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Ajax-powered Masonry portfolio with category filters and a modal dialog.
Ajax-powered Masonry portfolio with category filters and a modal dialog.
This plugin adds a Twitter features to your page.
This plugin adds a Twitter features to your page.
The fastest static files cache system for OctoberCMS.
The fastest static files cache system for OctoberCMS.
A sitemap.xml generator for October CMS.
A sitemap.xml generator for October CMS.
LiqPay for Shopaholic
Payment gateway integration for Shopaholic.
LiqPay for Shopaholic
Payment gateway integration for Shopaholic.
GromIT.Forms is a simple and powerful frontend forms constructor for October CMS.
GromIT.Forms is a simple and powerful frontend forms constructor for October CMS.
Alfa-Bank for Shopaholic
Payment gateway integration for Shopaholic. 54-ФЗ Supported!
Alfa-Bank for Shopaholic
Payment gateway integration for Shopaholic. 54-ФЗ Supported!
Embed a YouTube video with additional data such as its description.
Embed a YouTube video with additional data such as its description.
Backend Skin
A plugin that can customize the backend skin
Backend Skin
A plugin that can customize the backend skin
Let's rent cars
The perfect solution for any car rental business
Let's rent cars
The perfect solution for any car rental business
Richeditor Snippets
Adds button to Richeditor toolbar to quickly add Snippets.
Richeditor Snippets
Adds button to Richeditor toolbar to quickly add Snippets.
HTML minify Plugin
Compresses HTML, inline CSS and JavaScript.
HTML minify Plugin
Compresses HTML, inline CSS and JavaScript.
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