Protected Mode for Private Plugins & Themes

Posted in Announcements on Oct 15, 2019

Our recent update to introduce Private Plugins & Themes has drawn lots of attention. Today we are improving the feature even further by adding Protected Mode. This new feature allows authors to protect private plugins and themes from being accessible but still remains flexible if they want to share their products.

Welcome Private Plugins & Themes!

Posted in Announcements on Oct 02, 2019

We are asked this question all the time - how can I update private plugins and themes in October CMS? There are various ways to do it, but no option is as convenient as the native October CMS gateway. Today we have an answer - welcome October CMS Private Plugins & Themes!

Getting started with October CMS and Static Pages - v.2

Posted in Tutorials on Aug 29, 2019

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create a website with pages editable in WYSIWYG mode, and blogging features. We will use the Static Pages plugin that allows creating a dynamic website structure with pages and menus manageable by non-tech savvy end-users. At the same time, the website will include dynamic blog pages, with content managed with the Blog plugin.

Themes marketplace update

Posted in Announcements on Jun 06, 2019

Today we are publishing a small but significant update to the marketplace. The recent plugins marketplace improvement made the navigation and plugin search process more straightforward for marketplace users. Today’s update does the same for the Themes marketplace.

Running October on AWS - Part 2

Posted in Architecture, Tutorials on May 27, 2019

This post continues as the second part of the Running October on AWS series. In this article, we are going to install the web server software and October CMS on the Staging server. We will also create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), containing the configured web server and October installation.

Running October on AWS - Part 1

Posted in Architecture, Tutorials on Apr 25, 2019

We are often asked by the community whether websites and applications built with October CMS can be scalable and if it’s possible to build a high-availability infrastructure running October. In this post series we will explain how to build cloud infrastructure using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Marketplace update - more accurate installation counting

Posted in Announcements on Apr 08, 2019

Today we've released a small but important update to the marketplace. We have always been using the number of projects as the popularity indicator for free plugins and themes. From now on the marketplace will display the number of installations for free products instead. This is a more precise method of showing how popular a product is within the October community.

1Pilot Updates: Email Verification and Centralized Error Logs

Posted in Announcements on Apr 03, 2019

1Pilot is an advanced monitoring and management platform for all your OctoberCMS sites. The service launched with an extended free-trial period in November 2018, when more than 150 users tested the platform with over 500 sites, many of whom have carried on using the full post-launch service. The team at inetis have been working hard to launch the full 1Pilot service, which went live in February 2019. Since then, inetis has released its first batch of major updates, which bring exciting and useful new tools to the platform as suggested by early-adopters.

Marketplace Success Story: Form Builder

Posted in Case Studies on Feb 05, 2019

Form Builder is the top performing plugin on the October CMS marketplace. Added in August of 2015, it quickly became popular and by that time it was used in 1000+ projects. For a long time, it proudly took first place in the Best Paid Plugins chart. We asked Michał Płodowski, the plugin author, to share his experience of developing, supporting and selling a popular product on the October marketplace.

Introducing Bundles

Posted in Announcements on Jan 28, 2019

Today we are introducing a new product type on the October CMS marketplace ­ bundles. Bundles are containers for plugins and themes, which can be added to a project with one click.