All plugins

Small Contact Form

Small Contact Form

Simple but flexible multi language contact form builder with custom fields, validation and antispam

22,890 installations
# 7 in Free of all time.

Small Contact Form

Simple but flexible multi language contact form builder with custom fields, validation and antispam

Search for Shopaholic

Search for Shopaholic

Allows customers to search products, categories, brands and tags

249 projects
# 7 in Paid of all time.

Search for Shopaholic

Allows customers to search products, categories, brands and tags

Properties for Shopaholic

Properties for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to set additional properties to products and offers

442 projects
# 8 in Paid of all time.

Properties for Shopaholic

Allows sellers to set additional properties to products and offers



Manage all your HTTP redirects with an easy to use GUI. This is an essential SEO plugin.

23,136 installations
# 9 in Free of all time.


Manage all your HTTP redirects with an easy to use GUI. This is an essential SEO plugin.

Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication

Adds an extra layer of security to the October CMS backend.

162 projects
# 9 in Paid of all time.

Two Factor Authentication

Adds an extra layer of security to the October CMS backend.

Twig Extensions

Twig Extensions

Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...

56,882 installations
# 10 in Free of all time.

Twig Extensions

Add filters wordwrap, strftime, ltrim, rtrim, strip_tags, var_dump and more...

Filter for Shopaholic

Filter for Shopaholic

Allows customres to filter products by price, properties, discount, quantity

291 projects
# 10 in Paid of all time.

Filter for Shopaholic

Allows customres to filter products by price, properties, discount, quantity



Adds location based features, such as Country and State.

57,521 installations
# 11 in Free of all time.


Adds location based features, such as Country and State.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom fields for you CMS Pages, RainLab.Blog and Rainlab.User

185 projects
# 11 in Paid of all time.

Custom Fields

Custom fields for you CMS Pages, RainLab.Blog and Rainlab.User

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Provides the Google Analytics tracking and reporting.

35,351 installations
# 12 in Free of all time.

Google Analytics

Provides the Google Analytics tracking and reporting.

Mighty SEO

Mighty SEO

Adds SEO tasks automation

244 projects
# 12 in Paid of all time.

Mighty SEO

Adds SEO tasks automation



No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS

21,501 installations
# 13 in Free of all time.


No. 1 e-commerce platform for October CMS