

To change a PDF layout or template, see DynamicPdf.


Just ask me!

This plugins listens to Posts::saved event to generate the PDF and stored it under storage/app/media/newsletters/SLUG.pdf.

The Posts model fields are extended with one field newsPdf[template_code] that displays all PDF templates.

The Posts model gets extended by two relations:

  • pdf: Is the attached PDF file (see System\Models\File)
  • newsPdf: NewsPdf Model the extended model with a template_code field, where the current selected template is stored.

NewsPdf Model

  • Has one relation news to the Posts model of the news plugin.
  • Method generatePdf to generate the PDF with the current stored values in the database.
  • Found the plugin useful on 2 May, 2018

    hi . thanks a lot for this usefull plugin . but i have a question . You have a sample invoice pdf template in here . and i wan to create a new one and put my news content in the output as a pdf . what i should put in html template to work in news and show my contents and image that i used in news plugin ? Im confused . for example i write this : <h2 class="post-title">{{ post.title }}</h2> in html template to show my news title . but my PDF output is blank . pleas help me .

    And another question is : your plugin dont support UTF8 caracters ? because in output PDF it shows ???? caracters instead of words .


  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Sep, 2017

    Clients loves it


Support for newsletter copy/cloning

Jun 02, 2018


Fixing a bug with relation that sometimes id is not set

Oct 24, 2017


Fixing a bug with relation that sometimes has no id set

Aug 15, 2017


Extending news introductory and content with more fields

Jun 29, 2017


Updated table timfoerster_newspdf_newspdf

May 16, 2017


Adding plugin dependencies

May 16, 2017



May 13, 2017