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Schema Markup

A plugin that enables dynamically generates structured data. Structured data (JSON-LD schema) based on Schema.org that can be used on a webpage to provide search engines with rich data in a format they can be use to create snippets of information. These snippets can enhance your search results and potentially help to improve your sites visibility / SEO. A snippet could be your companies contact details, a carousel of products, reviews and much more. See Google's search engine gallery for details of snippet and structured data the support.


  • Easy for use - add component (or multiple components) "ldJson" on layout, page, partial and enjoi!
  • Support Dynamic Twig-variables
  • Support Custom Values as key/value from component alias define
  • Support recursive Nested schema

Live demo


(schemamarkup/admin): https://schemamarkup.test.linkonoid.com/backend


Demo for v1 Demo for v2

Sponsored information

Thanks Mightyhaggis for your support.

My others quality plugins:

  • Multi Domains (Create multiple domains or url and bind this to arbitry theme or page/staticpage with extending routing rules use single CMS installation)
  • Back To Front (Components for creates All Backend Widgets in Frontend pages: Lists, Search, Filter, Forms, FormWidgets, MediaManager, Reports and manage this items)
  • Backend Menu (Complete change and reconfiguration of all menus in backend: adding, rename, move, hide, icons adding and change)
  • Backend Popup (Quick modify records in backend controllers lists in modal popup mode)
  • Multi Revisions(Adds Revisions in all models and plugins. Revert all changes from history to Model and Page has never been easier)
  • Custom fields (Expander) (Extend all available models: adding all types custom fields +attributes for model with in database save, and controllers: extends lists and adding custom Behaviors with built-in CMS tools in easy visual mode)
  • UniDoc(Generate Excel, Word (PhpOffice), Pdf (Snappy || mPDF || TCPD || Dompdf) documents easy on fly and make manipulations with files)
  • Shortcodes Engine (Free plugin. Core plugin for includes shortcodes in page content, support Static pages)
  • Include Content (Free plugin. Include content on page from other site or file)
  • AdSense (Free plugin. Enables to use AdSense on page)
  • Datatables (View big data table on page in Ajax-mode)
  • Auto SEO (Full SEO automate. Generate SEO tags based on rules and page content data)
  • Desktop application builder (Free experimental plugin. Easy make Desktop Application on OctoberCMS base)

This is very brief information. More information can be found on the support forum or see a demo version of the plugin, where all sorts of settings are implemented (they are also test ones).


Templates path

The priority of the paths is as follows:

  • a) Custom path in Settings
  • b) /temlates/activeTheme/schemas
  • c) /plugins/linkonoid/schemamarkup/schemas (Attention! Several schemas have already been defined here. These are just test schemas for testing the plugin and as an example of use. In the future, it is planned to add layouts for all the main schemas used.)

Cache Life

As templates can be recussive and require multiple file reads cache is used to reduce this need and keep your site running fast. The cache automatically expires upon the time limit (seconds) or when a layout being updated.

YAML definition for Schema @

YAML does not understand the @ symbol in the definition of an array key (to be precise, you need to wrap key in quotes), this option allow you to markup correctly and have the correct syntax generated. Another option woulld be to wrap the key in "quotes".

Sub template prefix

Used to indicate that the value is another template that should be included and replace value

Example schema-template

_type: Organization
"@id": "{{ ''|app }}"
name : "{{ test }}"
url: "{{ ''|app }}"
logo: "{{ this.theme.company_logo.path }}"
    telephone : "{{ this.theme.company_telephone }}"
    contactType: "customer service"


Include in layout or partial

The Schema Markup plugin component can be included in your website using the standard method of adding the component to the CMS Layout, Page or Partial

Dynamic variables

This plugin supports all avaiables Twig variables ans Twig markup in templates and in users key:value variables.

There are three methods to use dynamic variables

  • In the component setup using the Custom values option. By specifying a key in dot notation parent.child you can targent values of any array depth. Values can be a direct input, {{ twig_variable }} or a &sub_Template

  • Within the Layout or Page varabiles can been set in the Code Section: onStart () {$this['twig_variable'] = '.....'} and used in your template with standard twig markup {{twig_variable}}. An array can also be passed and processed with the Twig filter {{array_variable | json_encode()}}.

  • Variables can also be set directly in the Code Section by referencing the key in your schema template. array_set($this->componentAlias->schema['schemaTemplate'], 'schemaKey', $customVariable);. This will automatically update the value with no Twig markup needed.

Nested schema

Use & (or your custom prefix from Settings) for define sub/nested schema templates in this format address: &PostalAddress


Fixed render bug

Jan 29, 2022


Fixed nested Twig-syntax render bug

Apr 22, 2021


Fixed nested render bug

Apr 22, 2021


Fixed a small translation error

Apr 06, 2021


First version of SchemaMarkup

Apr 03, 2021