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Show your brands, partners, projects, showcases, portfolio or anything else on your page. No other plugin requirements. Tested with latest October CMS build 382.

Key features

  • list of all brands with pagination, category filtration and letter filtration
  • customizable Bootstrap layout (1-12 columns)
  • one brand can be in many categories, with logo and unlimited images
  • show brand detail with a photo gallery
  • translations implemented
  • SiteSearch plugin native support

Use cases

  1. show clients logos with external links (or without)
  2. show projects for my clients represented by logos (with a photogallery at brand detail)
  3. show partners with cooperation details
  4. show my portfolio with screenshots


Example 1 Brands usage 1

Example 2

Brands usage 3

Example 3 Brands usage 2

Example 4 Brands usage 4

Create brands page

  • create new page
  • if you want to filter by brand categories, insert category filter to URL: /brands/:category?
  • insert Brands component
  • pick Brand page (brand detail) and Category page (brands in category)
  • if you want to filter by letters, insert Brand letters component

Example of Brands page with category and letter filtration:

title = "Brands"
url = "/brands/:category?"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

brandPage = "brand-detail"
categoryPage = "brands"
categoryFilter = "{{ :category }}"
perPage = 12
sortOrder = "ASC"
pageNumber = "{{ page }}"
perRow = 6
logoWidth = 300
logoHeight = 300

brandsPage = "brands"
    {% if category %} in category {{ category.name }}{% endif %}
    {% if letter %} starts with "{{ letter }}"{% endif %}

{% if category %}
    <a href="{{ 'brands' | page({category: ''}) }}">
        <small>< all categories</small>
{% endif %}

{% component 'letters' %}

{% component 'brands' %}

Create brand detail page

  • create new page with URL like that: /brand/:slug/
  • insert Brand component
  • pick Category page (page with Brands)

Example of Brand page:

title = "Brand detail"
url = "/brand/:slug/"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

slug = "{{ :slug }}"
categoryPage = "brands"
{% component 'brand' %}

Brand's links

Each brand can have multiple types of links:

  1. Link to brand detail - fill only slug and create brand detail page.
  2. External link - fill external link parameter, it will override internal link.
  3. No link - shows logo without any link, it will override all links above.

Extending plugin

For extending examples see Brands extending examples repository.


Please send Pull Request to the master branch. Please add also unit tests and make sure all unit tests are green.

Code check



Brands plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license same as OctoberCMS platform.

Icon made by Vectors Market from www.flaticon.com.


Add filtering by categories

May 12, 2019


Categories sort ordering

May 12, 2019


Fix showing only enabled brands

Jan 17, 2017


Fix letters component when replacing component with own code

Jan 03, 2017


Add letters filtration

Dec 31, 2016


Fix typo

Dec 30, 2016


Add DE locale (thanks to Patrick Durrer)

Dec 15, 2016


Add CS locale

Dec 13, 2016


First version of Brands

Dec 12, 2016