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Vdlp.RedirectConditions.UserAgent (extension)

This is an extension plugin for the Redirect plugin for October CMS.


  • Plugin Vdlp.Redirect
  • Plugin Vdlp.RedirectConditions



On a positive match the redirect will take place if the request came from a Crawler.


On a positive match the redirect will take place if the request came from a specific device.

Available device types to choose from:

  • Smartphone
  • Tablet
  • Desktop


On a positive match the redirect will take place if the request came from a specific operating system.

Available operating system families to choose from:

  • Android
  • AmigaOS
  • Apple TV
  • BlackBerry
  • Brew
  • BeOS
  • Chrome OS
  • Firefox OS
  • Gaming Console
  • Google TV
  • IBM
  • iOS
  • GNU/Linux
  • Mac
  • Mobile Gaming Console
  • Real-time OS
  • Other Mobile
  • Symbian
  • Unix
  • WebTV
  • Windows
  • Windows Mobile

Unit tests

To run the Unit Tests of this plugin, execute the following command from the project root:

vendor/bin/phpunit plugins/vdlp/redirectconditionsuseragent

Questions? Need help?

If you have any question about how to use this plugin, please don't hesitate to contact us at octobercms@vdlp.nl. We're happy to help you. You can also visit the support forum and drop your questions/issues there.

For documentation on how to use the Redirect Conditions extension plugins or on how to make them yourself. Please check out the example extension plugin at GitHub.


Maintenance release

Jun 12, 2023


Add support for October CMS 3.0

Jun 11, 2022


First version of Vdlp.RedirectConditionsUserAgent

Mar 22, 2019