Themes marketplace update

Posted in Announcements on Jun 06, 2019

Today we are publishing a small but significant update to the marketplace. The recent plugins marketplace improvement made the navigation and plugin search process more straightforward for marketplace users. Today’s update does the same for the Themes marketplace.

Updates to the Theme Categories

The Themes page now has a layout similar to the Plugins page. The new sidebar allows navigating between categories. The updated grid displays more products on the page, without losing information important for decision making.

We have added more theme categories to make the marketplace more granular and improve the overall visibility of each theme. We’ve also removed the ambiguous Miscellaneous category, which was assigned to multiple categories without adding much information about the theme’s purpose. Themes can now only have a maximum of two categories assigned.

When choosing categories for your themes, think about the main features the theme provides and what features your prospective customer might be looking for. We have updated categories for all published themes. Feel free to recategorize your themes or contact us if you think that more categories are needed.

Themes can now be promoted

The ability to promote plugins has helped a lot of authors to launch new products. This feature is now available for all themes. You can find the Promotions tab on the Theme Details page in the Author Dashboard section of My Account.

We hope this little step will make both theme authors and marketplace users happier!

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